Weight lifting and boxing have had some categories removes to make way if I have read that right. Far more entertainment in break dance, skate boarding, climbing and surfing.
i DoNt UnDeRsTaNd SoMeThInG tHaT yOuNg PeOpLe LiKe sO iT iSnT iMpOrTaNt WhAt hApPeNeD tO rEaL sPoRtS lIkE dArTs wHy ArEnT tHeY iN tHe oLyMpIcS iTlL bE cOmPuTeR gAmEs NeXt I dOnT pAy mY lIcEnSe FeE tO wAtCh DaNcInG aT tHe OlYmPiCs
Japan will rake in the medals
I love it. If you don't like it don't watch it I suppose. Think many people will be drawn in when they see the athleticism and technique involved.
Think you've been a tad hasty here...
The announcement from la belle France states " Breaking".....
Mr F is getting quite excited in fact.
He thinks it is the nouveau sport of Breaking Wind...
...and that he has a chance of medalling in the Veterans' category.
Still waiting.