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JOHNNIE JACKSON - new 2 year contract at AFC Wimbledon (p44)



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    cabbles said:
    Do we know for sure TS wants/plans to have a say in the style of football when he referenced our lack of pressing?  I’m not dismissing the fact he’s coming across as too controlling based on how things are panning out, but could the comment also be interpreted as a way of saying, ‘I thought the football has been shit, I would like to see better football’?

    We’ve all had a moan about the quality of football in the last 6 months at some point, perhaps TS’ comment about the press was a polite way of saying Jackson’s football has been crap.

    It’s a big perhaps based on him appointing his son etc, but sometimes it’s hard to decipher the true meaning of these things 
    That is what he means, it’s not the first time he’s talked about exciting football, playing a high press etc.

    He can appoint a manager who wants to play that way, but will we bring in the right players? And early enough so they have a proper preseason to get fit and get to know each other?

    As someone pointed out yesterday you can’t play a high press with players like Stockley, Aneke, Kirk and DJ. Especially not if the team is expected to play that way for the majority of the season.
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    Jac_52 said:
    I’m sorry but top8 wasn’t impossible and that’s not the reason why he was sacked regardless. It’s because of the play style and the teams we lost to, who had far worst squads than us on paper. Are we forgetting that we had a terrible drop off where in 14 games he managed 3 wins, 2 draws and 9 losses? Can’t be an excuse about the squad there either cause prior to that we beat the table toppers Plymouth and beat Sunderland. He had a new manager bounce, plain and simple and then was found out when the momentum was gone. 

    After we beat Pompey I believe Sheffield Wednesday were 7-9 points ahead of us. They finished on 85 and us 59. We definitely could have got into the top 8. Not that it matters cause ultimately we never played good football and it wasn’t gonna change next season regardless. I see a lot of posts about a stubborn owner, I see a stubborn manager who had the opportunity to land the job but insisted on a formation even when a side like Morecambe were playing us off the park at home
    Yes we could have reached the top 8, but it wasn't realistic. It's not just about Jackson's style, he essentially started with a points deduction with a bang average squad. 13th was overachieving, but we weren't 13th in the table from the point Jackson took charge. 

    I've got no problem with people thinking Jackson was right to be let go, but to expect him to finish top 8 from the position we were in when he took charge is pretty ludicrous. 

    We were 12 points behind Oxford who were in 8th place when he took over and have finished 17 points off Oxford who finished in 8th place.

    Jackson achieved the bare minimum IMO and I wouldn't have bet £8m of my own money on him being able to get us into the top 6 next season. I don't think Sangaard should be vilified for this decision personally and even if the next manager fails it doesn't mean letting JJ go was the wrong decision.

    And do you think our squad is better than Oxfords? 
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    aliwibble said:
    Gutted, and not just because I'm sad to see it fall apart for a club legend like this. Given he came in when we were in the relegation places, and we've had major injury problems in central defence or with the strikers for huge chunks of the season, I think mid-table is a reasonable finish. I understand to some extent the grumblings about the style of football played and the apparent tactical rigidity, but I'm not sure how much of that is a matter of necessity given the players we currently have, particularly given the comments about "keeping it simple" after Adkins went.
    I'm also gutted about the timing. I was already concerned that we hadn't sorted out deals for various out of contract players, when normally that's been sorted out by now. Either the rebuild is going to be an even bigger job than already anticipated, or we're going to be wasting time in the summer on those renegotiations that we should be spending tying down new players. And now all those renewals and new signings are going to be further delayed because we don't have a manager. Given it was only a couple of days ago that Sandgaard was telling Charlton Live that we were going to get our recruitment started early this season, this already wasn't sitting right with me, but his comments about "we might go up to the beginning of pre-season" in our search for a manager seems like he doesn't understand the potential impact of what he's just gone and done. How many players are going to sign for a club when they don't know who their manager's going to be? And having to sort all this out from Colorado is just going to make it even more difficult.
    Oh well, at least this means I don't have to catch up on the 600 odd posts on the "Jackson has to go" thread
    So are we going to sign players early that a new manager has not had input to or are we going to repeat last pre season.

    I hope not because either of these possibilities are a likely recipe for failure.
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    This calls for an Emergency Charlton Live Podcast
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Scoham said:
    Too much information Tone... don't need to know what goes on on away days
    I feel this comment hasn't received the plaudits it deserves.
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    There's an hour long show on BBC London this evening devoted to us I believe?
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    Expecting another "corporate" style manager appointment, like Adkins. Thats the background that TS comes from, its what he knows, and the language is the same from one big buisness to another. But in Div1 -its not what our fans want (my guess).
    He will select someone who reminds him of him then. Oh bollocks.
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    If I was the manager and I felt that I could rely on half my team not bothering when they pulled on the shirt I’d say to the fans exactly that. In fact I’d not pick those players at Ipswich and give 11 kids a run out. Did it matter we lost 4 - 0 or 8 - 0. In fact those players not giving a toss that Jackson was aware of shouldn’t have been being picked and fecked off to the U23 squad. My uneducated perception of JJ is that he didn’t have the skills or ability to call players out when needed. I’d say Jackson’s comment that that result was a long time coming is as much an indictment of his management as it is of the shitehouse players. 
    Bowyer called the players out and it got worse.
    Anybody consider we might just have a bunch of not very good, nor pleasant, players within the squad?
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    We can judge TS when we see how the replacement does - can't say that I'm particularly confident.

