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Players Marks: Charlton v Portsmouth (closes Wednesday tea-time)



  • Options
    Amos: 6
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 7 again our best defender
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 5.5
    Pratley: 4
    Morgan: 4
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5 not as good as he has been 
    Stockley: 7.5
    Schwartz: 5 no service
    Millar: 7 should have started
    Watson: 4 bad mistake for their third
    Aneke: 5
    Referee: 2.5 not the worst we've had this season, but easily the least impartial. Surprised the fat chuckling bastard could fit in Pompey's pocket so easily. 
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 5 
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 6.5 
    Maatsen: 5 
    Shinnie: 5.5 
    Pratley: 5
    Morgan: 5.5
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 7.5 - MOTM
    Schwartz: 5.5
    Millar: 6
    Watson: 4 
    Aneke: 5
  • Options
    Similar to above:

    Amos: 6
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 7
    Maatsen: 4
    Shinnie: 5
    Pratley: 3
    Morgan: 4
    Forster-Caskey: 5
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 5
    Millar: 6
    Watson: 4
    Aneke: 5

    Referee: 5
  • Options
    Amos: 7 - No chance for the goals and made an outstanding savwe
    Matthews: 4 - Doesn't look interested, awful attempt at a clearance for the 3rd goal
    Gunter: 5 - Not a CB & playing like it
    Oshilaja: 6.5 - Best defender on the night but needs new studs in his boots
    Maatsen: 5 - Poor passing but at least he kept trying
    Shinnie: 5.5 - Floats in and out of the game
    Pratley: 5 - Put himself about but doesn't create anything
    Morgan: 5 - Runs a lot but poor passing but extra point for hitting the bar
    Forster-Caskey: 4.5 Couldn't get involved enough, needs a hair cut
    Stockley: 8 - MOM holds the ball, links play and scored a good header
    Schwartz: 3 - Looks lost and couldn't control the one chance he did have
    Millar: 7 - Creates things but poor shooting
    Watson: 4 - Made some good tackles and linked play but disgusting challenge for the 3rd goal
    Aneke: 4 - Runs down blind alleys and final shot/pass was poor
    Referee: 3 - Blatant pen for us not given, let Pompey players fall over and get free kicks all night. Have had worse this year though. One thing that really bugs me nowadays is how throw ins are never taken from where the ball goes out - Refs and Linos need to crack down on this
  • Options
    Amos: 6
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 6.5
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 4
    Morgan: 5.5
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 7.5
    Schwartz: 5
    Millar: 7
    Aneke: 5

    Referee: 4

  • Options
    Amos:  7
    Matthews: 6
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 6
    Maatsen: 6
    Shinnie: 6.5
    Pratley: 5
    Morgan: 5
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 7
    Schwartz: 5
    Millar: 6.5
    Watson: 6
    Aneke: 5.5
    Referee: 4

    Smith: n/a
  • Options
    edited February 2021
    Amos: 8 - Catching excellent and a couple of very good saves. No chance with any of the goals.
    Matthews: 5 - Silly pass for the 3rd. Doesn't offer anywhere near enough going forward in these home games. His crosses normally get headed away by the first man.
    Gunter: 5.5 - Troubled by Pompey's movement.
    Oshilaja: 7 - One glaring error when he dummied the ball and Amos had to make the smart block at the far post. Otherwise, very committed and got in a number of decent blocks. 
    Maatsen: 5.5 - Tries so hard and does do some very good things (nipped in a couple of times brilliantly). But he's not what we need now. We need Purrington for a bit of extra height, power and positional sense.
    Shinnie: 6 - He was ok. Still feeling his way back a bit after injury.
    Pratley: 6 - Didn't do a lot wrong but had to come off before he was sent off. Can't believe Bowyer didn't think that was a yellow! (these days, that's a red, whether you win the ball or not). 
    Morgan: 6 - Clumsy off the ball. Thought he read Stockley better than anyone and picked up a number of his lay-offs. His shot against the bar was a lovely strike. 
    Forster-Caskey: 6 - No lack of effort but not a lot came off. 
    Stockley: 7.5 - Very good with the lay-offs and a superb headed goal. Did he lose his man for their 2nd though?
    Schwartz: 5 - One brilliant back-heel lay-off.....and that was it. He can't be anywhere near fit after such a long lay-off...he certainly doesn't look it. 
    Millar: 7.5 - Goes past players with such ease. Was he carrying a slight knock? 
    Watson: 5.5 - A brilliant sliding interception one minute and then punished for trying to be clever the next. Sort of sums up the way things are going this season generally. Lots of good bits but the bad bits turn the game. He's been out for a while too.
    Aneke: 6 - Had a go but ultimately made little difference. 
    Referee: 5.5 - Penalty looked obvious (but we were watching from a high TV angle). Pratley red card looked obvious too. 

