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Simple poll. The Valley or new stadium.



  • C. Home is where your heart is, and mine is at the Valley 
  • seth plum said:
    But with the North Lower as a standing section.
    But also a block (possibly block G in the East Stand) designated for woke anti racist vegan/vegetarian non Tory brexit hating supporters.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
    Agree with block G but can you insert Gluten Free ahead of vegan/veggie as it's not a lifestyle choice, unless it's a no-arguments block as well ;-)
  • edited February 2021
    iaitch said:
    Could the east stand go any higher now that they've built houses behind it?

    40,000 would be 50% increase, be a bit of a squeeze getting to the station.
    There has always been houses behind The East stand, the full length of the stadium in fact.
  • se9addick said:
    New stad-i-um,
    The mist rolling in from the Thames,...

    Nah, just doesn't sound right.
    We could name the new stadium after the nearby airport, then it might work, something like:

    ”City Ground
    The most rolling in from the...”
    Call it that and Lyle would want to come and play for us.
  • Stay at the Valley and in the Premier League, 27k is big enough, 32k probably would be.

    just needs a refurb when TS gets ownership 
  • iaitch said:
    Could the east stand go any higher now that they've built houses behind it?

    40,000 would be 50% increase, be a bit of a squeeze getting to the station.
    There has always been houses behind The East stand, the full length of the stadium in fact.
    I know that but these new ones seem to be very close, loss of light etc, planners getting a bit arsy.
  • Valley 
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  • The’s ours & it’s unique, could & should never even be thinking of leaving,if we ever f do get back to the PL it’s more than enough for little ole Charlton...👍
  • The two clubs I who's model I think we'll follow, Brighton and Brentford. The Amex is only slightly bigger then the Valley. The issue with the Valley is hospitality, that'll be where they'll need to be investment.
  • The elephant in the room is the sad old man in Belgium. Let's hope that when the time comes, Sandgaard can do a meaningful deal with him.
  • Rothko said:
    The two clubs I who's model I think we'll follow, Brighton and Brentford. The Amex is only slightly bigger then the Valley. The issue with the Valley is hospitality, that'll be where they'll need to be investment.
    Exactly this. It's interesting that Brentford's new stadium will only have a 17K capacity. They obviously see the revenues coming from elsewhere, hospitality as you say, and streaming. The Valley is big enough overall, we need to somehow deal with the accoustics to make it more intimidating for away teams.
  • I'm not advocating a new stadium, but if we did want one we could probably buy a plot on one of those retail estates on Bugsby's Way with the way retail has been decimated by internet shopping
  • did we get promoted or something recently? 
  • edited February 2021
    Oooh Premier League- DIV1 was better laugh.
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  • Flibbertigibbet.
  • Filling in the south corners and redeveloping the JS would take it to about 35k tops depending on how high they can take it. 

    A new stadium could feasibly fit in somewhere on the Peninsula, taking over where the golf range is for instance, or taking over some of the old industrial sites between The Thames and the A206. There's also a huge patch of land where Tivoli Gardens is that's been levelled, no idea what the plans for that are
  • Take the £400M it would take to build a new stadium... take £200M of that and refurbish The Valley... take the other £200M and spend it on net incoming transfers and salaries over 4 years and we are in the PL. Win-win.
  • The Valley is our home. Simple. So we stay there. TS will be able to sort the ownership out. Just given him time.
  • Just tidy up the south end of the stadium. Fill in the corners and make it a bit taller, like the Covered End, should take us to around 30,000 which is adequate.
  • iaitch said:
    Just tidy up the south end of the stadium. Fill in the corners and make it a bit taller, like the Covered End, should take us to around 30,000 which is adequate.
    If we can return to gates of 27k regularly I'll be surprised. Also there's no guarantee or likelihood that TS plans for top end Premier League will actually materialise. If we can get to the top division, would we realistically stay there. Our history has not suggested that we are a top flight club. The last time we had average gates of 40k+ was in the 1940's even by the 50's they had dropped significantly. 65 odd years since we left the old first division, most years have been in Division Two / Championship, which would mean the Valley as it currently stands is perfectly adequate. I think we should be established in Premier League for at least 5 years before increasing stadium size. 
  • J BLOCK said:
    Massively against ever leaving the Valley. I'd hate us to sell our selves out for day tripper Premier league fans.
    It wouldn’t be the first time 
  • J BLOCK said:
    Massively against ever leaving the Valley. I'd hate us to sell our selves out for day tripper Premier league fans.
    It wouldn’t be the first time 
    Play nicely. 
  • J BLOCK said:
    Massively against ever leaving the Valley. I'd hate us to sell our selves out for day tripper Premier league fans.
    It wouldn’t be the first time 
    Play nicely. 
    Come on mate, that was teed up perfectly for me. You can’t blame me for having a little prod there 😉

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