Sorting through an incredible loan to the museum

of postcards and photos going back to 1920.
Among them were these two photos.
Can anyone name the player? We assume it's a Charlton player but can't be sure.
And is it the same player standing on the left behind the players' coach in 1953?
Any information welcome
And the first photo is from 1946.
Hayden Mullins?
It's most likely a reserve as we'd have recognised him otherwise.
I was wondering if it was Jock Campbell who was at Cafc from 1946 until 1958.
I was looking at Cafc players who were born between 1927-29 as the young picture in 46 appeared to be that timeline.
I think you are right.
Many thanks
It's not Jock Campbell.
You're an absolute shower!
August 1948.
And thanks to you Dave, I now know Jock Campbell is sitting in the front row two from the left as we look at the picture.