    Smith: n/a - Did his best to get involved, looked neat and energetic. A sort of Andrew Shinnie type? Think he might be given a go on Saturday. 
  • Options
    Amos: 7.5 - Did nothing wrong, probably one of our best on the night.
    Matthews: 6 - Seems to have lost his confidence when getting forward, reticent to get a cross in which means the defence is set when he does.
    Gunter: 6.5 - As a replacement CB, I don't think he is doing too badly.
    Oshilaja: 7 - As with Gunter, the CBs are not generally the problem.
    Maatsen: 6 - Needs more of a break to get his head back.
    Shinnie: 5.5
    Pratley: 5.5
    Morgan: 5.5
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5 - Central midfield is all the same, and I don't know what is wrong: they don't seem to have a clear idea what they are trying to achieve when the opposition presses them. This means that, when we have possession, the ball is with the defence far too much (which leads to either long punts or mistakes) and when we don't we are so out of position that we are easy to run through.
    Stockley: 8.5 - Clearly too high a standard for this league.
    Schwartz: - I can't even rate him because we are a team that seems entirely dependent on someone doing something brilliant themselves, we cannot create the chances as a team that he needs.
    Millar: 7.5 - The opposite of Schwartz because he can do things himself.
    Watson: 5 - Same as the rest of the midfield, but loses half for the 3rd goal.
    Aneke: 6 - When on form he is tremendous, when not he just looks so ponderous.
    Referee: 6 - Missed the penalty, but other than that I thought he was OK in tough conditions.
  • Options
    Amos: 7.5 - Kept the score respectable
    Matthews: 5.5 - Didn't off much apart form lumping it into the box (needs to aim for the bye line every now and then please!)
    Gunter:  4 - He is so poor in CD - really not worth persevering!
    Oshilaja: 6 - Tried hard with little support
    Maatsen: 4 - Gives the ball away so easily unless it's a ten yard pass back to Deje; drop him please!
    Shinnie: 5 - Got in good positions but usually without the ball
    Pratley: 5 - Involved, but usually fouling at the time; lucky not to see red
    Morgan: 6 - Unlucky to hit bar early on and also to be hauled at h/t IMO
    Forster-Caskey: 4.5 - Round and round in circles going nowhere
    Stockley:  7 - Some great layoffs and a nice goal - has the best chest in the league!
    Schwartz: 4.5 - Struggled to get involved
    Millar: 6 - Which way is the cul-de-sac?
    Watson: 4 - Poor, nothing more
    Aneke: 4.5 - Got suck in the mud
    Referee: 2 - Allowed them to bully us 
  • Options
    Amos: 6 one great save
    Mathews: 5 going through the motions
    Gunter: 5 irrelavant
    Oshilaja: 7 tried his best but can't do everyone's job for them
    Maatsen: 5 shocking passing, prefer Purrington
    Shinnie: 6 tried
    Pratley: 5 Kamikaze performance
    Morgan: 5 thinks he is better than he is
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5 if only having good hair was everything
    Stockley: 8 Mom, to cleaver for the rest to read his intentions
    Schawartz: 5.5 Can't be effective without service
    Millar: 7 always looked dangerous, better staying on the left
    Watson: 4 shocking, should have kept Lapsie
    Aneke: 5.5 ok
    Smith:  looks promising
    Referee: 4 
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  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 4
    Gunter: 4
    Oshilaja: 6.5
    Maatsen: 3
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 5
    Morgan: 4
    Forster-Caskey: 5
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 3
    Millar: 6
    Watson: 3
    Aneke: 5
    Referee: 3
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 5 
    Gunter: 4
    Oshilaja: 6
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 4
    Morgan: 5
    Forster-Caskey: 3  
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 6
    Millar: 7
    Watson: 4 
    Aneke: 4
    Referee: 3
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 6
    Gunter: 6
    Oshilaja: 6
    Maatsen: 6
    Shinnie: 2
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 7
    Forster-Caskey: 5
    Stockley: 7.5
    Schwartz: 4
    Millar: 7
    Watson: 4
    Aneke: 3
    Referee: 4
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 5.5
    Oshilaja: 7
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 5.5
    Morgan: 5
    Forster-Caskey: 5
    Stockley: 7.5
    Schwartz: 5.5
    Millar: 7
    Watson: 4.5
    Aneke: 6
    Referee: 6

