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Lifers' Cancer Updates - Peter_G's operation was a success (p68)



  • Sat here in bed with the wife worrying about the world going to ruin and just saw your post. What utter shite news. Wife is going through the wringer today as her nephew signed up to the Swedish forces yesterday and her dad is ill in hospital tonight. He collapsed twice yesterday and went home from A&E and was found collapsed on the floor again today. Me and the wife have been planning to move to Sweden for a while, to look after him in his older years, but were expecting it to be later in the year, or next year. Now looks like it'll be very soon. Life has a habit of making plans for us that we'd rather not have received.

    I know it might sound inappropriate Beds but if there's anything on your bucket list that you'd like to do, get it done. If it's anything you might need some help organising post it here, somebody is bound to know a route to getting it arranged.

    Most of all, as others have said, we're all by your side every step of this unwanted journey. 
    Life is what happens to you whilst you are busy making other plans. 😏
  • All the best in your fight Beds 🙏 
  • All the very best mate 
  • Thoughts are with you, you can do it!
  • Just seen this Mate and barely know what to say. My words will mean little by themselves but hopefully, coupled with all the good wishes on here, they might just help you pull through. These things are so horrible but more and more people seem to beat them now. All the very very best to you and your family, we're thinking of you.
  • Me and my two sons today . Trying to take our minds off of things . The football didn’t help much ! Might be the last time I get down The Valley before treatment, whatever that may consist of. 
    Thanks again for all your kind words - I’m gonna fight this bloody thing ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

    so THAT'S what you look like !!
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  • Beds I don't know you, But I do really hope you beat this. We're all behind you mate 💪💪
  • What's that in your left hand, Beds? It's not exactly a salad is it?

    Wags finger
  • IdleHans said:
    What's that in your left hand, Beds? It's not exactly a salad is it?

    Wags finger
    My sons burger . I was holding it while he was taking the picture 😉
  • Then how come there's no sauce on his face? 

  • Very, very sorry to hear this Beds. Best of luck to you.
  • Stay strong and positive.
    Wishing you all the best. 
  • Thinking of you Beds, you can do this!
  • edited March 2022
    Beds mate. It's horrible news. But there's hope - a mate of mine's mum got it three years ago. They operated fairly quickly and she's still going. Take heart, and be strong mate.
  • Nug said:
    Hi Beds, so sorry to hear this. I had pancreatic cancer 7 years ago at age 45. I had a whipple operation and chemo for 6 months after. If I can be of any help please feel free to send me a message. 
    Thanks. I’m not sure I’m going to be offered a Whipple as the tumor is too large but I’ll know by Monday and I’ll get back to you if I’m having that procedure. 
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  • Good luck and best wishes for a positive outcome Beds
  • Beds, so sorry to hear your news, took me a while to post I was so in shock.

    All the very best to you and your family, keep us posted, you got this mate!
  • Wishing you all the best beds.
  • Good luck with this Beds.  Wishing you the strength and power to keep on keeping on.
  • Good luck with your fight Beds. Horrible horrible news.
  • Only just seen this shocking news Beds, wishing you and your family all the best.
  • Just seen this. Christ, that's awful. Very best wishes Beds, fight the fight of your life.
  • Beds, your looking good mate. Can I ask when you got the diagnosis ?
  • Bailey said:
    Beds, your looking good mate. Can I ask when you got the diagnosis ?
    A week ago . I feel fit as a fiddle as well but that’s obviously not going to last depending on the treatment . 
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