Bonne falls over in Fulham penalty area but the ball unfortunately does-not bounce of his backside into the goal.
Fulham shot off target. Caskey cross across face of goal. Fulham keep flails at it, like trying to stop a caged catch a freed caged bird escaping out the front window.
Charlton supporters showing love for Scott Parker - not.
Charlton defending & trying to continue to pass the ball. Connor Gallagher working hard &chasing everything thing down, as is whole of midfield.
Super Charlton & VFR loud on the TV.
Fulham shot off target. Caskey cross across face of goal. Fulham keep flails at it, like trying to stop a caged catch a freed caged bird escaping out the front window.
Charlton supporters showing love for Scott Parker - not.
Mitrovic leans backward & falls over in crap attempt at getting a pen. Keith Stroud unsually doesn’t fall for it.
23 mins quarter in Charlton done well so far.
Still plenty of time left for that.