Advance singles priced at £18.50 [£12.20] available on 07.03 from Kings Cross Arr Leeds 09.16
On later trains £39.50 [£26.05]
Return Journey £39.50 [£26.05] on direct trains but via York there are cheaper tickets £23.50 [£15.50] on some trains & £16.00 [£10.55] on the 18.18 departure from Leeds.
Railcard fares in brackets.
I will investigate other routes for cheaper tickets.
SKY announce games for live coverage a week before this fixture.
It's worth checking out a few if you can be bothered and want the cheapest deal.
Dep 07.00 arr York 08.52 fare as below
Dep 07.06 arr York 09.27 fare as below
Dep 07.30 arr York 09.32 advance single £18.50 [£12.20]
Dep 07.48 arr York 09.44 advance single £18.70 [£12.35]
Dep 08.00 arr York 09.52 advance single £23.50 [£15.50]
There are plenty of trains between York/Leeds journey time between 20-30 minutes
Day return fares vary on different train companies & times & there are advance singles on some trains priced at £4.80 [£3.50]
Railcard fares in brackets.
Im sure his saved lots of fellow trainers a few quid this season.
Also there is a 06.30 dep arr Leeds 08.52 price £18.50 [£12.20]
The York route is selling quickly,but there is a 17.06 dep from York arr Kings Cross 19.09 price £13.30 [£8.80]
Railcard fares in brackets.
I remember being at Cardiff when they won promotion, stayed to watch a bit of the celebrations then left them to it!