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The Takeover Thread v3.0 - DONE! - Methven interview in the Telegraph (p55)



  • 995632 said:

    Excellent point, well made.
  • JohnnyH2 said:
    sam3110 said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Does anyone know Carter or seen him at a game before. He started tweeting defending the Sandgaards in Decmeber was the first I noticed him and at that point was not followed on Twitter by any other supporters, something I have not seen in the past when using Twitter
    Been tweeting about Charlton since 2009, when he opened his Twitter account. People need to give it a rest with the conspiracy theories
    It's not a conspiracy theory, but to suggest he is well known is what I'm challenging 
    They didn't say he's well known as in famous, they said known as in he is provably a "Charlton person." Which tweets going back 13 odd years suggest he probably is, even if some of his opinions are debatable.
  • 995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Hmmm, a tad OTT if I might venture to say so. 

    Nowhere have I mentioned having direct contact details for the owner/s but I've clearly rattled your cage.

    If our owners were Tom, Dick & Harry or the afore mentioned Sheik Mansour, it wouldn't matter in the slightest....I'd have zero interest in making contact with them. It's the SENIOR MANAGERS and the positions they occupy that have been difficult to even name , let alone contact by email with minimal- no make that NO information under the "Staff" link on the OS since TS took over the reins.  This is what I was referring to in my post but you seem intent on making me sound like an imbecile for some reason. 

    I can only assume that you have never sought to interact with a certain member of staff at our club, wanted to sponsor a player's shirt for a season, to request a mention in the VR for a birthday or maybe to ask how to purchase a one off parking space....and then to be connected to someone who has no idea what you're talking about, so tries another extension for you and so on until you give up. 

    I am in no way "fatuated" with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover. You must be thinking of A N Other Lifer.

    TBH, that is so obviously " rediculous"  that I'll leave it there.... I'm off to tidy away my torch & pitchfork before tonight's match.

    But before I do, why is there  No page found" on the site when I input your pseudonym  ? 

    Curiouser & curiouser ! 
    Wasn't aimed at you Fanny, no cage rattling just extremely frustrated by the amount of fans who are using anything to try to beat the new owners with when they have yet to make an error (early days yet, but need to be given a chance...) 

    I have contacted the club multiple times including when my father passed away about getting into the VR and about the memorial garden. The cost cutting and slashing of personel, as well as the 'toxic nature' of certain individuals probably meant that they literally "couldn't get the staff" to deal with requests appropriately. 

    Some other posters are like a dog with a bone for trying to get any information on the possible new owners. Demanding to "know how much they're worth" and "how much they going to spend" etc is a bit much. I'm guessing like me, most fans don't know any multimillionaires who are willing to spend the mind boggling amount of money to purchase the club, invest in the squad and pay for a loss making entity that we are. 

    Sorry for the typo, was rediculous... Keep your pitchfork and flaming torch ready, might need it if these new custodians start to not treat it club with the respect it deserves like the previous few jokers. 

    We all want the best for our club, we just maybe need to give this mob a bit of time to try to turn this ship around. 

    Live, love, laugh and be happy! 

  • JohnnyH2 said:
    sam3110 said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Does anyone know Carter or seen him at a game before. He started tweeting defending the Sandgaards in Decmeber was the first I noticed him and at that point was not followed on Twitter by any other supporters, something I have not seen in the past when using Twitter
    Been tweeting about Charlton since 2009, when he opened his Twitter account. People need to give it a rest with the conspiracy theories
    It's not a conspiracy theory, but to suggest he is well known is what I'm challenging 
    Figured there must be a reason he was included for that role... Don't have a clue who he is tbh... 
  • thenewbie said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    sam3110 said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Does anyone know Carter or seen him at a game before. He started tweeting defending the Sandgaards in Decmeber was the first I noticed him and at that point was not followed on Twitter by any other supporters, something I have not seen in the past when using Twitter
    Been tweeting about Charlton since 2009, when he opened his Twitter account. People need to give it a rest with the conspiracy theories
    It's not a conspiracy theory, but to suggest he is well known is what I'm challenging 
    They didn't say he's well known as in famous, they said known as in he is provably a "Charlton person." Which tweets going back 13 odd years suggest he probably is, even if some of his opinions are debatable.
    The post on here which I quoted said he was known
  • 995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Hmmm, a tad OTT if I might venture to say so. 

