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  • YTS1978 said:
    We've had a mouse problem in the flat ever since the housing association have been replacing cladding and ripping up balconies. I've got pest control (paid for by the housing association) sorting out the brick work etc, but we took matters into our own hands and got loads of traditional traps, bait traps and poison. Unfortunately they seem to suss it out after a while, so in desperation I bought some sticky pads. They work a treat and I caught about 10 in a week. Seems to have gone a bit quiet now, so maybe they've got wise to it? Only downside is that they are often still very much alive when you find them stuck to the pad, sometimes in a horrible condition, so you have to finish them off. Not for the faint hearted.
    Hmmm...won’t be going down that route, but appreciate the tip. 
  • edited June 2021
    Get yourself a Jack Russell, Dachshunds are also very good, both breeds will seek out and kill rats naturally.
  • edited June 2021
    Purely just a word of advice, try and avoid sticky pad traps at all costs, once there in your house I totally understand that they need dealing with but sticky traps are probably one of the most inhumane ways of killing an animal I can possibly think of.

    I appreciate some will consider them just pests which is fair enough however sticky traps are notorious for trapping other animals, plus depending on how long it takes the poor rat to starve to death or die from exhaustion trying to knaw it's own limbs off to escape you'll have to sit inside listening to that for however long unless your comfortable going to the traps each day and dispatching them yourself on a regular basis.

    Definitely a big problem as I'd hate to have them in my house, but always thought there's a moral duty to get rid of them as ethically as possible. I know of a few people who have had pest controllers round who flat out refuse to use sticky traps which probably says a lot. 

    Another unfortunate thing to think about when killing them is locating and disposal.
    A decaying dead rat stinks to high heaven for weeks on end! 😧
  • YTS1978 said:
    We've had a mouse problem in the flat ever since the housing association have been replacing cladding and ripping up balconies. I've got pest control (paid for by the housing association) sorting out the brick work etc, but we took matters into our own hands and got loads of traditional traps, bait traps and poison. Unfortunately they seem to suss it out after a while, so in desperation I bought some sticky pads. They work a treat and I caught about 10 in a week. Seems to have gone a bit quiet now, so maybe they've got wise to it? Only downside is that they are often still very much alive when you find them stuck to the pad, sometimes in a horrible condition, so you have to finish them off. Not for the faint hearted

    Kenneth Williams Archive KENNETHWILLlAMS  Twitter

  • Sticky traps are arguably the cruellest, most inhumane way of dealing with a ‘pest’ problem. Torturous things should be banned in my opinion.
  • Scoham said:
    I’ve been trying to get rid of a mouse from my house over the last few weeks. He/she had stolen an entire burger bun and started eating a second (all food now locked away, but he continues to roam about the house during the night). It also ignored three humane traps with various combinations of chocolate/cheese/peanut butter. Seems it’s an experienced mouse who has perhaps been caught before.

    Get a plug in rodent repeller from Amazon for like 20 odd quid. Had a problem with mice in my flat (scratching inside the skirting board at night drove me nuts), since putting that in not seen or heard anything, that was about a year or so ago. 
    Thanks, my wife had seen those but wasn’t sure, sounds like they’re worth a go.

    This one comes with four, should stop her worrying buying one would just result in the mouse moving upstairs!
  • Purely just a word of advice, try and avoid sticky pad traps at all costs, once there in your house I totally understand that they need dealing with but sticky traps are probably one of the most inhumane ways of killing an animal I can possibly think of.

    I appreciate some will consider them just pests which is fair enough however sticky traps are notorious for trapping other animals, plus depending on how long it takes the poor rat to starve to death or die from exhaustion trying to knaw it's own limbs off to escape you'll have to sit inside listening to that for however long unless your comfortable going to the traps each day and dispatching them yourself on a regular basis.

    Definitely a big problem as I'd hate to have them in my house, but always thought there's a moral duty to get rid of them as ethically as possible. I know of a few people who have had pest controllers round who flat out refuse to use sticky traps which probably says a lot. 

    Another unfortunate thing to think about when killing them is locating and disposal.
    A decaying dead rat stinks to high heaven for weeks on end! 😧
    I noticed an ‘off’ smell in the bedroom which Mr Tatters couldn’t smell. I started thinking it was actually coming from him but it was there even when he wasn’t. Smell got worse. I looked under the bed and there was a decaying rat. Our cats bring them in then get bored with them and leave them to crawl off and die around the house. 
  • Scoham said:
    Scoham said:
    I’ve been trying to get rid of a mouse from my house over the last few weeks. He/she had stolen an entire burger bun and started eating a second (all food now locked away, but he continues to roam about the house during the night). It also ignored three humane traps with various combinations of chocolate/cheese/peanut butter. Seems it’s an experienced mouse who has perhaps been caught before.

    Get a plug in rodent repeller from Amazon for like 20 odd quid. Had a problem with mice in my flat (scratching inside the skirting board at night drove me nuts), since putting that in not seen or heard anything, that was about a year or so ago. 
    Thanks, my wife had seen those but wasn’t sure, sounds like they’re worth a go.

    This one comes with four, should stop her worrying buying one would just result in the mouse moving upstairs!
    i got this

    3 different modes, only one is slightly audible to the human ear, the other two you cant hear. 
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  • Don't buy those sticky traps. I had rodents in a place I lived in and truly they drove me insane and on the advice of a guy at work I got the sticky traps and after having to club hammer half a dozen rats to death decided that wasn't for me as much as I dislike wild rats 

    Get a pest control firm in, they have humane traps or they have the final solution of rat genocide 

    The rats that from time to time appear in my garage I put marmite peanut butter on a trap and every morning I will have a few rats to dispose of. There's a marmite analogy in there somewhere 
  • Poison works best as they get it on their fur and take it to their nests. Not very pleasant, but effective
  • Another method is to put a Des O’Connor Greatest Hits album on repeat whilst you are out at work or away for the weekend.
  • Ask Thomas he got rid of a rat.
  • Are we sure that it’s not wombles?
  • Shoot the little fuckers with a .22 Diane Air Rifle, nail the carcasses to a tree, No more rat problem!
    Tried and tested in a Plumstead Council House in the 60s
  • In a previous house, we had rats in the loft. We put a sonic device in the loft and they left immediately and did not return. 
  • We are Rural, had loads, and I mean loads of rats in our chicken runs and bird feeders, fed them some nice biscuits and they disappeared. Took the biscuits back to their nests and had a feast, their last supper. 
  • We are Rural, had loads, and I mean loads of rats in our chicken runs and bird feeders, fed them some nice biscuits and they disappeared. Took the biscuits back to their nests and had a feast, their last supper. 
    Do you actually mean Nice biscuits (as in the brand) or ones you’d made up specially?
  • Stuff I bought from the local country store, rat bait & it works, solid blocks they take back to their nests to share. Sounds awful but rats are vermin and need to be managed. 
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  • Scoham said:
    I’ve been trying to get rid of a mouse from my house over the last few weeks. He/she had stolen an entire burger bun and started eating a second (all food now locked away, but he continues to roam about the house during the night). It also ignored three humane traps with various combinations of chocolate/cheese/peanut butter. Seems it’s an experienced mouse who has perhaps been caught before.

    Apple is the bait of choice.  Works every time for me.
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