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JOHNNIE JACKSON - new 2 year contract at AFC Wimbledon (p44)



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    Scoham said:
    Blimey that’s a genuine surprise. Although does go some way to explaining the contract situations…

    Will never understand the complaints about the style of football. We are in League One. In League One it’s never been pretty. Under Powell, under Bowyer. Look at Wigan and Rotherham this season. Both played 3-5-2 with big lumps at either end of the pitch.

    If we want to take the MK Dons route here, it’s going to be a long old road and many years of getting it wrong before it all clicks. No doubt it’s probably the better choice in the long term but it’s risky.
    He wants a manager to play a high press, fluid football with Stockley and Aneke up front. Kirk isn’t a runner, neither is DJ. 

    Doesn’t seem to be much alignment with what he wants and the actions he takes to get there.

    When you put it like that this is obvious stuff. 

    How long does the new manager get to implement it?

    They’ve got to get the team playing close enough to that style while winning games playing that way to keep their job and challenge for promotion.

    We’ll need to rebuild the squad over a few windows - that style needs plenty of players with pace and energy, plus the technique and intelligence to pass and move.

    How much leeway does the manager get when they get to the point where results are more important than style?

    Jackson was never going to get this squad playing a high press all season with the players he has available. In spells yes but not as consistently as TS wants it.

    If TS can make it happen then we could have an exciting team to watch, but how can anyone not have big doubts that he’ll ensure we get the right manager, coaches and signings?
    It won’t happen, it’s incredible that he thinks we can make Stockley and Aneke our star players and then not play to their skill set. They won’t press from the front, so now what? 

    Who in this league plays football like he describes, MK Dons? Took them years of stability to implement it, they still might not go up. 
    Wigan and Rotherham cared about winning games of football, not how they did it. 
    That £16m invested will soon turn to £24m. God help us if we don’t get promoted.
    Has he actually said he wants to see Stockley & Aneke up front ? Has nobody told him about Chuks ?  :D 

    Promoted ? Don't see that happening anytime soon unless he blunders across a decent manager but what decent manager will want to come here ? In sandgaards own words he knows very little about football but refused to bring in an experienced Football CEO so who's going to advise him on selecting a new manager. His son ? I think anyone interviewing for the job who throws "High Press" or "attacking exciting football" into the mix will stand a decent chance of getting the job.

    We've got our Charlton back ............... the same old shambles under a different owner.
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    redbuttle said:
    Major said:
    Addick_8 said:
    Don't I entirely agree with him being told over the phone If I am honest. I think he deserved a little more than that after 12 years.
    Does seem a bit harsh but he flew back to the States after the POTY dinner. At least he spoke to him and didn't email!
    Strange that he didn't do it face to face.
    The guy has a business to run over there. You think he should have flown all the way back?  Or should he have announced it at the POTY bash?
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    Thought JJ deserved the summer to try and bring it all together and think it’s a harsh sacking. Though tbh I’m happier it’s now rather than 5/10 games into the season. 

    Wish him all the best. 
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    Scoham said:
    Very sad day for our club and for Jacko, this is not who we are as a club.

    The combinations of Sandgaard’s parsimony and Nigel “I was a top manager ten years ago” Adkins incompetence killed our season by October.

    Jackson picked up the pieces and did as well as you could expect given the train wreck he inherited, yes there were some bad days but there were more good ones as his record shows.

    Bottom line? Sangaard has turned out to be the worst owner we have had since the wheels came off in 2007 with our relegation from the Premier League.

    Sure, Roland was awful at first but eventually settled down a bit  and learned to keep away, but Sangaard keeps intervening and getting the big calls completely wrong, simply because the man knows absolutely nothing about football whatsoever.

    Very, very sad day for our club and we need this guy out of the club before we can progress.

    I wouldn't go that far but I do stand by my posts of last summer when I said that there isnt much difference between RD & TS. In fact, as it stands, TS is looking like 2nd choice of the 2.
    Jimmy Stone said similar.

    Poor Jimmy not been getting enough attention lately? 
    Very sad. Guy has lot the plot. 
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    Like I said.
    Keep all players, they need a clue.
    Spend big on management, they'll have a clue
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    edited May 2022
    I think JJ should have been given the summer as we need stability as a club. But one of the things you probably have working against that when you underperform is everybody not pulling together. You can talk about tactics until the cows come home but when things go badly, especially in football, everybody points the finger and generally not at themselves.

    We suffered due to a disjointed squad IMO which was vulnerable to injuries in key positions which we got with interest. A lack of goals around the team was an issue from day one also. Which I identified on day one. None of these were JJ's fault. I was never 100% sure he had the flexibility, but I am not sure the person we bring will have either and JJ had the insight having been around and having done the job.

    A manager needs backing though and if Sandgaard wasn't going to supply that, JJ is probably best out of it. I am awaiting, with interest who is being lined up. I don't think there is a long list of proven managers that realistically would come to us. I know most won't agree with me, but I'd give the job to Euell. I would want continuity and to find a talent and allow it to shine rather than find a manager who has failure on his CV, which I think is the pond we are fishing in.
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    I'm concerned, It's all well and good have hobbies but get the professionals in to do the job. He's inflicted us on his Metallica tribute band 'Addicks to Victory" and now TS and his son Martin are playing at being Football managers talking about high press, tactics etc. That's the managers job, TS buy your son Martin FIFA 2022 & get in a CEO and football experts to get the job done. Not impressed that he jetted back to US & didn't speak to Jacko in person and isn't at Sparrows lane now to sort out the new manager and recruitment of players. Big summer ahead, needs to get his fourth manager right along with the right players to get us out of League One. BTW when is TS going to buy Valley and Sparrows Lane? 
    This with nuts on. But sadly the only thing to change will be the person in the managers seat. 

