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Fan advisor what does she do



  • danny777 said:
    Last August, after CAFC appeared in the list of 191 employers who failed to pay the minimum wage, I posted the following in the subsequent thread:
    I hope the club publishes a statement on this as Coventry City have done.

    I'd like it to cover:
    1. Point out it happened under Duchatelet.
    2. What went wrong. The type of staff who were affected, and what work activities.
    3. A commitment that a system has been put in place to prevent it happening again.
    4. Ideally, a commitment to move towards paying the London Living Wage, and becoming accredited by the Living Wage Foundation.
    (For those that aren't aware, this government has tried to undermine the campaign for a living wage by rebranding the minimum wage as the "national living wage", so causing confusion. The real Living Wage is currently £10.85/hour in London and £9.50 elsewhere for all over 18s, compared with the national living wage of £8.91 for the over 23s.) The extra cost would be minimal for a club like ours, and would probably actually pay for itself in better staff morale and lower staff turnover. Some football clubs are already accredited.

    Henry Irving suggested that I email the Fan Advisor about it, which I did.

    I never heard anything back.

    Did you chase it up?

    Possible it got lost / overlooked particularly if initially deluged with inappropriate / spurious emails etc. I also seem to recall someone saying she had been ill for a brief(?) time and may have been bad timing if it overlapped in some way.

    Just offering possible explanations - remembering its  a volunteer role of course. 
  • Alcafc1 said:
    Why don't you ask her on twitter?
    I have in the past asked about a few issues with certain things got no response
    me too.
  • edited March 2022
    This forum is also a form of social media though
  • SamB09 said:
    This forum is also a form of social media though
    Is the fans adviser on it though? 
  • iainment said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    I don’t use twitter, Tik Tok, instagram, Facebook or any other unknown (to me) platforms.
    I use WhatsApp for my cycling club and then a couple of forums (including this). So if the communication is on one of the aforesaid I’m out of the loop. Unless it’s mentioned on here or I get email or text about the club.
    I suspect that although I’m in a minority in how I use social media it’s a significant minority. So the club and the fan advisor would be well advised to broaden it’s message dissemination.
    Ditto. something to do with our age? 
  • iainment said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    I don’t use twitter, Tik Tok, instagram, Facebook or any other unknown (to me) platforms.
    I use WhatsApp for my cycling club and then a couple of forums (including this). So if the communication is on one of the aforesaid I’m out of the loop. Unless it’s mentioned on here or I get email or text about the club.
    I suspect that although I’m in a minority in how I use social media it’s a significant minority. So the club and the fan advisor would be well advised to broaden it’s message dissemination.
    Ditto. something to do with our age? 
    In all likelihood. 🤔
  • edited March 2022
    It's a tricky one this.  I think the idea of a fan advisor is a good idea in principle & I also think it would be a good idea if they were active on this forum.

    I do think it's a thankless task though & we have to remember that it's voluntary.  Certainly not a job I'd like to take on in my spare time!!
  • It's a tricky one this.  I think the idea of a fan advisor/liason officer is a good idea in principle & I also think it would be a good idea if they were active on this forum.

    I do think it's a thankless task though & we have to remember that it's voluntary.  Certainly not a job I'd like to take on in my spare time!!
    The Supporter Liaison Officer is a paid position, The Fan Advisor is a voluntary position.
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  • clive said:
    It's a tricky one this.  I think the idea of a fan advisor/liason officer is a good idea in principle & I also think it would be a good idea if they were active on this forum.

    I do think it's a thankless task though & we have to remember that it's voluntary.  Certainly not a job I'd like to take on in my spare time!!
    The Supporter Liaison Officer is a paid position, The Fan Advisor is a voluntary position.
    OK.  Thanks as I wasn't aware of that.  I've amended my post accordingly.

    My point about the fan advisor role still stands
  • 1 - It's a free position, entirely voluntary, run in the spare time of the person concerned

    2 - As a result of that, the person involved will use the platform that is simplest and most advantageous for mass reach. That platform, incontrovertibly, is Twitter.

    3 - The club presumably has a paid marketing team, which will include social media management of the other club platforms - meaning that the 'Fan Advisor' is not the only route to contact the club or receive marketing/information about the club's activities

    4 - FFS
    Under '3' ... does the Club's paid marketing team (Supporter Liaison Officer) also use Twitter?

    You know what comes next.
  • edited March 2022
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I don't do Twitter either, but you can always email her at

    Email is a tool of the Illuminat. Seth's only interested in communicating with the fan advisor if she personally comes around his house with a good faith offering of a pot of hummus and a vegan sausage roll, but she must consent to be searched for a wire before she can come inside his house. 
  • edited March 2022
    Dave Rudd said:
    1 - It's a free position, entirely voluntary, run in the spare time of the person concerned

    2 - As a result of that, the person involved will use the platform that is simplest and most advantageous for mass reach. That platform, incontrovertibly, is Twitter.

    3 - The club presumably has a paid marketing team, which will include social media management of the other club platforms - meaning that the 'Fan Advisor' is not the only route to contact the club or receive marketing/information about the club's activities

    4 - FFS
    Under '3' ... does the Club's paid marketing team (Supporter Liaison Officer) also use Twitter?

