I used to say nothing, I now believe it was my way of saying I’m suffering to so don’t go there.
If you're of a certain generation mental health was never talked about and people who suffered were judged harshly. I'm not sure if this was down to fear or ignorance?
I had a bad bout of depression in the 90s which I had to keep to myself in the workplace and received very little support from most people. 'Suffering in silence' seemed to be what was expected. It was a horrendous experience and I was shocked by attitudes at the time.
It's hard to understand how debiltating depression is unless you've suffered from it.
A huge stigma.... Speaking to my Mother shortly before her death about the suicide of my Dad in 1963, I asked if there were any signs his mental health was suffering. It was simply shot down by her, he wasn’t having any mental health problems! My breakdown came about after her death when all the details of my dads death and how I was the first to enter the house and find him. Then being able to talk openly about historical child abuse within the family which led to me running away from home at 12 yrs old, this even at her death was deemed to be rubbish by my our mother who seemed to feel it was a personal slur that she married a wrong’un. In fact she went on to marry five more wrong’uns and my step sisters talk of many “Uncles” visiting the house in between marriages lasting as little as 6 weeks. Keeping up the smiley, happy go lucky Me was failing more and more often when I was out on my own I’d be thinking horrible thoughts about finding my dad, these turned to nightmares. Fortunately and I say fortunately, I turned an ankle in a rabbit hole and went to my gp and saw there was an issue, my acceptance that I had a problem followed soon after and now the darker days are fewer and the light and the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. My wife and our work with our dogs, my beautiful granddaughter who took her first steps with me and I’m now teaching her reading and recognising words keeps me busy, getting involved supporting charities or other worthy causes keeps the dark days to a minimum
I’ve had problems with my sleep on and off for the past two years. It started before my daughter was born, following a scan were told there was a chance our baby would have Down Syndrome. I’d wake up in the night feeling like I was being squashed. That soon turned into finding myself almost jumping out of bed. That results in a lack of sleep and sometimes getting stuck in negative cycle, which in turn makes it even worse.
It stopped after she was born when we found she had Turner syndrome.
Fortunately she’s doing very well. Her nursery describe her as very determined and strong willed.
Ever since then a problem, stress or anxiety could kick it off again, and it wouldn’t stop until I worked out what it was and resolved it in some way.
Last night when thoughts of the night ahead were coming into my head I tried putting on the hypnosis video below to listen to in the background. I used these for a while last year and for whatever reason hadn’t tried them since then. It doesn’t sound believable but it honestly calmed down those thoughts and I went to bed feeling relaxed and really positive. I left it on overnight and I’ve had my best night in a few weeks. Not perfect but almost normal. I woke up just before 6 and felt too awake and positive to sleep.
I thought it was worth sharing as it may help someone else. If you look through the channel there are plenty more videos on all sorts of topics including confidence, quitting smoking, stress, being successful at work etc.
Happy World Mental Health Day to all my fellow sufferers. May your day be a good one and if it’s not then the CL mental health thread is always there to listen. You are not alone.
Happy World Mental Health Day to all my fellow sufferers. May your day be a good one and if it’s not then the CL mental health thread is always there to listen. You are not alone.
Happy World Mental Health Day to you @Arsenetatters and everybody else out there.
My tip to improve mental health: Just stop watching the 'News'.
I stopped watching/re ading the news many years ago.
Of course can’t avoid it totally, every time I pick up my phone I’m likely to get a snippet but I just don’t get embroiled in it.
Any cataclysmic event, meteor or 🦕 returning, I guess I’ll know soon enough.
You can change your settings so that you don't see any news at all on your phone.
Do you have an iphone or non iphone (android)?
Go to your settings and find the "News" app and turn it off. It's explained about halfway down the page in this link (look for "How to Disable Apple News Alerts Completely" https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/apple-news-alerts-ios-11/ )
Then you go back to main phone screen....swipe left until you see the News app on the screen and hold it and "delete widget"
Ian Hislop at the Cheltenham Literary Festival yesterday mentioned they'd done a cartoon of The Bi-Polar Duke of York for World Mental Health Day. "When he was up, he was up...".
They got a letter from a person who was bi-polar. He said "I found the cartoon in very poor taste, then I looked at it a few hours later and thought it very funny".
Ian Hislop at the Cheltenham Literary Festival yesterday mentioned they'd done a cartoon of The Bi-Polar Duke of York for World Mental Health Day. "When he was up, he was up...".
They got a letter from a person who was bi-polar. He said "I found the cartoon in very poor taste, then I looked at it a few hours later and thought it very funny".
Absolutely disgusted. From Tunbridge Wells
You have to be able to laugh at yourself or in my case at my many selves.
Ian Hislop at the Cheltenham Literary Festival yesterday mentioned they'd done a cartoon of The Bi-Polar Duke of York for World Mental Health Day. "When he was up, he was up...".