    All seems a big mess.
     I said that just before Thatcher was sacked.
    Ben or Maggie
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    Agreed! It's not just the blow the league out of the water comment that leads to ridicule. Don't forget " Premier League ready", "football is easy" and the latest one when he tells us that Martin has produced the mother of all recruitment processes (time will tell on that)!
    In addition, he insists that he's not interfering with team selection but now feels qualified to give an opinion on the precise style of play. Maybe he isn't (yet!) but possibly leave the manager to decide how best to use the players he has?
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    supaclive said:
    If I was the manager and I felt that I could rely on half my team not bothering when they pulled on the shirt I’d say to the fans exactly that. In fact I’d not pick those players at Ipswich and give 11 kids a run out. Did it matter we lost 4 - 0 or 8 - 0. In fact those players not giving a toss that Jackson was aware of shouldn’t have been being picked and fecked off to the U23 squad. My uneducated perception of JJ is that he didn’t have the skills or ability to call players out when needed. I’d say Jackson’s comment that that result was a long time coming is as much an indictment of his management as it is of the shitehouse players. 
    Bowyer called the players out and it got worse.
    Anybody consider we might just have a bunch of not very good, nor pleasant, players within the squad?
    not very good  -ok not arguing with that, --"nor pleasant"- abit harsh -do you know them? Personally?
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    Very sad day for our club and for Jacko, this is not who we are as a club.

    The combinations of Sandgaard’s parsimony and Nigel “I was a top manager ten years ago” Adkins incompetence killed our season by October.

    Jackson picked up the pieces and did as well as you could expect given the train wreck he inherited, yes there were some bad days but there were more good ones as his record shows.

    Bottom line? Sangaard has turned out to be the worst owner we have had since the wheels came off in 2007 with our relegation from the Premier League.

    Sure, Roland was awful at first but eventually settled down a bit  and learned to keep away, but Sangaard keeps intervening and getting the big calls completely wrong, simply because the man knows absolutely nothing about football whatsoever.

    Very, very sad day for our club and we need this guy out of the club before we can progress.

    I can see you're over your vendetta against eveyone for LOLing when you said Adkins was the next Pol Pot or whatever.
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    edited May 2022
    JohnnyH2 said:
    If I was the manager and I felt that I could rely on half my team not bothering when they pulled on the shirt I’d say to the fans exactly that. In fact I’d not pick those players at Ipswich and give 11 kids a run out. Did it matter we lost 4 - 0 or 8 - 0. In fact those players not giving a toss that Jackson was aware of shouldn’t have been being picked and fecked off to the U23 squad. My uneducated perception of JJ is that he didn’t have the skills or ability to call players out when needed. I’d say Jackson’s comment that that result was a long time coming is as much an indictment of his management as it is of the shitehouse players. 
    Bowyer calls out the players he gets accused of being a bully. Jacko doesn't call out the players, he is a soft touch
    Think that’s quite a simplistic way of looking at it. They’re two completely different managers with very different styles.

    Anyone who has been in a management role, in any line of work, will know that it takes a fine balance.

    Bowyer would call players out on things that were quite trivial at times. Jackson wouldn’t call out anyone publicly.
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    Slept on it last night to see how I'd feel today. Yesterday I admit i was shocked, i was actually in a zoom meeting when it popped up on my phone, and it left me dumbstruck while talking, very unprofessional! But it showed I think how mentally i wasn't expecting it.

    But sitting here now I do actually feel it is the right thing to do, and maybe TS has gone a bit on gut feel and it wasn't planned, but he's been decisive at least and if we get a new manager in quickly who knows. For me it does feel it's all gone a bit stale and there was a danger it could bleed into next season. Sad to admit but we are now a League 1 regular and therefore the players we sign will be of that ilk, so expecting champagne football or Man City pressing just isn't realistic. BUT there was something else, it was just dull to watch. Last few weeks felt like my old sunday team. Clogging away, then give it to your pacey full back/winger and see if he can get you a goal out of nothing before we went off to the pub.

    So I think a fresh approach is needed, 3-5-2 with no plan B was so frustrating to watch. We all think we're Carlo Ancellotti when watching a game, but even I could see this formation with wingers in wide areas left us so exposed in open play and lacking numbers on set pieces. And playing Clare at the back was yes entertaining when he did a Beckenbauer run to the box before laying it off, but then we were buggered on the break!

    I maybe too simple as a fan but i think it should be back to basics to get out of this league. A solid formation with players in their own positions, a shape to stick to and energy and anger in our play. And crucially a way to change it up when it goes to pot.

    Maybe Jacko was too innovative for this level, maybe he was too naive, either way it didn't work and I do think he had long enough to make a change, at least to performance.

    Good luck to the new manager whoever they are, there are some diamonds in the rough in our playing squad but it will all need a freshen up.

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    Rothko said:
    find me a club that isn't doing data driven signings, it's rampant from the top of the Premier League through to the bottom of the National League. The idea that we're going to go back to a system from the past is for the birds, regardless of who owns us 

    The issue isn't with using the data, it's who's deciding which players from the DB we sign.

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