I am sweet, most of the time myself and the good inspector was in the shade whilst at that pub, and then i put on some of your sun scream on! At the game, cos we sat in the shade in the first half that second half 45 mins didnt really burn me! lucky eh
Ha Ha, I look ridiculous, bright red head and neck and as i am now wearing a shirt everyone can see that i was wearing a round neck yesterday!! should look fantastic for the sister in-laws wedding on Wednesday! not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
red forehead and very very red back!! Did a 10 mile walk yesterday with the sun mainly on my back, in that heat but with some of the most beautiful coastaline to make it easier... hardest walk in terms of how hilly it was that i've done.
I look ridiculous, bright red head and neck and as i am now wearing a shirt everyone can see that i was wearing a round neck yesterday!! should look fantastic for the sister in-laws wedding on Wednesday! not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you did well mate, cracking bloody game wasn't it. Lovely putting one over the welsh like that as wll.
It was, decent result, still concerned about how painfully slow England were at the break down, could have a lot more if there was some urgency there.