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Jeremy Kyle: Death On Daytime

edited March 2022 in Not Sports Related
Did anyone catch this documentary on C4 last night?

Thought it was shocking in its revelations about how this program was run, and quite powerful to hear from the people who worked on it and the guests who were affected by it.

That the lie detectors were, an expert said, at best 60% accurate and peoples' lives were destroyed over the results seemed criminal to me. People swearing they were innocent of the things they were accused of. Being called disgusting liars on national TV.

I'm surprised the man is still in a job, although the producers just as guilty.


  • Cringe worthy from start to finish……hate the loathsome, pompous self righteous prat.😡
  • When my girlfriend worked for BA, he used to be on her flights occasionally and he’s a massive bellend. Approached her once in the galley and started talking about his affair - creepy cunt.
  • arny23394 said:
    When my girlfriend worked for BA, he used to be on her flights occasionally and he’s a massive bellend. Approached her once in the galley and started talking about his affair - creepy cunt.
    She should have been like 'and guess who the pilot is...that's right, Jeremy's wife!'
  • Leuth said:
    arny23394 said:
    When my girlfriend worked for BA, he used to be on her flights occasionally and he’s a massive bellend. Approached her once in the galley and started talking about his affair - creepy cunt.
    She should have been like 'and guess who the pilot is...that's right, Jeremy's wife!'
    Is his wife a pilot then…

    RIP Trigger 😉
  • Little man bully boy, seen loads like him. Hopefully he'll never work in media again after this, TalkRadio should bin him. 
  • I'd refuse a lie detector when I thought it was 99% accurate, on the basis that I'd definitely be in the 1%, so f ck doing one at 60% accuracy 
  • Cringe worthy from start to finish……hate the loathsome, pompous self righteous prat.😡
    Bit harsh on chunes 
  • Detested him. How he could stand there and judge other people and offer his opinion on them as if he is in anyway qualified to do so?

    But people would tune in to watch it. The same way they tune in to listen to Piers Morgan or they’d read articles from The Sun.

    For a lot of people it was viewing to make them feel better about themselves and find comedy in other people’s expense.
  • Thought it was crap. Turned it off after half an hour.
  • edited March 2022
    Was always the worse type of 'point and stare' show, to say the least.

    A horrible mix of picking on the working class, and in some cases the mentally unwell, and laughing at them whilst pretending to be some moral crusade.

    Group of people at my old work organised a trip to see the recording of one episode and were honestly confused why I didn't fancy joining them or consider that it might be a laugh.  Had no desire whatsoever to go.
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