They got a letter from a person who was bi-polar. He said "I found the cartoon in very poor taste, then I looked at it a few hours later and thought it very funny".
Well I'm currently beyond depressed. So my advice is probably going to be a tad irrelevant at the moment. Considering I haven't actually been able to fully help myself.
I would say prior to the possibility of eventually getting depressed. Follow these steps and guidelines.
I'm sure everyone already knows that excersise, meditation, socialising is important and helpful. I don't need to bring those things up.
1. Put yourself 1st. It will enable you to help other people as long as you are secure in yourself.
A really random example. The Rock.
He's openly admitted he suffered from depression. No one would have guessed that. He is now a very confident helpful people person. Just a friendly bloke. This example sort of sounds laughable, but it's true. It's more of an analogy.
He put himself 1st and pushed ambition and his passions for life forward. He didn't allow dark thoughts of an external current to drag him away somewhere else.
2. Don't take any crap/shit from anyone. Don't be an easy target.
Even if you are lonely and you feel you need to oblige in order to keep people close. Stand up for yourself. If no one understands or no one cares. Just politely tell them to f*ck off. Maybe they are not worth it. It depends.
You are worth a lot.
3. It is an injury. It's a very painful one. It's just not visible to the naked eye. It is a physical injury. Don't beat yourself up too much.
4. When you have deep hurtful past memories. Write them down on a piece of paper. Or just put them in on your notes via your phone perhaps.
It won't 100% get rid of your problems, but doing this will still help. It might release some pain and it might help at least a little bit.
You can see a psychologist.
I see one and I would highly recommend her.
I don't want to go down this road but when you see her, you might be a tad overwhelmed.... in a positive way. You are then perhaps in a good mood and you want her to like you. Quite simply a rather lovely blonde lady.
Sort of have to remind myself I'm in gravesend, not L.A bound mental psychological new Netflix show starring a 10/10 actress.
5. Call the CALM helpline and just have a chat. It helped me last night. You can be open and honest.
6. Take a breather. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself. If you need some peaceful time to switch off. Then see if it can be done.
Repair yourself.
If anyone with issues at the moment would maybe like to pm me, I would be happy to have a chat and see how you are doing.
You can be open and honest with me.
We all need to help each other out. We are only human and no one is better or worse then anyone else.
Well I'm currently beyond depressed. So my advice is probably going to be a tad irrelevant at the moment. Considering I haven't actually been able to fully help myself.
I would say prior to the possibility of eventually getting depressed. Follow these steps and guidelines.
I'm sure everyone already knows that excersise, meditation, socialising is important and helpful. I don't need to bring those things up.
1. Put yourself 1st. It will enable you to help other people as long as you are secure in yourself.
A really random example. The Rock.
He's openly admitted he suffered from depression. No one would have guessed that. He is now a very confident helpful people person. Just a friendly bloke. This example sort of sounds laughable, but it's true. It's more of an analogy.
He put himself 1st and pushed ambition and his passions for life forward. He didn't allow dark thoughts of an external current to drag him away somewhere else.
2. Don't take any crap/shit from anyone. Don't be an easy target.
Even if you are lonely and you feel you need to oblige in order to keep people close. Stand up for yourself. If no one understands or no one cares. Just politely tell them to f*ck off. Maybe they are not worth it. It depends.
You are worth a lot.
3. It is an injury. It's a very painful one. It's just not visible to the naked eye. It is a physical injury. Don't beat yourself up too much.
4. When you have deep hurtful past memories. Write them down on a piece of paper. Or just put them in on your notes via your phone perhaps.
It won't 100% get rid of your problems, but doing this will still help. It might release some pain and it might help at least a little bit.
You can see a psychologist.
I see one and I would highly recommend her.
I don't want to go down this road but when you see her, you might be a tad overwhelmed.... in a positive way. You are then perhaps in a good mood and you want her to like you. Quite simply a rather lovely blonde lady.
Sort of have to remind myself I'm in gravesend, not L.A bound mental psychological new Netflix show starring a 10/10 actress.
5. Call the CALM helpline and just have a chat. It helped me last night. You can be open and honest.
6. Take a breather. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself. If you need some peaceful time to switch off. Then see if it can be done.
Repair yourself.
If anyone with issues at the moment would maybe like to pm me, I would be happy to have a chat and see how you are doing.
You can be open and honest with me.
We all need to help each other out. We are only human and no one is better or worse then anyone else.
@Dave21this is good advice - can you copy it onto the mental health thread? I'm sure it would be of interest.
Real shame this hasn't been picked up on more. Admittedly my mental health is all over the place at the moment so I had avoided this thread, I know better but sometimes you just want to focus on yourself.
Fantastic to see the club continuing to do good community work.