    Rinse repeat. 
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    Beale is probably his first choice - No 1st team managerial experience but a nightly respected coach who has worked with some really talented kids at big clubs. 

    I wouldn’t imagine he would come in and want to take over everything to do with running the football side of the club, which will suit TS. He can dictate what he wants done and Beale will have the nous to put that into action. 

    Only problem would be prising him away from being Gerard’s no 2 , which could ultimately take him back to Anfield. 
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    Scoham said:
    Too much information Tone... don't need to know what goes on on away days
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    Valley11 said:
    Steve Brown is spot on. 
    Seriously concerned that Thomas is a bluffer. 
    When will this end 
    Time to dust off the banners, dig out the pigs & taxis and be ready to protest again. 

    You have never stopped protesting !
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    I S'pose I worry most about Sandgaard's 'building blocks'. 

    I loved him for saving the club, his initial optimism, confidence and hope he bought to our club.  However, his appointments so far seem to have crashed more like a deck of cards.  I genuinely don't know to where he turns next for advice, if indeed he turns to anyone?  It feels like he might just be looking in the yellow pages.  

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    edited May 2022
    Sandgaard comes across as an egotist and definitely hands on. His decisions have not gone well so far, in fact his one success was in rescuing us from East Street investments. He knows less about English football than the average owner and they usually know bugger all. I think this will end in tears and not only will we have Roland demanding the money he squandered but some shit guitarist claiming the same  
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    An owner who knows how to set up a team to play better than seasoned professionals...... been here before haven't we?
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    I’m sorry but top8 wasn’t impossible and that’s not the reason why he was sacked regardless. It’s because of the play style and the teams we lost to, who had far worst squads than us on paper. Are we forgetting that we had a terrible drop off where in 14 games he managed 3 wins, 2 draws and 9 losses? Can’t be an excuse about the squad there either cause prior to that we beat the table toppers Plymouth and beat Sunderland. He had a new manager bounce, plain and simple and then was found out when the momentum was gone. 

    After we beat Pompey I believe Sheffield Wednesday were 7-9 points ahead of us. They finished on 85 and us 59. We definitely could have got into the top 8. Not that it matters cause ultimately we never played good football and it wasn’t gonna change next season regardless. I see a lot of posts about a stubborn owner, I see a stubborn manager who had the opportunity to land the job but insisted on a formation even when a side like Morecambe were playing us off the park at home
    Yes we could have reached the top 8, but it wasn't realistic. It's not just about Jackson's style, he essentially started with a points deduction with a bang average squad. 13th was overachieving, but we weren't 13th in the table from the point Jackson took charge. 

    I've got no problem with people thinking Jackson was right to be let go, but to expect him to finish top 8 from the position we were in when he took charge is pretty ludicrous. 
    We were 11th and 8 points off of 6th place when he signed on as manager. In that context 8th place was very much still achievable.

    I doubt he was set any particular target when he originally started as caretaker aside from just get as many points as you can and keep us competitive. 
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    Anyone remember the infamous team talks after Plymouth and Burton…the reality is he wasn’t up to the job, better doing it now so the new manager can bring his own players in. 
    Assuming any new manager is allowed to do that.
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    I’m sorry but top8 wasn’t impossible and that’s not the reason why he was sacked regardless. It’s because of the play style and the teams we lost to, who had far worst squads than us on paper. Are we forgetting that we had a terrible drop off where in 14 games he managed 3 wins, 2 draws and 9 losses? Can’t be an excuse about the squad there either cause prior to that we beat the table toppers Plymouth and beat Sunderland. He had a new manager bounce, plain and simple and then was found out when the momentum was gone. 

    After we beat Pompey I believe Sheffield Wednesday were 7-9 points ahead of us. They finished on 85 and us 59. We definitely could have got into the top 8. Not that it matters cause ultimately we never played good football and it wasn’t gonna change next season regardless. I see a lot of posts about a stubborn owner, I see a stubborn manager who had the opportunity to land the job but insisted on a formation even when a side like Morecambe were playing us off the park at home
    Yes we could have reached the top 8, but it wasn't realistic. It's not just about Jackson's style, he essentially started with a points deduction with a bang average squad. 13th was overachieving, but we weren't 13th in the table from the point Jackson took charge. 

    I've got no problem with people thinking Jackson was right to be let go, but to expect him to finish top 8 from the position we were in when he took charge is pretty ludicrous. 
    Jackson signed that contract when we were 11th though.

    Also if it was so unachievable why did he sign it in the first place?
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    Do we know for sure TS wants/plans to have a say in the style of football when he referenced our lack of pressing?  I’m not dismissing the fact he’s coming across as too controlling based on how things are panning out, but could the comment also be interpreted as a way of saying, ‘I thought the football has been shit, I would like to see better football’?

    We’ve all had a moan about the quality of football in the last 6 months at some point, perhaps TS’ comment about the press was a polite way of saying Jackson’s football has been crap.

    It’s a big perhaps based on him appointing his son etc, but sometimes it’s hard to decipher the true meaning of these things 
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    We can judge TS when we see how the replacement does - can't say that I'm particularly confident.

    All seems a big mess.
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