Thought this may be interesting especially as they were rivals last season. I am a novice at reading balance sheets and on company knowledge, but this comes from an email I get from a guy (+ team??) called Swiss Ramble. Why he's called that I have no idea, but he seems to know a lot about football finances like Kieran Maguire (The price of Football).
Top line they lost £12.6 million for the financial year ending 22. That was an doubling of losses from 21
Wages increased by £3mill.
Staggering is the wages to turnover it was 166% in 21 but improved to 114% in 22 (I think that's close to our figure).~Still crazy.
I suppose that main thing I take from this apart from the obvious- that football finances are all from a parallel universe- is that they started "investing" in their squad a year before they got the success of promotion. What they spent last year/season heaven knows.
and we’ll be undefeated this season too