Speaking to my Mother shortly before her death about the suicide of my Dad in 1963, I asked if there were any signs his mental health was suffering. It was simply shot down by her, he wasn’t having any mental health problems! My breakdown came about after her death when all the details of my dads death and how I was the first to enter the house and find him. Then being able to talk openly about historical child abuse within the family which led to me running away from home at 12 yrs old, this even at her death was deemed to be rubbish by my our mother who seemed to feel it was a personal slur that she married a wrong’un. In fact she went on to marry five more wrong’uns and my step sisters talk of many “Uncles” visiting the house in between marriages lasting as little as 6 weeks. Keeping up the smiley, happy go lucky Me was failing more and more often when I was out on my own I’d be thinking horrible thoughts about finding my dad, these turned to nightmares. Fortunately and I say fortunately, I turned an ankle in a rabbit hole and went to my gp and saw there was an issue, my acceptance that I had a problem followed soon after and now the darker days are fewer and the light and the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. My wife and our work with our dogs, my beautiful granddaughter who took her first steps with me and I’m now teaching her reading and recognising words keeps me busy, getting involved supporting charities or other worthy causes keeps the dark days to a minimum
Fortunately she’s doing very well. Her nursery describe her as very determined and strong willed. Ever since then a problem, stress or anxiety could kick it off again, and it wouldn’t stop until I worked out what it was and resolved it in some way.
Last night when thoughts of the night ahead were coming into my head I tried putting on the hypnosis video below to listen to in the background. I used these for a while last year and for whatever reason hadn’t tried them since then. It doesn’t sound believable but it honestly calmed down those thoughts and I went to bed feeling relaxed and really positive. I left it on overnight and I’ve had my best night in a few weeks. Not perfect but almost normal. I woke up just before 6 and felt too awake and positive to sleep.
I thought it was worth sharing as it may help someone else. If you look through the channel there are plenty more videos on all sorts of topics including confidence, quitting smoking, stress, being successful at work etc.
I stopped watching/reading the news many years ago.
Of course can’t avoid it totally, every time I pick up my phone I’m likely to get a snippet but I just don’t get embroiled in it.
Any cataclysmic event, meteor or 🦕 returning, I guess I’ll know soon enough.
Do you have an iphone or non iphone (android)?
Go to your settings and find the "News" app and turn it off. It's explained about halfway down the page in this link (look for "How to Disable Apple News Alerts Completely" https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/apple-news-alerts-ios-11/ )
Then you go back to main phone screen....swipe left until you see the News app on the screen and hold it and "delete widget"
They got a letter from a person who was bi-polar. He said "I found the cartoon in very poor taste, then I looked at it a few hours later and thought it very funny".
Tunbridge Wells
You have to be able to laugh at yourself or in my case at my many selves.
I think it's funny
I would say prior to the possibility of eventually getting depressed. Follow these steps and guidelines.
I'm sure everyone already knows that excersise, meditation, socialising is important and helpful. I don't need to bring those things up.
1. Put yourself 1st. It will enable you to help other people as long as you are secure in yourself.
A really random example. The Rock.
He's openly admitted he suffered from depression. No one would have guessed that.
He is now a very confident helpful people person. Just a friendly bloke. This example sort of sounds laughable, but it's true. It's more of an analogy.
He put himself 1st and pushed ambition and his passions for life forward. He didn't allow dark thoughts of an external current to drag him away somewhere else.
2. Don't take any crap/shit from anyone. Don't be an easy target.
Even if you are lonely and you feel you need to oblige in order to keep people close. Stand up for yourself. If no one understands or no one cares. Just politely tell them to f*ck off. Maybe they are not worth it. It depends.
You are worth a lot.
3. It is an injury. It's a very painful one. It's just not visible to the naked eye. It is a physical injury. Don't beat yourself up too much.
4. When you have deep hurtful past memories. Write them down on a piece of paper. Or just put them in on your notes via your phone perhaps.
It won't 100% get rid of your problems, but doing this will still help. It might release some pain and it might help at least a little bit.
You can see a psychologist.
I see one and I would highly recommend her.
I don't want to go down this road but when you see her, you might be a tad overwhelmed.... in a positive way. You are then perhaps in a good mood and you want her to like you. Quite simply a rather lovely blonde lady.
Sort of have to remind myself I'm in gravesend, not L.A bound mental psychological new Netflix show starring a 10/10 actress.
5. Call the CALM helpline and just have a chat. It helped me last night. You can be open and honest.
6. Take a breather. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself. If you need some peaceful time to switch off. Then see if it can be done.
Repair yourself.
If anyone with issues at the moment would maybe like to pm me, I would be happy to have a chat and see how you are doing.
You can be open and honest with me.
We all need to help each other out. We are only human and no one is better or worse then anyone else.
Fantastic to see the club continuing to do good community work.