  • Options
    Amos: 8
    Matthews: 4
    Gunter: 4
    Oshilaja: 5
    Maatsen: 6
    Shinnie: 5.5
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 6.5
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 6
    Millar: 7
    Watson: 6
    Aneke: 6.5
    Referee: 6
  • Options
    Amos: 5
    Matthews: 6
    Gunter: 6
    Oshilaja: 6.5
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Forster-Caskey: 6
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 5
    Millar: 6
    Watson: 4
    Aneke: 5
    Referee: 4
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 6
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 7
    Maatsen: 6
    Shinnie: 5.5
    Pratley: 5
    Morgan: 6
    Forster-Caskey: 5
    Stockley: 7
    Schwartz: 3
    Millar:  6,5
    Watson: 5
    Aneke: 6
    ref. 3
  • Options
    Amos: 6.5 - kept the score down in the first half but I wondered whether he could have gone for the cross for their second. It was a good delivery and Pompey flooded the 6 yard box but it's usually the goalie's territory
    Matthews: 5 - his game and confidence have dipped, perhaps because he's clearly the second choice right back behind one of Bowyer's favourites, Gunter. On several occasions in the second half, he got the ball on the right and there was not a supporting Charlton player within 30 yards of him. What on earth is going on with the team's shape and lack of movement ?
    Gunter: 4 - poor. Pompey's two strikers had him on toast
    Oshilaja: 7 - easily our best defender
    Maatsen: 5 - the decision to reintroduce him after a solid performance by Purrington and a rare clean sheet at MK Dons is symptomatic of Bowyer's obsessive tinkering and poor decision making. Perhaps the hope was that Maatsen would provide us with some width, given the lack of width and any real pace in midfield. With an acknowledged weakness in central defence and Pompey's goal threat, Purrington was the obvious choice for this one
    Shinnie: 5 - seemed to be stuck out wide and was less effective as a result
    Pratley: 5 - not one of his better displays but he had little support. Our midfield was totally open and we allowed Pompey an enormous amount of space - probably because the shape was all over the place and the players didn't seem to know what they should be doing
    Morgan: 5 - he is a central midfield player whose principal asset is his range of passing; he is not - and will never be - a player at the tip of the diamond. Unfortunate to be hooked at half time and I didn't like - but was unsurprised by - Bowyer singling him out for criticism post-match, when there were many worse performances
    Forster-Caskey: 4 - following three good games, he was very poor last night, albeit not helped by being stuck on the right in the first half. He is too slow and wants too many touches, as a result of which, the opposition have ample time to get back in shape and close the space. He is, however, clearly a Bowyer favourite. I also wonder when was it decreed that he must take all, or at least the vast majority, of our set plays ?
    Stockley: 8: MoM - looked streets ahead of his teammates 
    Schwartz: 5: the service was poor but he was almost totally anonymous, save for a clever backheel and a comedic failure to connect with a Stockley knockdown in the first half and a decent effort in the second
    Millar: 7 - goes past players with ease and gave us some belated attacking impetus. He is just the sort of player the tall, 'ironmen' defenders of Pompey would not want to face. Jackett and his team must have been delighted that he was on the bench
    Watson: 4 - his error for the third goal was criminal. How many games does he have to play to activate his contract extension for another year ? 
    Aneke: 5 - a bit lumbering and couldn't get into the game
    Referee: 4 - an overweight peacock, who seemed to want to be chummy with the opposition players. Missed a clear penalty, although I doubt it would have made much difference in the end
  • Options
    edited February 2021
    Amos: 6.5
    Matthews: 6 
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 7
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 5.5
    Forster-Caskey: 6 
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 5
    Millar: 7
    Watson: 4 
    Aneke: 6
    Referee: 5
  • Options
    Amos: 7
    Matthews: 5 
    Gunter: 6
    Oshilaja:  5
    Maatsen: 7
    Shinnie: 1
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 7
    Forster-Caskey: 7 
    Stockley: 8
    Schwartz: 6
    Millar: 8
    Watson: 6 
    Aneke: 2
    Referee: 3
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    Amos: 6
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 4
    Oshilaja: 6.5
    Maatsen: 6
    Shinnie: 5.5
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 7
    Schwartz: 5.5
    Millar: 6.5
    Watson: 5
    Aneke: 6
    Referee: 4

