It's a Charlton fee ie zero but the programme editor Tom Harvey is looking for a person or persons to write about each visiting club and team.
You'd have to be able to meet deadlines and write the articles on a regular basis.
As it's for the official club programme so it has to be accurate and not too controversial.
But you do get to see your name in print and you might end up as the new Olly Groome

If you're interested
I do know someone who would do this but they don’t do freebies and I don’t blame that person for that
Are the programmes given away for nothing?
Is there an angle to approach supporters via away message boards to supply info? All clubs supporters could be contacted now for a general history and breakdown of players. Tom could touch up results nearer to time of respective games.
Just a thought.
The message from Tom was "I don't suppose you know of anyone who would be up for writing or contributing to the Visitors section in the programme?"
Read that as writing about the away sides visiting the Valley but could be wrong.
F***** me there mate.
Not with your track record.
{Name of Team] are based in the town/city of [Name of Town/City] which isn't very nice, and the first thought of most people visiting the location is a strong desire to return to their homes.
For a young person - say, late teens - who has ambitions to work in the field of sports journalism, wouldn't doing something like this be good for their experience and also their CV ?
And unlike a lot of "internships" these days, which actually cost money, not to mention travelling expenses, this is cost neutral. Just needs a bit of internet research time and a reasonable command of English.
There could be more rewards that could be affordable I imagine.