See this on Facebook where they’re shitting on the fan for being ‘a grass’, and thought it was only right it’s shared on here.
i for one wasn’t at the game on Saturday, this apparently occurred in north upper (covered end!!).
Did anybody else see/hear this? Disgusting if so, and even more disgusting that nothing was done about it ....
Had some absolute dickheads in there yesterday though, high pitch screaming anytime Preston were on the attack. Was coming from a similar part of the block so wouldn't be surprised if it was the same group.
A bloke I know is a season ticket holder and member of the Wolves London supporters club. He reported a fellow Wolves fan for doing a full on monkey impression at a Chelsea player.
The outcome is the bloke has had to move seats because 'monkey man' is looking for him and others around have called him a grass.
Didn't see it so we all have to be careful about not jumping to conclusions.
I am sure that if the person that reported it, or anyone else that saw it contact the club then they will investigate it further and do something about it.
Disgusting behaviour if true and no place for it anywhere in society.
In my experience, Charlton have been very good at identifying anyone exhibiting this type of behaviour. So, even if it means spending time up in the police box next to the JS Stand scanning monitors to identify perpetrators, anyone should be encouraged to it.
Racism is a disgusting, unforgivable stain and is dangerous and illegal. If you see it, report it. Every single time.
Say for example you reported some ASB to the club but the person had stopped doing it by the time the message got through to the control room what can they do except monitor it?
Frankly, the club should be taking action against the idiot on the FB group who thinks reporting racism is grassing.
We have a multi racial team(as do most clubs) and are rightly proud of our kick it out campaign.
These idiots are quite possibly the same ones who caused problems at the Welling game,and smashed up the toilets at Gillingham,and we do not want them anywhere near our club.
I think what I meant is that it is unlikely to have been any of the regulars. It's sad to think that there are still racists in 2019, surely a very small minority?
These young males threw coins at a foreign female supporter for chanting in a high pitched foreign voice. They screamed back at her - imitating her chanting. They told her to ‘shut the fu*k up’ and to ‘f**k off’. They called her a ‘slag’ and continued to imitate her accent and language.
Very sad that they were able to stay and watch the game and leave with no action being taken against them. We need to chase the scum out of society.