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George Dobson - Gone to Wrexham p136, farewell message p142



  • The Enforceability of Pre-Contracts in Football - BM Insights - Blake Morgan

    Depends on what is in the pre-contract and even if all the required clauses are there to make it watertight it can be contested, and compo paid. There is hope! Who knows a good lawyer?  ;)
  • This thread is like the most boring soap opera ever conceived.
    In my mind George has gone - thanks for everything George you were a diamond and I wish you the very best in your future career.
    Anybody encouraging him to renege on his deal is displaying bad form.
    And any suggestion that we should pay a fee to buy him out of his deal is cretinous.
    In my very humble opinion
    I am cretinous in your very humble opinion. 
  • TEL said:
    seth plum said:
    The accounts suggest that we sell more than buy.
    If Dobson goes how do we buy a player of similar calibre?
    The closest in style already at the club is young Kedwell who is nowhere near ready.
    Bakinson if he signed on a free isn’t a replacement, nor are Taylor or Coventry. Dobson leaving will need a decisive re adjustment in our style in order to play the cards we are left with.
    I will be very surprised if we spend significant money on a Dobson replacement.
    Coventry is/was Dobbo's replacement. 
    Plays a completely different game to George and I don't think Coventry is even in the same class. Going to be a huge loss to us. 

    Playing a completely different game to George is why Scott saw Coventry as Dobson’s replacement. He wanted more of a ball player in that role rather than Dobson who’s main strength is ball winning (though some do underestimate his passing and ability on the ball).
  • This thread is like the most boring soap opera ever conceived.
    In my mind George has gone - thanks for everything George you were a diamond and I wish you the very best in your future career.
    Anybody encouraging him to renege on his deal is displaying bad form.
    And any suggestion that we should pay a fee to buy him out of his deal is cretinous.
    In my very humble opinion
    I am cretinous in your very humble opinion. 
    Well, at least you've owned it. (Joke  ;))
    As you and bolloxbolder have taken my shit personally maybe I should apologise and amend my post.
    If the club pays a fee to buy back George I think that would be cretinous business.
    If anybody is happy for the club to do that then they are entitled to that opinion. I don't share it.
  • George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
  • shirty5 said:
    George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
  • shirty5 said:
    George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
    As it stands it will be. 
  • shirty5 said:
    George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
    Of the season it is with every player, but we will see where this all ends very soon....🤔
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  • shirty5 said:
    George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
    Of the season it is with every player, but we will see where this all ends very soon....🤔
    Saturday week at Wycombe 
  • shirty5 said:
    shirty5 said:
    George Dobson’s last home game this Saturday 
    Of the season it is with every player, but we will see where this all ends very soon....🤔
    Saturday week at Wycombe 
    Ad infinitum...
  • He's gone, move on, been our best player over the last few years so wish him well 
  • He's gone, move on, been our best player over the last few years so wish him well 
    If that's the case of course I will....
  • This thread is like the most boring soap opera ever conceived.
    In my mind George has gone - thanks for everything George you were a diamond and I wish you the very best in your future career.
    Anybody encouraging him to renege on his deal is displaying bad form.
    And any suggestion that we should pay a fee to buy him out of his deal is cretinous.
    In my very humble opinion
    I am cretinous in your very humble opinion. 
    Well, at least you've owned it. (Joke  ;))
    As you and bolloxbolder have taken my shit personally maybe I should apologise and amend my post.
    If the club pays a fee to buy back George I think that would be cretinous business.
    If anybody is happy for the club to do that then they are entitled to that opinion. I don't share it.
    Surely that depends on how much the fee would be?
  • edited April 17
    Milan said:
    Good luck to Dobson, I wish him the very best with his transfer, but let's move on. I'm a born optimist, I like to think we'll invest over the summer to the point where we don't miss him at all.

    As much as he puts a shift in, and he's a decent league one player, I wouldn't call Dobson promotion-winning quality. I also don't see him as captain material - he's not the sort to go ballistic at or inspire his teammates and drive them on to victory.
    Nathan Jones disagrees with you, hence why he forced the club to turn down 300k and keep him.

    Are there better players out there?  Yes, 100s.

    Can we identify and sign them?  No, not if Kilkenny, McGrandles, Fiorino, T Taylor are anything to go by.

    Every summer we let solid players go and say "we can do better".

    Every summer we don't sign better which is why we're almost certainly heading for our lowest league finish since the 1920s.

    I hope that Jones can break that cycle but we've been here before.

    300K rejected by Charlton at February with only half remain of his contract. So you add much more transfer Fee for this. 

    Ask all you like, don't mean you are going to get it...
    This is getting very tedious now....

  • Milan said:
    Good luck to Dobson, I wish him the very best with his transfer, but let's move on. I'm a born optimist, I like to think we'll invest over the summer to the point where we don't miss him at all.

