So just to add some more fun and games into Coronafest 2020 my fecking oven has broken today. Had it repaired before but it's gone again and probably time to get a new one.
Question is that the current oven is about 15 plus years old. It is plugged into the mains and (from vague memory) with a bog standard plug.
The new ovens we are looking at are 4.8 kilowatts.
Would this come with a plug? If so are there any considerations in terms of the kilowatts?
Or does it need to be wired in and if so how complex (and expensive) is that sort of thing?
Completely clueless about all of this stuff so any insight will be gratefully received.
Cheers in advance
maybe even treat yourself to one of these
Your chosen oven needs to be hard-wired professionally onto a ring with suitable capacity (32 amps would be a minimum).
Cost will depend on your electrician, but there is no way to cut corners here.
5.8kW is a lot of power. Do it right.
Only drawbacks: it has a short lead so need to have it close to socket an quite large and obviously not cheap.
Have a crock pot slow/ pressure cooker so not stumped. Used it tonight and the food came out better than out of the oven so in no rush to shell out on a new one now especially in the current climate with the logistics of getting it installed etc.