Having my flat re-decorated & the painter isn't cleaning the woodwork because he says as he's using an undercoat he doesn't need to. I think this is bollocks & he's just a lazy cowboy. Any educated opinions on this please ? Thanks
By the way I said I would wash it down when they came to tender but they said they would do everything.
Of course he doesn’t need to do anything to achieve a finish, the question is what kind of finish and how long it will last.
If its previously been glossed (oil based), then regardless of the new finish, then a wash down with sugar soap, a sand down to key, and then 1 or 2 undercoats would be ideal. But obviously, as this is a longer process, the cost for this level of work would be higher.
If the previous finish was an eggshell or satin (oil) then you wouldn't necessarily need to wash it down, but a good key with sandpaper would be enough, followed by undercoat for gloss or 2 Coats Eggshell/Satinwood as these are self undercoating.
If the previous finish is water based then I would wash down. Again it would be a good key up, dust down and paint with the required coats to finish.
DM, Me.
DM if interested and will have a word with him 👍
If he doesn't say, ' because I prefer a mat finish' he's a cowboy who should be sacked off double quick.