    As much as he puts a shift in, and he's a decent league one player, I wouldn't call Dobson promotion-winning quality. I also don't see him as captain material - he's not the sort to go ballistic at or inspire his teammates and drive them on to victory.
    Nathan Jones disagrees with you, hence why he forced the club to turn down 300k and keep him.

    Are there better players out there?  Yes, 100s.

    Can we identify and sign them?  No, not if Kilkenny, McGrandles, Fiorino, T Taylor are anything to go by.

    Every summer we let solid players go and say "we can do better".

    Every summer we don't sign better which is why we're almost certainly heading for our lowest league finish since the 1920s.

    I hope that Jones can break that cycle but we've been here before.

    300K rejected by Charlton at February with only half remain of his contract. So you add much more transfer Fee for this. 
    It’s not as simple as that though is it. There’s multiple factors that will influence the fee - the most important of which is whether Dobson still wants to move to Hungary (which no one other than George knows the answer to). If he doesn’t then the fee becomes much smaller. 

    Anyway it’s all semantics, we don’t know if Dobson wants to move and if he does we will never find out the actual compensation as it will be in Charlton’s interest for it to sound as little as possible and Videotons interest to sound as significant as possible. 
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  • Quite right Vjacheslav and I can't work out why people keep saying the same things over and over again for weeks on end.
    So you keep saying 

  • @Swisdom, who would have made the decision regarding the 'quality' of contract offered to Dobbo?
  • sam3110 said:
    I'm still of the view that if Dobbo REALLY didn't want to play in Hungary, he wouldn't have signed a pre-contract with them. 

    All this talk of forcing their hand, buying him back blah blah blah, maybe he WANTS to try something different?
    I also don’t understand why we’d want a player that would renege on a contract like that.
  • I was at the shirt sponsors day with the players yesterday. I spoke to a fair few, including Dobbo. Each of them very easy to get on with and in Dobbo, you just want to give the bloke a man hug before saying goodbye. 

    In Nathan, I trust…let’s just wait and see. All we can do as fans is ensure that Dobbo continues to appreciate we all love him at our club. Maybe the penny will drop with one or two who may have less appreciated him too, regardless how late in the day it may be. Time and learning can take you in all sorts of directions you least expected. 
  • Milan said:
    Good luck to Dobson, I wish him the very best with his transfer, but let's move on. I'm a born optimist, I like to think we'll invest over the summer to the point where we don't miss him at all.

    As much as he puts a shift in, and he's a decent league one player, I wouldn't call Dobson promotion-winning quality. I also don't see him as captain material - he's not the sort to go ballistic at or inspire his teammates and drive them on to victory.
    Nathan Jones disagrees with you, hence why he forced the club to turn down 300k and keep him.

    Are there better players out there?  Yes, 100s.

    Can we identify and sign them?  No, not if Kilkenny, McGrandles, Fiorino, T Taylor are anything to go by.

    Every summer we let solid players go and say "we can do better".

    Every summer we don't sign better which is why we're almost certainly heading for our lowest league finish since the 1920s.

    I hope that Jones can break that cycle but we've been here before.

    300K rejected by Charlton at February with only half remain of his contract. So you add much more transfer Fee for this. 
    But you said things are cheaper in Hungary 😂
  • Chizz said:
    Quite right Vjacheslav and I can't work out why people keep saying the same things over and over again for weeks on end.
    So you keep saying 

    Strange comment (even with a smiley), as I've not said anything like this before as far as I recall and if I have it must have been months ago.
  • If somehow George Dobson remains at whatever complicated machinations and costs that were actually unnecessary, it won’t be the significant part of ‘the Club’ that ‘loses face’, because we the fans and Nathan Jones have not ever campaigned for George to leave, or create these difficult circumstances, and we are ‘the Club’ in the end.
  • Milan said:
    Good luck to Dobson, I wish him the very best with his transfer, but let's move on. I'm a born optimist, I like to think we'll invest over the summer to the point where we don't miss him at all.

    As much as he puts a shift in, and he's a decent league one player, I wouldn't call Dobson promotion-winning quality. I also don't see him as captain material - he's not the sort to go ballistic at or inspire his teammates and drive them on to victory.
    Nathan Jones disagrees with you, hence why he forced the club to turn down 300k and keep him.

    Are there better players out there?  Yes, 100s.

    Can we identify and sign them?  No, not if Kilkenny, McGrandles, Fiorino, T Taylor are anything to go by.

    Every summer we let solid players go and say "we can do better".

    Every summer we don't sign better which is why we're almost certainly heading for our lowest league finish since the 1920s.

    I hope that Jones can break that cycle but we've been here before.

    300K rejected by Charlton at February with only half remain of his contract. So you add much more transfer Fee for this. 
    But you said things are cheaper in Hungary 😂
    Yes. it is true. Good point. :) 
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