Can get a decent bottle of Hennessy or Courvoisier for that range. Prefer Courvoisier myself, but Hennessy is the more widely regarded Courvoisier VSOP Cognac : The Whisky Exchange
Probably some lesser-known brands are better value/tasting, but these are my go-to
Hi, looking for a bottle of brandy for a gift, price range £25-£40
I dont drink the stuff but am sure there are some aficionados on here.
Renault is a really good brand and makes a great gift, partly because most people assume it's a motoring brand. It predates the car company. In fact, it predates cars.
Waitrose all day long, they're always running great deals. I'd only use WhiskyExchange if there was something special i was after, the odd saving you make on a £35 bottle will be lost on shipping.
Used to work in a shop that stocked Maxime Trijol - was never a brandy fan but it was lovely and a big hit with customers we'd give tasters to. Might be good if you were looking for something a bit different.
Metaxa two star. You wont wake up with a hangover because you wont wake up
Joking aside. Metaxa five star is pretty decent. Better than the seven star imho
plenty of average brandy out there perfectly fine for putting in hot drinks. If you want to sip it neat like it’s meant to be then spend as much as you can.
Probably some lesser-known brands are better value/tasting, but these are my go-to
Look out for Renault Carte Noir.
Ain't seen it for sale here for a while tbh
Yeah, that'll do fine if you're out of Brandy.¤cyCode=GBP&utm_source=database&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=mom_base_1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp7GcBhA0EiwA9U0mtmKE7h7Kd3DW2wlOP6Q5uJYxHLC-DD7zFXEkvhzDInVe1bJaoszTdhoCJyAQAvD_BwE
plenty of average brandy out there perfectly fine for putting in hot drinks. If you want to sip it neat like it’s meant to be then spend as much as you can.