St George is believed to have been a Roman officer of Cappadocian Greek descent who died on 23rd April 303 (info from wiki). The dragon slaying story came in about 700 years after his death. He is also the patron saint of Moscow, Ukraine, and Ethiopia. Isn’t it nice that the English celebrate a Mediterranean man on this day?
It’s almost like you’re suggesting that the dragon bit is made up?
Happy St George’s Day to all who remain proud to be from our pleasant land 🏴🏴🏴
And a happy St George's Day to you too Afka. As well as everyone else lucky enough over the last 800,000 to call this great country home.
This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall, Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England …
And happy St George's Day to the other countries and regions who claim patronage from St George, including Georgia, Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Portugal, Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia.
And to scouts, the cavalry, soldiers, the Greek and Cypriot armed forces.
And, let's not forget, St George is the patron saint of sufferers of syphilis. So, that's nice.
Sad how its never mentioned in the media but come St Patrick's day EVERYONE has to know about it. Pubs doing special deals & news items are outside many places in ENGLAND chatting to everyone going in & out of said hostelries.
Sad how its never mentioned in the media but come St Patrick's day EVERYONE has to know about it. Pubs doing special deals & news items are outside many places in ENGLAND chatting to everyone going in & out of said hostelries.
Yep it's all a bit bizzare. Doing my DNA test my distant heritage is 26% Irish, but I wouldn't dream of celebrating St Patrick's day. Im English born and (mostly) bred. End of.
Sad how its never mentioned in the media but come St Patrick's day EVERYONE has to know about it. Pubs doing special deals & news items are outside many places in ENGLAND chatting to everyone going in & out of said hostelries.
See there was some women on tv this morning going on about how we shouldn't celebrate St George's day not to feel proud to be English & we should change our flag as it's disrespectful to people of color Even though Ed Balls reminded her that we stood up against the far right in the 2nd world war she was having none of it
unbelievable they even gave her the time of day to air this crap this woke s#it is out of hand & needs put back in it's place
See there was some women on tv this morning going on about how we shouldn't celebrate St George's day not to feel proud to be English & we should change our flag as it's disrespectful to people of color Even though Ed Balls reminded her that we stood up against the far right in the 2nd world war she was having none of it
unbelievable they even gave her the time of day to air this crap this woke s#it is out of hand & needs put back in it's place
They like to find one loony to get you riled up. Seems it worked. I would say 95% of us lefties think it's crap too.
I tend to get more annoyed at people with actual power who are making the UK/England a laughing stock.
See there was some women on tv this morning going on about how we shouldn't celebrate St George's day not to feel proud to be English & we should change our flag as it's disrespectful to people of color Even though Ed Balls reminded her that we stood up against the far right in the 2nd world war she was having none of it
unbelievable they even gave her the time of day to air this crap this woke s#it is out of hand & needs put back in it's place
They like to find one loony to get you riled up. Seems it worked. I would say 95% of us lefties think it's crap too.
I tend to get more annoyed at people with actual power who are making the UK/England a laughing stock.
Totally & what a mess they making of it you couldn't mess it up any more even if you was trying Mind you they are one's who make money when it all goes tits up so they probably are
Just ignore the wind up merchant troll.
Happy St Georges day to everyone else. I'm spending it down at Peppa pig world. Woohoo.
Happy St Georges Day all true Englishmen, and the rest of course!
You know exactly what you’re doing don’t you?
Or the concept of a dragon might have been poetic licence for slaying the Devil.
Is it you gaslighting me in some way?
This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England …
And happy St George's Day to the other countries and regions who claim patronage from St George, including Georgia, Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Portugal, Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia.
And to scouts, the cavalry, soldiers, the Greek and Cypriot armed forces.
And, let's not forget, St George is the patron saint of sufferers of syphilis. So, that's nice.
Even though Ed Balls reminded her that we stood up against the far right in the 2nd world war she was having none of it
unbelievable they even gave her the time of day to air this crap this woke s#it is out of hand & needs put back in it's place
I tend to get more annoyed at people with actual power who are making the UK/England a laughing stock.
Mind you they are one's who make money when it all goes tits up so they probably are