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  • Hope it works out for him. Very good player and good bloke.
  • Amazing hope it works out for him, my own ICD sits close to skin and is kind of like having something in your top pocket on your shirt,  and does hurt if knocked not to mention the route the connection to the heart, insurance must be a minefield and I'm more than a little surprised, but the very best of luck to him and it would be great to see him bang some goals in. 
  • How would it work with his insurance? Italian medical authorities wouldn't even insure him at all.

    I guess it'll cost a lot, but probably peanuts in comparison to the money in the premier league and getting a top level player for no transfer fee.

  • Sorry didn't word that very well but the unit was changed when the battery reached its safe limit. 
  • Doesn't daley blind have one, Dutch international, good luck go Ericsson. One of the most scariest things I've seen on tv, because how its ended now and I'm happy to admit the most tearful thing I've experienced.
  • Statue of Curbs behind him?
  • Thanks @jonseventyfive appreciate the info and the feedback. I am actually amazed how well it has all healed and the surgeon seems happy that he has kind of created a pocket in her chest for it so that it is easy to replace. It hasn’t fired yet in her, but it paces her heart as well and shr has about two events a week where it needs pacing.

    Has yours fired and how did it feel if so, thinks that will be quite a friteni g experience fit her when it does.

    and thanks @ElfsborgAddick
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  • Morning Gary, thanks to the 'pocket ' they are very quickly changed, as of course the connections shouldn't need replacing, I have fairly regular pacing events but she will hardly notice maybe a slight flutter, I have had two what my cardiologist calls Events, again she certainly will know it has happened but it isn't overly painful just comes as a bit of a shock , I'm 53 and take it in my stride but I hope she isn't too scared/worried by having it.
  • Thanks @jonseventyfive appreciate the info and the feedback. I am actually amazed how well it has all healed and the surgeon seems happy that he has kind of created a pocket in her chest for it so that it is easy to replace. It hasn’t fired yet in her, but it paces her heart as well and shr has about two events a week where it needs pacing.

    Has yours fired and how did it feel if so, thinks that will be quite a friteni g experience fit her when it does.

    and thanks @ElfsborgAddick
    Thought I'd mention Gary that I had my first heart op in 1973 age 5, and has rarely interfered in my life. 
  • Thanks @jonseventyfive I really appreciate you sharing all that. It’s also really nice to know that you have lived a full largely unaffected life despite having problems from such a young age.
    Although ICD’s in adults are now pretty common, they are still quite unusual in children, but I am very thankful she has one.
    I wish you many more years of continued good health
  • I sincerely wish you both well for the future. 
  • Thanks mate

  • That’s an incredible signing for Brentford. Can you imagine if we signed that calibre of player in the Premier League days 
  • Really enjoy watching him play, so happy to see him back. (Ecstatic for him though).
  • Really hope he does well.
  • Valley11 said:
    That’s an incredible signing for Brentford. Can you imagine if we signed that calibre of player in the Premier League days 
    Incredible signing if he can get back to how he was playing pre-Euro's, but obviously not sure how this will have affected him and of course he hasn't played for 7 months. Good luck to him though, still got many years ahead of him if he can reach those levels again.
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  • Can't believe brentford are pulling that out the bag. Quality player.
  • Great signing, massive risk, huge upsides if they get a fit player

  • good luck to him .. the experts have passed him fit to play and he's decided that a one off illness won't mean that he spends the rest of his life as an invalid
  • Amazing hope it works out for him, my own ICD sits close to skin and is kind of like having something in your top pocket on your shirt,  and does hurt if knocked not to mention the route the connection to the heart, insurance must be a minefield and I'm more than a little surprised, but the very best of luck to him and it would be great to see him bang some goals in. 
    Just as a point of interest J75, is it possible to swim with the ICD?

    It became an issue with me a few years back with talk of ablation, ICD or drugs.  Luckily option 3 was decided on in the end. However, as a life long swimmer it crossed my mind whilst in hospital how an ICD would affect my swimming, I never got round to asking the specialist as my mind seemed to turn to mush on his flying visits.   
  • Really pleased for him.  Apart from his last 12m at Spurs when it was clear he wanted out, he was brilliant for us.  Hope it all works out for him.
  • What a fantastic good new story that is. I remember that day last summer where I thought I’d seen him die and it’s so good to see him playing again.  I genuinely wish him all the best
  • Amazing hope it works out for him, my own ICD sits close to skin and is kind of like having something in your top pocket on your shirt,  and does hurt if knocked not to mention the route the connection to the heart, insurance must be a minefield and I'm more than a little surprised, but the very best of luck to him and it would be great to see him bang some goals in. 
    Just as a point of interest J75, is it possible to swim with the ICD?

    It became an issue with me a few years back with talk of ablation, ICD or drugs.  Luckily option 3 was decided on in the end. However, as a life long swimmer it crossed my mind whilst in hospital how an ICD would affect my swimming, I never got round to asking the specialist as my mind seemed to turn to mush on his flying visits.   
    I have and do swim now, but in the early days I didn't, mainly because stretching your left arm isn't advised. Give the connections time to settle and bond. 
  • This is fantastic news and a real beacon of hope for all with similar heart conditions.

    I have to say though I have a lot of sympathy for his wife and other loved ones, I am sure they will be going through hell when he next takes to the football field in a competitive match.
  • Good for him, I hope he isn't patronised or treated over-cautiously like people with conditions often are.

    He used to cover some serious ground, I hope he gets back to that and the technology available from the device is only going to help him do so 

    Wonder if Ivan Toney feels a bit better about Brentford now he has someone who can thread a pass through the eye if a needle playing behind him 

  • Looks like he may make his league debut today off the bench. Great to have a good-news story among all the bad. Welcome back Christian. Hope you get back to your best. 
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