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JOHNNIE JACKSON - new 2 year contract at AFC Wimbledon (p44)



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    So having had a chance to reflect I’d say it’s probably tilted towards the majority who reluctantly think it’s the right decision. 

    What has surprised me though is the strength of feeling of the minority. I can’t tell whether it’s mainly due to the like & respect of Jacko as a man, or by being anti-Sandgaard, but some of it seems to me very OTT. 

    Going to be an interesting summer. I was very un hopeful about the season ahead so will be interesting how we look back and reflect on this.

     Football fans are incredibly fickle. Burnley fans were screaming blue murder at their owners three weeks ago.
    It's the comments from TS that worry me more rather than the sacking itself. I will happily eat my words if we make a good appointment, play high pressing football and TS breaks the bank with a few signings resulting in promotion. 

    Looking at the potential strength of the league already next season, this seems a million miles off. 

    Combine that with - IMO - a disrespectful sacking of a club legend, I am starting to feel like I am part of the anti TS brigade. 
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    Bit late to this as I’ve been up a mountain. This is terrible news. We need continuity. This will be the fourth manager under Sandgaard. I’m sorry but I’m really starting to dislike the bloke. My guess is he puts a puppet in and starts picking the team himself.
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    wmcf123 said:
    So having had a chance to reflect I’d say it’s probably tilted towards the majority who reluctantly think it’s the right decision. 

    What has surprised me though is the strength of feeling of the minority. I can’t tell whether it’s mainly due to the like & respect of Jacko as a man, or by being anti-Sandgaard, but some of it seems to me very OTT. 

    Going to be an interesting summer. I was very un hopeful about the season ahead so will be interesting how we look back and reflect on this.

     Football fans are incredibly fickle. Burnley fans were screaming blue murder at their owners three weeks ago.
    There's zero evidence to say that Sandgaard will appoint anyone better- I think that's the concern among some of us.  I'm not sold on JJ as a manager- the football has been poor for weeks and he is tactically rigid; I did not subscribe to the thought that he might have "done a Powell", who had similar shortcomings, IMO.  However, let's see who we get- none of the names on the current favourites list fill me full of any excitement.  
    As a matter of interest.who would fill you with excitement ? Genuine question. Not snarky.
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    Personally speaking, the only way that I think JJ could have stayed is if he had been willing to accept a demotion (either to Assistant under a more experienced and, hopefully, tactically astute Manager/Head Coach, or back to the Under 21s).

    That he is already gone is, from the fresh start point of view, a good thing.

    Whether the fresh start will be is, however, moot.
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    Scoham said:
    This is the critical point, I would say that Jackson knows a lot more about how to get out of League One than a Danish medical instrument salesman.

    Under both Powell and Bowyer we played with a target man (Yan and Lyle) and were very physical, often bullying teams into submission under Powell with sheer physicality with massive units like Taylor, Cort and Morrison.

