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Who is the biggest villain...



  • edited July 2020
    Right at this moment the biggest villain is


    had he stayed till the season end and been committed, those defeats may have become draws and the draws may have become wins!

    He totally fucked over our playing ability, along with fucking over, Bowyer, Jackson, Gallen, his teammates, staff and us supporters!
  • Murray. For having no plan B when Curbs left. The snowball started from there IMO.

  • Spivs that owned the club before Roland are also to blame for the situation we are in now.
  • What a difficult question. Duchatalet at least allowed us a semblance of a squad at the beginning of the season, and it mustn;t be forgotten that we had a great start. The injuries came, the "saviour" Southall came in with his bullshit and lies, that fooled most of us for a couple of months. His lying during the non-existent January transfer window was probably more blatant than anything that ever came from Meire's mouth.

    Yes, Roland sold for a pittance and kept the grounds but was he aware what a shyster he was dealing with? Would we have been in the same predicament with RD as owner, who at least did put his hand in his pocket for players occasionally?

    Gotta be Southall for me.
  • Yeah, just fuck off, people keep thinking it's me posting all this shit. 

    The CL dyslexic group want you banned.
  • Southall by a Cxuntry mile.
  • Me, for putting up with all this nonsense all season. Started off owned by a nutcase who doesn't care about the club and always hamstrings the manager, slipped into an injury crisis worse than any I've ever seen resulting in us playing academy players who wouldn't be getting a start in League 2 in the first team, squelched over to a new ownership full of empty promises and no permanent signings in the transfer window that could have saved us, secret transfer embargo, eased into some of the most insane ownership shenanigans there have ever been, COVID lockdown, somehow lurched into yet another ownership crisis, and yet for some reason there I was still paying attention during the last game of the season and hoping for something good to happen. What an idiot I am. I'm genuinely annoyed at myself for putting me through it all. Should have just tapped out in February and wasted all my brain energy thinking about work or my own happiness or crisps. Idiot.
  • Stick em all on a boat and blow it up half away across the ocean they all deserve each other, the club attracts spivs and conmen. How and why I don't know but we have been doing it for decades.
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  • I was going to go with Adolf Hitler, but i think Roland just about pips him to the post
  • While the off field shenanigans have had an impact, there’s no doubt in my mind, had Taylor stayed, we would have stayed up too and then perhaps the off field bollox could have been sorted during the summer with us still in the championship.

    Our strike force was reduced to zero ably demonstrated by our lack of goals these past 9 games and for that reason, TAYLOR is the biggest cnut!
  • Agree with an earlier comment the club is rotten to the core - January when Gallagher left is when it all went south for me and to have a transfer embargo and the fans have no knowledge and ESI mob running round with our money.... they dipped our pockets 

  • People like Southall will always be people like Southall. Scum. And with a bit of attention can be spotted a mile off.

    You have to go back before him and ask yourself who allowed him to get the position he manoeuvred himself into?
  • Roland never pretended to have any affection for the club,he was trying to get rid for 2 years without success.He must have thought all his Christmases had come at once when he got rid of the loss making club but held on to the assets.
    Whether he knew that Southall and his mates were up to no good,I have no idea,but Southalls one and only intention was to milk the club of every penny and do a runner.While Rolands faults where basically the inability to understand how to run a Championship football club,and not to listen to people who did,.Southalls was a pre planned criminal activity taking full advantage of the fans dislike of RD,Southall is my no.1 
  • In no particular order.....   

    Van Seventeer

    Can't amend my initial post but wanted to add:

    Matt Mcarthy 
    David Jones
    Fred West AKA John Blunt.
    Undecided on the Mihail brothers at the moment.

    Would make 21 and it is quite a list.  Oh for the days of simply enjoying football.
  • Roland will always go down as the number one enemy/most hated person in the club’s history.

    Though, Southall for me is by far the most immoral
  • ESI are the flies on the turd. But the turd belongs to Roland.
  • ESI are the flies on the turd. But the turd belongs to Roland.
    Totally agree very apt description, but could I add please, that ESI2 are the bluebottles.
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  • Biggest villain is not the same as most to blame. Right now, it doesn’t matter much who is the biggest villain. We need the whole lot out. How to achieve this is the key question.
  • Jim white, crimes against journalism 
  • For me it goes back to 1920 when we turned professional.

    It was all glory before then.
  • edited August 2020
    List narrowed to those names.who have had some role in the recent takeover only... It continues to grow with every document etc released and so many have connections to Bury or Bolton it is quite amazing really.

    Roland Duchatelet.  (Vendor)

    Leiven De Turck.  (Negotiator for vendor)

    Matt Southall (shareholder and Director ESI1)

    Tahnoon Nimer (shareholder and Director ESI1)

    Lee Amis (advisor/consultant)

    Jonathan Heller (advisor/consultant and Director ESI1)

    Jacco Van Seventeer (advisor/consultant)

    John Hirst (advisor/consultant)

    Laurence Bassini (Introducer!)

    Chris Farnell (Club Lawyer and failed test for ESI2)

    Paul Elliot /Elliott (ESI2 - failed test)

    Mohamed El Kashashy (rumoured investor ESI2)

    Tony Keohane (COO of club, I think?)

    Richard Murrey (not sure of official role, if any)

    Matt Mcarthy (?)

    Claudio Florica (Director ESI1)

    Marian Mihail (Director ESI1)

    Andrei Mihail (failed test for ESI1)

    David Jones (ESI2 tried to bring into club)

    Fred Rose AKA John Blunt (twitterer)

    Glenn Thomas - added to this list after HI's expose and BoSelecta's spot within. (Witness it Bassini/Southall contract)

    Shaun McHugh (?)

    Paul Mcarthy (?)

    Lots of potential dossiers!

    Anyone missed off?
  • Duchatelet
    Van Turk
    Van Seventeer
    Elliot / Elliott
    Matt Mcarthy 
    David Jones
    Fred West AKA John Blunt
    Claudiu Florica
    Marian Mihail 
    Amdrei Mihail
    Glenn Thomas - added to this list after HI's expose and BoSelecta's spot within.

    List just continues to grow so have removed names of those not connected with the specific takeover shenanigans like Meire and Taylor ...

    Lots of potential dossiers!
    That is some fucking list, Fred West is a surprise though.
  • Depending on whether we are talking on or off field, 

    Murray in the Board Room,
    Parker on the pitch.

    *Don't think I will ever forgive either, Murray for his ego, Parker for leaving a team which he was the focus of in the top 10 football teams in England at the time.
  • Duchatelet and then Matt Southwell (As Nimer called him)

    Roland must have known what he was doing.
  • It would be just our luck that Sandgaard is blocked by the EFL as we would have had a full squad of 23 'investors/advisors' within the last 12 months under some new ruling.

    That really is a shocking list of bottom feeders attached to our club though
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Roland must have known what he was doing.
    Yes, Roland said to himself I don't want £50M.
    I don't want the Championship & Premier bonuses.
    I'll sell to this bunch of fraudsters to ensure I don't get paid my millions.
  • Yes, Roland said to himself I don't want £50M.
    I don't want the Championship & Premier bonuses.
    I'll sell to this bunch of fraudsters to ensure I don't get paid my millions.
    I think Roland wanted/wants £50M as that is what he thinks the property is worth and saw Southall et al as a no risk bet. 

    Likely shysters but he keeps the property and can sell to someone else at his value of £50M and annoy fans along the way and if they come good then quids in.  Either way he was protected.
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Roland Out Forever!