The new book by lifer
@killerjerrylee featuring the biographies and stats on all the Charlton first team players since 1921 A to H.
It even features V942 Tyreece Campbell and his unusual middle names.
Available from the museum or contact

Each player entry is far more detailed than Colins original book and a photo for every player as opposed to just a few.
Fortunately the resources available now are far greater so as a three volume work, set out alphabetically, it will sit alongside or replaces the excellent Valiant 500 as opposed to being able to provide an addendum.
Can't wait to get my copy when I next get to the museum
I'll see if I can get you a discount 😄
I was being a little flippant/defensive to the suggestion of Ian's efforts amounting to an addendum when we both know the work that goes into writing.
I shall be getting one next time I am down in The Smoke. 🤗
The book is already proving indispensable, most noticeably when a player you want to look up is not an A to H. Thankfully Ian is getting well ahead with Vols 2 and 3. A Charlton classic, highly recommended.
It has exceeded expectations. I love the detail about what players did after football and the quirky facts like ex Ipswich Keeper Richard Wright is Geoff Hammond's son in law and how other players with Charlton links had associations at other clubs. It appears that Jimmy Seed did appoint his favoured successor Benny Fenton as a manager. The problem is that it was at Millwall and not Charlton.
Can't wait for the next two editions.
We're also expecting a delivery of the new "The Year of the Robin" book any time now.
Also what is cost
What hours are museum open please.
Only volume 1 of 3 is ready for now. First volume is £30 but what a book it is.
As per the flyer
£30 plus P & P if applicable
Museum open Fridays 11.00 to 2.30 and Saturday home games 11 to 1.00. Ian is usually there so you can get a signed copy
@Lewis Coaches
Anyone know what the least number of players to represent the first team in a season is? And the most?
I would guess something like 15 or 16 at one end and 40-45 at the other.
Either way I won't be buying at that price, although recognising it is a sterling piece of work.