    Jackson knows this and understands that getting out of League One requires a certain style of play, Sangaard will have to find this out the hard way.
    Or appoint a manager that can deliver both.
    What do you think the chances of that are ?
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    Sandgaard is a danger to our club. He knows no more about soccer than many of us, he knows less about English soccer. However he states the type of game he wants the team to play and promotes his son, who also is inexperienced, to a senior position in our recruitment set up. He does not seem to take advise from those with experience. His managerial recruitment so far has been poor with the sacking of 4 of his recruits Roddy, Adkins  Jackson and Skiverton.
    My only hope is that he is a good businessman and as such once he realised that the team would not make 8th place he commenced recruiting Jackson's replacement, in which case a new manager should arrive within a week and can commence preparation for next season, if not.........?
    Duchatelet II
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    It is very sad to see Johnnie leave, but I think it is the right decision and the right timing. He is a Charlton legend and will always be remembered as such, but as a manager he is limited and I don't think he would have got us promoted. He was often out-thought by opposing managers and didn't seem to have the tactical ability to deal with it. He also seemed to have his favourites who, in my opinion, played too many minutes (Gilbey, Matthews and Leko spring to mind). I am sure he will get better and better, and I hope he finds a new challenge quickly. He deserves another chance.
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    aliwibble said:
    Gutted, and not just because I'm sad to see it fall apart for a club legend like this. Given he came in when we were in the relegation places, and we've had major injury problems in central defence or with the strikers for huge chunks of the season, I think mid-table is a reasonable finish. I understand to some extent the grumblings about the style of football played and the apparent tactical rigidity, but I'm not sure how much of that is a matter of necessity given the players we currently have, particularly given the comments about "keeping it simple" after Adkins went.
    I'm also gutted about the timing. I was already concerned that we hadn't sorted out deals for various out of contract players, when normally that's been sorted out by now. Either the rebuild is going to be an even bigger job than already anticipated, or we're going to be wasting time in the summer on those renegotiations that we should be spending tying down new players. And now all those renewals and new signings are going to be further delayed because we don't have a manager. Given it was only a couple of days ago that Sandgaard was telling Charlton Live that we were going to get our recruitment started early this season, this already wasn't sitting right with me, but his comments about "we might go up to the beginning of pre-season" in our search for a manager seems like he doesn't understand the potential impact of what he's just gone and done. How many players are going to sign for a club when they don't know who their manager's going to be? And having to sort all this out from Colorado is just going to make it even more difficult.
    Oh well, at least this means I don't have to catch up on the 600 odd posts on the "Jackson has to go" thread
    100% aliwibble, I just see another wasted season coming up.

    I also wonder where Jason Euell fits in with all this, JJ & Skiverton gone surely JE is as much of "the problem" ? Is he being kept on to smooth the incoming manager into the position, giving him the lowdown on players & situations & then eventually given the boot if the new man brings in his own team & or will JE be presented as the new mans coach whether he wants him or not.
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    Bailey said:
    Sandgaard comes across as an egotist and definitely hands on. His decisions have not gone well so far, in fact his one success was in rescuing us from East Street investments. He knows less about English football than the average owner and they usually know bugger all. I think this will end in tears and not only will we have Roland demanding the money he squandered but some shit guitarist claiming the same  
    Following a review of TS actions, comments and outcomes, whether back room, training, structure, team or recruitment I concede from his history he is clearly capable of running a business, but his music is awful and when it comes to managing this club and the subject of football generally he clearly knows less about it than my cat.
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    Scoham said:
    'we currently have several days a week off for the players'. What bullshit. I do wish he'd say less and actually achieve more.
    You'll be lucky 
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    Asked what the target would be for the new manager, Sandgaard said: “We're implementing a number of changes.

    “Our sports scientists and physios are coming up with a plan to increase the intensity in training. We'll spend more time on the training ground - at the moment we have sometimes several days a week off for the players - all in preparation for seriously getting promoted, so it's not a big jump for us.

    Explaining Jackson's dismissal, Sandgaard said: “I obviously did not interfere with team selections for the games but I'm very convinced that more pressing high up on the pitch would give us a higher probability of getting promoted.

    “It started off really well, we played Sunderland in Johnnie's first game as caretaker and won at the Stadium of Light with an amazing high-press effort. I was hoping we were going to see more of that throughout the season. But now we're looking forward, we'll be making several changes.”

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    RoanRedNY said:
    Bailey said:
    Sandgaard comes across as an egotist and definitely hands on. His decisions have not gone well so far, in fact his one success was in rescuing us from East Street investments. He knows less about English football than the average owner and they usually know bugger all. I think this will end in tears and not only will we have Roland demanding the money he squandered but some shit guitarist claiming the same  
    Following a review of TS actions, comments and outcomes, whether back room, training, structure, team or recruitment I concede from his history he is clearly capable of running a business, but his music is awful and when it comes to managing this club and the subject of football generally he clearly knows less about it than my cat.
    You're cat is probably a better guitarist too.
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    Better to get him out now and keep his legendary status intact.

    Not seen any games this season but based on this forum most people were never sold on his style of football or his ability to adapt.
    What matters is how quick they get things done. Need to go into pre season ready.
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    He might have better buildings but he hasn't got a manager  - the bloke is hallucinating his way to promotion
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