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Train on The Valley pitch this May


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    Is it just me or did anyone else think there would be a train on the pitch in may when opening this post.
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    8-12 age group already sold out? 
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    Is it just me or did anyone else think there would be a train on the pitch in may when opening this post.
    I was hoping for this☹
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    Is it just me or did anyone else think there would be a train on the pitch in may when opening this post.
    Well, with my "anoraks and trainspotting" comment", that's exactly the point I was implying in my opening post. :smile:

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    Tried yesterday for one of my kids but his age group had gone already. Not told him yet :-( 
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    Tried yesterday for one of my kids but his age group had gone already. Not told him yet :-( 
    If the demand is there surely they will put extra dates/sessions up. Get the kids on the pitch and they will stay supporters for life, isn't that what TS wants.
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    Tried yesterday for one of my kids but his age group had gone already. Not told him yet :-( 
    Same group as mine I think, shame, hopefully more to added 
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    Rothko said:
    Tried yesterday for one of my kids but his age group had gone already. Not told him yet :-( 
    Same group as mine I think, shame, hopefully more to added 
    Must have filled in just a few hours
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    edited April 2022
    Was this advertised as a perk for season ticket holders? 

    It was one of the main reasons I signed my two up as members on top of their season tickets, not sure I would have bothered otherwise.

    Thankfully I got them both spaces yesterday as someone told me about being emailed otherwise I would have missed it and had the right hump!
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    As a heads up @Ollywozere might be an idea to amend the advertising article if certain age groups are no longer available 
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    Couple things,

    From the error I’m getting I think it means I’ve to purchase a membership for my boy?  

    Also anyone know if there are 3-4 years left?
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    Yes @BR7_addick still availability in that group mate 
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    Excellent, signed my eldest up to the 3-4 group he’s gonna be over the moon with this 👍🏻 

    Don’t supposed anyone knows the details of what they’ll do etc?  My boy will be asking if they’re doing shooting n matches etc 😂 proper keen one. 
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    Apparently Thomas and his mates are joining in

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    edited April 2022
    Tried yesterday for one of my kids but his age group had gone already. Not told him yet :-( 
    You smuggling yourself into the 8-12 category again this year?
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    Maybe they could add some extra carriages?
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    Stig said:
    Fantastic, can we get one of those at the valley?
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    My 4 year old had the best evening, the coach Dante (probably spelt that wrong apologies) did very well controlling them all and the setup was very good.  
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