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A week to consider and reflect...

Firstly, I apologise to all CL members for my rant last week. I missed the point through my incoherence. Please trust me that this was due to my extreme passion on the subject matter, namely the liquidation of a club I have supported my whole life.

Apolgies for starting a separate thread. I try to limit such behaviour. I wanted to share the following question. 

What do fellow Charlton fans think of trying to stop this ESI nonsense by organising a Public Apology to Roland Duchatelet?

The thought turns my stomach but the thought of an offended billionaire liquidating our club is worse for me. 

My personal view is that RD wants revenge. 50M is pocket change to him.

Just wanted your opinions on an alternative suggestion to break the deadlock. 

Practically, I would suggest travelling to Stayen and spend a weekend conducting a charm offensive to say:

1. ROLAND - it didnt work out

2. You can do unto us as you will.

3. Please don't sell us to vultures. Sell us to a proper custodian and we will forevermore respect you for that. 



  • I don't think you'll be getting many takers for this idea on here. Maybe try the other less well-known message board perhaps, where opinions seem to be be more diverse?!
  • Thanks for your reply. 

    I get the message. Not welcome on CL. Fair dos, say no more.

    Wish all of yous the very best and sincerely hope to see you all on the other side, in league 1 but still CAFC. 

  • Apology? Not a fucking chance. 
  • edited 2020 06

    No. 1) Apologise for what exactly ??? I was going to list all of the things that we shouldn't apologise for but I have a life & can't be bothered when everyone (most) is aware of what he has done.

    No. 2) Do you honestly believe that by making an apology he is suddenly going to have a "Road to Damascus" moment ? Appear on his white horse to save CAFC ?
    You're more likely to see the appearance of duchatelet, meire & her parents on horseback as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  • I'm open to any suggestions but no thanks.
  • How about you consider making an apology for asking us to apologise to the source of all of our current problems? 
  • I only apologise if I’m in the wrong. I don’t think supporting Charlton is anything to be apologetic about. In fact I’m proud of being an addick.
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Roland Out Forever!