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Earthquake in Turkey

edited February 2023 in Not Sports Related
The biggest earthquake to hit Turkey in over a century. People reportedly being woken up in the night by the shockwaves as far away as Cyprus and Tel Aviv.

Confirmed fatalities already in the hundreds… buildings levelled in cities many miles from the epicentre so likely to be a lot more injuries & deaths reported in the coming days.


  • Awful news. So many affected by it.
  • Saw the breakfast news this morning, the images looked horrendous, 130 buildings leveled in one part, blooming awful.
  • Awful news, my deepest thoughts and good wishes are with those effected by this tragedy. Good to see we have offered support straight away as we should.
  • edited February 2023
    what else could Syria possibly have to endure ? (the quake was on the Turko/Syrian border) .. truly a benighted country with little prospect of any real hope and rescue from its recent disasters in the near future .. and this in a land which was one of the very first cradles of modern civilization .. let's hope its travails don't portend the break down of that civilization .. tragic
  • edited February 2023
    over 1,200 already confirmed dead, looks horrendous
  • Shocking.
    We must try to help as best we can.
  • absolute tragedy 
  • edited February 2023
    second earthquake has struck according to bbc 
  • Sounds terrible. Hope help can be coordinated quickly.
  • This sounds pretty horrific from what we’ve heard so far.  Prayers for those affected
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  • edited February 2023
    Awful, heart-breaking tragedy. Thousands of families will be mourning lost and missing loved ones today and over the coming days. It's a dreadful story that puts many other items of news in stark relief. 

    One rumour is that Christian Atsu, the former Newcastle United winger is missing, feared stuck beneath rubble. There will be many more stories like this playing out across the region. We can only hope for the best possible outcome, while fearing and preparing for the worst. 
  • Such a horrible human tragedy, rest in peace all of those lost and I really hope we get some stories of survival and inspiration but the human cost of this is already beyibd my comprehension
  • Just been swapping messages with a friend I used to work with. She has family affected. Her mum has been able to speak with some of them, but some more haven’t made it. It’s chaos at the moment and they feel so helpless as there’s little they can do from here at the moment. An appalling tragedy that has affected so many, so quickly. 
  • Such a terrible tragedy. 
  • I was in Adana literally 2 weeks ago, everybody I met there was so welcoming and friendly. Awful tragedy. 
  • Absolutely heart breaking to watch 
  • anybody wanting to donate to the disaster fund, google DEC the Disaster Emergency Committee, a consortium of well known UK charities .. even a fiver will provide a blanket or a hot meal or two . it is freezing in the quake area (a huge area) and there is little shelter
  • Here is a link to the DEC donation page
  • A Turkish colleague told me that her cousin got her family up and out of the house minutes before the quake struck.
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  • A Turkish colleague told me that her cousin got her family up and out of the house minutes before the quake struck.
    why did they do that ?
  • Presumably because they felt the smaller ones and knew it was coming?
  • edited February 2023
    A Turkish colleague told me that her cousin got her family up and out of the house minutes before the quake struck.
    I’m not quite following that LA……how she know a quake was about to happen?
    Not saying it wasn’t the case but how did she know to do that?
  • Missing footballer Christian Atsu has tragically been found dead following the earthquake. 

    One of thousands of lost loved ones. Truly heartbreaking. 
  • Sad news RIP. He scored an injury time winner the night before.

    264000 apartments destroyed, the death toll is only going to rise further  :(
  • Sad for all victims. RIP Christian
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