How quickly people turn!!! Everyone saying it was a blatant foul on Dobson and ref ignored it, you cant do anything about that, refs in this league are shite!
Call me all the names you like but we are not going anywhere thus season.
Nothing up front & soft at the back.
Nothing upfront when Stockley is not playing. Soft at the back? Seriously? How many have we let in during Jackos reign? You really don't do losing very well, which is a surprise for a Charlton fan.
How quickly people turn!!! Everyone saying it was a blatant foul on Dobson and ref ignored it, you cant do anything about that, refs in this league are shite!
Shocking refereeing. and not just the barge. He let the goalscorer celebrate, take a photo, chat with the crowd. Then didn’t add that on at the end. Twat.
Thank you all.
Lot of these players can have a break
Soft at the back? Seriously? How many have we let in during Jackos reign?
You really don't do losing very well, which is a surprise for a Charlton fan.
Delusion is the word for anyone who thought we wouldn't lose under Jackson - Better it happens today than against Ipswich?
At least the meltdown will warm us up in the cold weather.
I'll give this place a swerve for a few hours.
Defense has injuries but we have the players that should be able to beat Morecambe and Shrewsbury.
That it probably should have been disallowed isn't their problem
charlton fans get punchy
sell Charlton
back to complete guffness