Ok you know that way cool tv commercial with eth world inside the coke vending machine -
here -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP2ZYdSHMugwell they have released this amusing animated documentary about it.
Sort of behind the scenes interviews with the key characters, - its very well done.!!
They did however have to dress up as those fluffy white things with lips and visit every Coke office in london and the SE!
or even Audi:
seriously beautiful......
my personal favourite comedian of all time... Im gonna watch that now as I hadnt watched it before... if its what it could be then its banned!!!!!
I was thinking of the on about the chciks that I cant really post here...
Just ended up on you tube looking at loads of his material, man that guy was flippin' brilliant... love him
I was walking threw new york the other day and was tripping over these bums doing a sort of bum hurdling, see if this bum was dead or not....
and I thought to myself ..... maybe out system doesnt work?