  • Options
    your marks please

    Amos: 6.5  one good save .
    Matthews: 5 
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 7 does his best  . Committed. 
    Maatsen: 4.5 cant defend cant pass can cross a ball . Apart from that average .
    Shinnie: 5.5 not at his best last few weeks .
    Pratley: 4.5 a Pratley fan , but shambolic in this game .
    Morgan: 5 gave the ball away too much , but it was his birthday  .
    Forster-Caskey: 5 his hair looked good , but his football didn't  .
    Stockley: 8 lacks pace , but I think he will do a good job for us .
    Schwartz: 4 poor again
    Millar: 7.5 should have started , good again .
    Watson: 3 looks unfit and past it .
    Aneke: 6 tried , but nothing came off for him .
    Referee: 3 is he a Pompey fan ?

    Smith: n/a

  • Options
    Amos: 6.5
    Matthews: 5
    Gunter: 5
    Oshilaja: 6.5  (best defender. again)
    Maatsen: 5
    Shinnie: 6 (+ 0.5 for the corner)
    Pratley: 5
    Morgan: 6  (misfired with his passing, but at least he made things happen going forward)
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5
    Stockley: 8   (easily our best player)
    Schwartz: 4  (invisible, he has to offer more than just "goal hanging")
    Millar: 6.5
    Watson: 4.5
    Aneke: 5
    Referee 5

  • Options
    Amos: 6 - Decent save but some poor distribution, seems to like to throw the ball out too much.
    Matthews: 5 - At fault for 3rd goal with Watson, played better last season.
    Gunter: 5 - Not tall enough to be a decent Centre Half.
    Oshilaja: 6 - Best out of a poor bunch.
    Maatsen: 5 - Not the same player as earlier this season.
    Shinnie: 5 - Offers nothing. Played on wrong side.
    Pratley: 5 - Past his best but always going to pick up a card.
    Morgan: 6 - Thought Albie was far from our worst midfield player yesterday.
    Forster-Caskey: 5 - Very poor after some reasonable games. 
    Stockley: 7 - Our best player, too good for this crap division.
    Schwartz: 5  - Pretty anononous.
    Millar: 6 - Have read that he had a tight Hamstring after MK dons, otherwise should have started.
    Watson: 5 - Oh dear Sunday league clearance for 3rd goal.
    Aneke: 6 - Came on too late to make a difference.
    Referee: 3 - Overweight, unfit, seems mates with a few of the Pompey lads who he joked with!

    Smith: n/a
  • Options
    Amos:        7
    Matthews:   5.5
    Gunter:     5.5
    Oshilaja:    6
    Maatsen:   5.5
    Shinnie:   6
    Pratley:   4.5
    Morgan:  5.5
    Forster-Caskey:  5.5
    Stockley: 7.5
    Schwartz:   5
    Millar:   6.5
    Watson:  4
    Aneke: 5.5
    Referee: 3.5

  • Options
    edited February 2021

    Amos: 6.5 - two great saves but should have claimed the cross for the second goal when it arrived in the 6 yard box 
    Matthews: 7 - worked hard
    Gunter: 6.5 - solid, one wayward pass we got away with 
    Oshilaja: 8 - strong and fearless, played well
    Maatsen: 7 - didn’t really do anything wrong 
    Shinnie: 6.5 - subdued
    Pratley: 6 - all over the shop, but not in a good way
    Morgan: 7.5 - unlucky not to score, unlucky to be hooked at half time
    Forster-Caskey: 5.5 - poor today 
    Stockley: 9 - nice goal and some good  lay offs for team mates 
    Schwartz: 6.5 - invisible, didn’t get many opportunities today
    Millar: 8 - worked hard when he came on, needs to work on his end product
    Watson: 4 - gave away the 3rd goal, got booked and hit a shot so wide it went out for a throw. Terrible.
    Aneke: 6 - not really at it today
    Referee: 4 - too pally with the Pompey players and some poor decisions.

    Smith: n/a

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