Was the alter-ego of another poster. Still around and posting occasionally but they’re Charlton going (like many) faded over the last five years. Did some funny stuff.
Was the alter-ego of another poster. Still around and posting occasionally but they’re Charlton going (like many) faded over the last five years. Did some funny stuff.
Admin should do something about multi users names for the same poster
Was the alter-ego of another poster. Still around and posting occasionally but they’re Charlton going (like many) faded over the last five years. Did some funny stuff.
Admin should do something about multi users names for the same poster
And it's "their".
Oh no it's not, They're as in they are. There. Fixed it for you.
Was the alter-ego of another poster. Still around and posting occasionally but they’re Charlton going (like many) faded over the last five years. Did some funny stuff.
Admin should do something about multi users names for the same poster
And it's "their".
Oh no it's not, They're as in they are. There. Fixed it for you.
And it's "their".
@AFKABartram ain't fecking Yoda.
It's "but their Charlton going (like many) faded...…" Unless off course there are more than one @incognito_addick.