Prompted by Huskaris' comment from another thread, are there any quotes from popular culture that you use in everyday life?
I use a lot from Phoenix Nights, "I lost my hair worrying about yours" is a favourite. I've also had a couple of mates have colonoscopies lately, so the old "give it a wipe, it's filthy" get's trotted out. I can't go for a slash without Mrs Stig copying Denise Royle and asking me to have one for her.
Literally every time I see a kebab shop, I do the gog "I want a kebab Jeremy"
"You're gonna need a bigger boat." gets trotted out quite regularly whenever there's a danger of underestimating something.
Badges substituted by alternative items.
Exqueese me.
Wank you very much.
Still makes me laugh to this day.
and delboys other french sayings.
"Guns, lots of guns".
Substitute whatever we need lots of. Similar to the bigger whatever from Jaws.
Re Peep Show, every time we get a ruby I am minded of the "4 naan Jeremy, that's insane?!" bit.
(Vinnie, lock stock)
"I'd dance with you until the cows come home. On second thoughts, I'll dance with the cows until you come home".
Unfortunately, most of the younger generation haven't seen Airplane!
I use ”Schnell, schnell kartoffelkopf!!” From Blackadder goes forth as a way of venting at shit drivers without swearing in front of my daughter.