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Hello from sunny Russia

Hope everyone is OK.

This free wireless internet thingy in the hotel is fantastic! Which is just as well cos the telly is absolute shit. Although it's taken me several days and traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here till Friday and then travelling back, so will miss the friendly in three thumb land I'm afraid, but will be at Ebsfleet so hope to meet up with a few of you then.

It's quarter to twelve here I'm just polishing off my sixth Russian beer and I have to be up at 6.00 to host a seminar, so I'd better get to bed.

Take care all.



  • Are we big out there?
  • Spent 2 months in Russia and the Ukraine in 1994 - How much is a bottle of vodka these days? It was about 7p in 94.
  • Well I'll ask around mate, but I doubt if they've heard of either of us to be honest!
  • [cite]Posted By: vancouveraddick[/cite]Spent 2 months in Russia and the Ukraine in 1994 - How much is a bottle of vodka these days? It was about 7p in 94.

    Little more expensive now mate, but still peanuts in comparison to back home. Should be downing a few local vodkas tomorrow night, so I doubt I'll be in a fit state to come back on here. :-)
  • Jealous, enjoy the trip mate.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]Jealous, enjoy the trip mate.

    Cheers Afka, well it's mostly business, so it's all about Planes, taxi's, Hotels and offices, but hopefuly I'll get to see a bit of St. Petersburg tomorrow.
  • Moscow is cool. What a place, the traffic makes us look like we have no congestion.
  • [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]Jealous, enjoy the trip mate.

    Cheers Afka, well it's mostly business, so it's all about Planes, taxi's, Hotels and offices, but hopefuly I'll get to see a bit of St. Petersburg tomorrow.

    Cheers KB, well its mostly pleasure, so its all about beers, peanuts, darts and now jaffa cakes, but hopefully i'll get to see a bit of Sidcup tomorrow :-)
  • edited July 2007
    Jealous, enjoy the trip. :-)
  • Privet!

    hope the seminar goes well, if not have a few more vodkas :)

    Do Sivdanya
  • Sponsored links:

  • I wonder what Ollie's view is on visiting Russia?
  • i really enjoy MCS's total disregard for random places, always good value.

    Can you imagine if he was a correspondant on the Holiday programme ?
  • And here is MCS, a Charlton fan giving us a live report from his holiday in Paris.

    "Man, I tells ya - why did you send me here? I f***ing hate it. Eiffel Tower - might as well climb a tree and look at a pigeon's arse - you'd have a better view. Don't bother people they don't even have beards over here the losers."
  • dont even get me started on russia!

    although better than italy france or egypt!
  • Paris is better than SE7 dude!!!

  • I'd love to join in this debate, but I'm too busy at work- moscow
  • [cite]Posted By: cunningstunt87[/cite]Paris is better than SE7 dude!!!


    lol, yes very droll stunt.

    [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]I'd love to join in this debate, but I'm too busy at work- moscow

    dear o dear!!
  • What are you in a Russia for, Medders?
  • ooh, you're so scary with your puns Medders, my knees are Kremlin.....
  • Stop Putin Medders down, AFKA.
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]ooh, you're so scary with your puns Medders, my knees are Kremlin.....

    They will be when I tell your DBoris what you've been upto...
  • well theres no rasputin that i will be in trouble
  • I've had enough of these puns, Tsar very much.
  • that's good for you Sco, whodyanickapunov ???
  • ScoSco
    edited July 2007
    Yuri Gag-arin the realms of stupidity, Barts.

    (First man in space pun people - top that!) - oh dear far too proud. Coat!
  • too good for me Sco, i'll give you that.

    You really are the Starov the show....
  • glad this has died off, it was Stalin to get on my nerves.

    Especially when Ivan important job to do....
  • I think you boys need a reality Chekov
  • Anyone else feel the need to Popova the pub on the way home ?
  • Must be your round to get them Yeltsin Dan?
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