    You know what comes next.
    Yes. Would you like his twitter handle? 
  • Alcafc1 said:
    se9addick said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    se9addick said:
    These fan engagement roles sound like a good idea, but they are utterly thankless tasks, shit like this proves why:  

    Alcafc1 said:
    Does anyone actually know what she does and has she done anything?

    God bless anyone mad enough to sign up for one.
    Its a fair question, how can this be described as shit?
    Because it’s bloody rude. The insinuation in the (rhetorical, I’m sure) question is that she does nothing.
    It’s not rude I’m asking a genuine question. 

    The 33-year-old will help manage the club’s direct interaction with supporters, giving fans the opportunity to have their say.

    That was on the official site when she was appointed I don’t believe she has done anything apart from have one interview with sandgaard about 6 months ago.
    I've contacted her in the past. There was nothing set up with the club for a disabled supporter to take their five year old daughter to a game, the free PA/Assistant ticket is only for helpers, although I'm in a wheelchair I don't need a helper 99% of the time. She assisted me with the club, so I could take her to a game, sit with me & my dad in our usual place in the NW quadrant. I should imagine she spends most of her time dealing with things like that. If you're asking has she spoke to TS or JJ & told them the footballs cr*p & fans aren't happy, then no I doubt it.
  • edited March 2022
    iainment said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    I don’t use twitter, Tik Tok, instagram, Facebook or any other unknown (to me) platforms.
    I use WhatsApp for my cycling club and then a couple of forums (including this). So if the communication is on one of the aforesaid I’m out of the loop. Unless it’s mentioned on here or I get email or text about the club.
    I suspect that although I’m in a minority in how I use social media it’s a significant minority. So the club and the fan advisor would be well advised to broaden it’s message dissemination.
    That's not the point I was making.  He spends multiple posts moaning about the evil of commercial social media providers then spends many hours using one. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
  • seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    So who profits from the hosting of this site? 
  • seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    How are you posting on this forum? PC/phone?...and what brand/make? What operating system/systems? Whos your internet provider/phone network service?
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  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    So who profits from the hosting of this site? 
    I doubt if Morgan Stanley has shares in Charlton Life.
  • seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    How are you posting on this forum? PC/phone?...and what brand/make? What operating system/systems? Whos your internet provider/phone network service?
    I post by going on the internet.
    It is Virgin.

  • seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    How are you posting on this forum? PC/phone?...and what brand/make? What operating system/systems? Whos your internet provider/phone network service?
    I post by going on the internet.

  • edited March 2022
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Doing everything by Twitter, either at the club, or in the world generally enriches the Vangard group, Morgan Stanley and others.
    Twitter is not inclusive, it is a vehicle to enrich questionable forces relying on (if this isn’t too tautological) passive acceptance and participation.
    I suppose it is OK for participants, but it feels to me like folk saying that because they drive a Mercedes then everybody else should drive one too.
    For every Twitter conduit I think there should be about five others in parallel that are responded to with equal speed and thoroughness.
    Better still I would love to see a Twitter alternative where profits are used for the common good, where each posting counts as a non fungicide token that benefits the person creating the post.
    I write as somebody who has never had Facebook or Twitter or the like, and wouldn’t choose to do so.
    There was nothing wrong with semaphore😃
    I'll ask you again, why is this message board service (not Charlton life but the host) any different to facebook or twitter? 
    Because of who is profiting from it.
    So who profits from the hosting of this site? 
    I doubt if Morgan Stanley has shares in Charlton Life.
    So you think this is all run out of AFKA's bedroom?
  • Is it run out of GCHQ?
  • Alcafc1 said:
    se9addick said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    se9addick said:
    These fan engagement roles sound like a good idea, but they are utterly thankless tasks, shit like this proves why:  

    Alcafc1 said:
    Does anyone actually know what she does and has she done anything?

    God bless anyone mad enough to sign up for one.
    Its a fair question, how can this be described as shit?
    Because it’s bloody rude. The insinuation in the (rhetorical, I’m sure) question is that she does nothing.
    It’s not rude I’m asking a genuine question. 

    The 33-year-old will help manage the club’s direct interaction with supporters, giving fans the opportunity to have their say.

    That was on the official site when she was appointed I don’t believe she has done anything apart from have one interview with sandgaard about 6 months ago.
    You could ask her what she’s doing via email. 
    Perhaps if you have any suggestions about things you think she should be doing you could put them in the email. 
    To be fair, it’s the easiest time ever to communicate with the club, isn’t it? We have the Supporters Trust, the fans representative, the Fans Forum, and Thomas is on Twitter and LinkedIn. 
    Compare that to what it was like in the sixties snd seventies, and even later,  when all your info about the club came from the newspapers. 
  • seth plum said:
    Is it run out of GCHQ?
    You don't know who provides the service do you?  
  • seth plum said:
    My vague understanding is she does whatever she does for nothing on a part time/ad hoc basis.
    In other words works like a Trojan compared to resource draining Tony Keohane.
    And a number of the current first team squad to be fair.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    Is it run out of GCHQ?
    You don't know who provides the service do you?  
    Ought I know?
    Do you?
    Is it relevant in some way?
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