    Nowhere have I mentioned having direct contact details for the owner/s but I've clearly rattled your cage.

    If our owners were Tom, Dick & Harry or the afore mentioned Sheik Mansour, it wouldn't matter in the slightest....I'd have zero interest in making contact with them. It's the SENIOR MANAGERS and the positions they occupy that have been difficult to even name , let alone contact by email with minimal- no make that NO information under the "Staff" link on the OS since TS took over the reins.  This is what I was referring to in my post but you seem intent on making me sound like an imbecile for some reason. 

    I can only assume that you have never sought to interact with a certain member of staff at our club, wanted to sponsor a player's shirt for a season, to request a mention in the VR for a birthday or maybe to ask how to purchase a one off parking space....and then to be connected to someone who has no idea what you're talking about, so tries another extension for you and so on until you give up. 

    I am in no way "fatuated" with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover. You must be thinking of A N Other Lifer.

    TBH, that is so obviously " rediculous"  that I'll leave it there.... I'm off to tidy away my torch & pitchfork before tonight's match.

    But before I do, why is there  No page found" on the site when I input your pseudonym on this site ? 

    Curiouser & curiouser ! 
    Burgerboy at burgerboy dot com is all you need to know, Fanny 
    Unfortunately, I believe you're referring to Roland Rat's not so subtle bullying plant. In which case you're wrong. 
  • ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
     A list of staff like this, below, maybe.
  • clive said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
     A list of staff like this, below, maybe.
    Now that IS a comprehensive list ! 
  • edited July 2023
    Andy Scott confirmed as technical director
  • Sponsored links:

  • SexyDave said:
    Andy Scott confirmed as technical director
    interesting methven mentioned matthew benham when talking with the dossier, Andy Scott being the manager and then the director of football of the brentford project that's seen so much success. 
  • edited July 2023
    Read today that Rodwell is chair "for the 2023/24 season".

    Is that old news I'd missed or new info?
  • Read today that Rodwell is chair "for the 2023/24 season".

    Is that old news I'd missed or new info?
    It was mentioned in the OS article that named the investors and the SMT but I believe that was the first mention. I don't know how "new" that makes it.
  • Read today that Rodwell is chair "for the 2023/24 season".

    Is that old news I'd missed or new info?
    Thought that was in the original announcement.  Certainly not new news.
  • OK, must have missed that.

    Seemed odd to specify it is only for one season.
  • thenewbie said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    sam3110 said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    995632 said:
    ross1 said:
    I think Steve Sutherland will have to get his finger out as the Charlton web site still has TS as owner, although I wonder what he will change it to 😁
    Maybe THIS time, we'll be able to see a comprehensive list of SM names with email addresses on the OS should we need to contact them or members of their teams directly rather than be moved on like Pass the Parcel.
    So do you have the personal email address of Sainsbury's Managing Director? 
    McDonald's Group Finance Director? 
    Director of Performance for England cricket? 

    What about Dean Holden's mobile number to discuss tactics? 

    As stated above, don't think Man City fans have Sheik Mansours email address. They definitely don't care that he is essentially 'hands off' and let's the actual staff run things on his behalf. We've been crying out for years for people with football experience to be involved, as soon as they do that people are moaning.

    So what if Methven has got people in who he knows and had worked with? He is part of the lot that brought Holden in, do you not want him as manager because 'he is tarred with the Methven brush'?

    Holden says he is happy working with Rodwell/Scott etc and the improvement in the fortunes and professionalism of the club during the January where they oversaw things and basically ran the club because Tommy couldn't be bothered can not be denied.

    This fatuation with going over all the personal minutiae of everyone involved in this takeover is rediculous - are you sending people out to rummage through people's bins or bugging offices for smoking guns and any dirt you can find on any of them? So what if Friedman once got a parking ticket... Even known 'Charlton people' like Sutherland and Carter being involved isn't good enough for some people.

    The new lot don't get a free pass, but they do get the chance to try to do some good for the club and improve us without the lit torches and pitchforks needing breaking out. 
    Does anyone know Carter or seen him at a game before. He started tweeting defending the Sandgaards in Decmeber was the first I noticed him and at that point was not followed on Twitter by any other supporters, something I have not seen in the past when using Twitter
    Been tweeting about Charlton since 2009, when he opened his Twitter account. People need to give it a rest with the conspiracy theories
    It's not a conspiracy theory, but to suggest he is well known is what I'm challenging 
    They didn't say he's well known as in famous, they said known as in he is provably a "Charlton person." Which tweets going back 13 odd years suggest he probably is, even if some of his opinions are debatable.
    Debatable opinions? Unlike Charlton Life of course. 
  • Has the legal form and country of residence of Global Football Partners been publicly disclosed?
  • OK, must have missed that.

    Seemed odd to specify it is only for one season.
    Unless the chair is going to be rotated amongst existing members each year? Though surely they could just say that if so.
  • Sponsored links:

  • sm said:
    Has the legal form and country of residence of Global Football Partners been publicly disclosed?
    Word is we've just bought Exeter city (place not just football club!) and will shortly be turning it into a tax haven and official residence!
  • sm said:
    Has the legal form and country of residence of Global Football Partners been publicly disclosed?
    Yep. It’s on Companies House record as the “Persons with significant control” record for SE7 Partners Limited. It’s a company registered in the Cayman Islands, so that’s all you’ll get. 

    The only way that would change would be if they bought The Valley or Sparrows Lane or any UK property. Then they would need to disclose their ownership here on Companies House. 
  • edited July 2023
    Still showing on Companies House Clear Ocean Capital Ltd as person of significant control with Charlton Athletic Football Co Ltd, as is Sandgaard still listed as a Director...thought that would have gone by now?
  • Still showing on Companies House Clear Ocean Capital Ltd as person of significant control with Charlton Athletic Football Co Ltd, as is Sandgaard still listed as a Director...thought that would have gone by now?
    Companies House can take a week or so to update if docs were submitted in paper form rather than electronically. 
  • TelMc32 said:
    sm said:
    Has the legal form and country of residence of Global Football Partners been publicly disclosed?
    Yep. It’s on Companies House record as the “Persons with significant control” record for SE7 Partners Limited. It’s a company registered in the Cayman Islands, so that’s all you’ll get. 

    The only way that would change would be if they bought The Valley or Sparrows Lane or any UK property. Then they would need to disclose their ownership here on Companies House. 
    What length of lease would qualify as property ownership? Aren't there any EFL rules regarding transparency of ownership - or is the EFL yet again failing to stand up for supporter's rights?
  • Methven is certainly being a busy PR bee today!

    Office staff & Men's Team TICK 

    Academy   TICK

    Valley & Sparrows TICK (I would love to be a fly on the wall for that meeting!) 

    What next?  Don't forget the Women's Team, Charlie!

    I hope the Dossier Team are taking note of all these manifesto statements 
    Me? I'm awaiting the actions with close interest.
  • shirty5 said:
    Misleading title.

    Methvan talks about how there might be talks at some unspecified time in the future but not to worry as Man City and West Ham, both of whom have much longer and more favourable leases, don't own their stadia.

    I bet they own their training grounds.

    Charlie's very good at throwing in slightly relevant but not actually pertinent info ie Warwick has a background in property finance to deflect away from the underlying message which is there are no plans to buy the Valley or Sparrows Lane or have talks about doing so and they are quite happy to maintain the existing lease which doesn't, despite what he says, have that long to run. Unless you think 11.5 years is quite long.

    Did CM ever work in PR?

    PS don't want to restart the "it's OK to rent/no we must own the assets" debate as its been done to death.

    Just pointing out the CM is spinning the GFP position here.
  • It concerns me that Methvan is giving all these media interviews when the club have a SMT 
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Roland Out Forever!