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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



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    RedJohn said:
    As a Charlton fan, I will give him my full support, that is what real FANS do, all those that do not, are not really fans are they?

    One more chance - how many multiple chances and rubbish have we endured as fans.

    count me in the not fan group in that case 
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    Redhenry said:
    redman said:
    really can't understand why there is so much negativity around this appointment. His record is actually quite good. We've been crying out for a more experienced manager recently. Not my first choice but a darn site better than many of the "realistic" names mentioned.
    Return to Blackpool

    On 18 January 2023, Appleton was sacked as head coach at Blackpool, seven months after his appointment, after achieving one win in eleven games, leaving them 23rd in the Championship relegation zone.

    And many others! Poor mans Pardew
    And just look at what Mick McCarthy achieved after with the same group of players in the Championship? Sacked after 14 games, two wins and nine losses. Wow, now that's what you get with a top highly sought after manager.

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    Kind of inevitable really. He's been linked once every six months for about the last fifteen years. Good luck to him... and us. 
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    Haha.  That's a shocker of a decision 
    I’m afraid I agree. 
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    Cheap yes man choice. 
    Why would the job not appeal to a better manager?
    Imo because the aim is not promotion but simply the development and sale of players.
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    Anyone know who gets to invoice the "Introduction Fee"?
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    God this feels like a dark day. We’ve just appointed Michael Appleton as our manager…in league 1…having lost 4 out of 6 games, including 2 to league 2 sides. Wow.
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    Oh well, there it is. Young players and academy focus 
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    Can’t wait for Ronnie Moore to come on saying what a good appointment it is. I’d would have sooner of had the real Ronnie Moore as manager. 
    Look at his record .. had success at this level with young sides remember his Oxford team they were very good side and then did the same at Lincoln .. he also very good at getting him
    quality loan players which he did very well
    at Lincoln ….. can see why we appointed him and we wish him good luck , he going to be lucky having injured players back , we got a decent squad , great protental as a club and owners who have money ..
    Because owners with money would definitely appoint Michael Appleton.
    Tbf they have plenty of money, the issue is they don't spend much of it on us!
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    I have no real opinion on Appleton and will give him a chance. The bit that bugs me most is that damn picture that has been doing the rounds on manager rumours for the best part of 10 years...
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    Even the Cowleys would have been better. Has Appleton ever got a side promoted? Genuine question 
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    Has he been spotted in the Oak yet buying fans a drink?

    Lord, we are going to need one I fear.
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    No prob, MA has it all worked out on the little footy board 11 against 2 we're certainty for promotion.   :)
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    For all his experience has he ever got a team promoted out of League 1?
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    MrBurns said:
    He's got experience of League 2 which is handy because that's where this club is heading 
    He got better experience in league one done very well
    at Oxford and Lincoln … sometimes it’s horses for courses … first we have to get out league one think he can do that 
    Thanks Ronnie for confirming we've found our level. Oxford & Lincoln. Well played GFP, you've played a blinder !

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    Anyone know who gets to invoice the "Introduction Fee"?
    Didn’t some stats show we were a high spending club in L1 on agents fees etc. I wonder if this appointment has such costs too. 
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    Richard J said:
    This has been a surreal 48 Hours for me with my wife's friend telling me that her DIL's  best friend's hubby is pitching up to manage us. I hope that @Dazzler21 would now categorise me as 'as reliable as Ketts' in memory of my old friend.

    I am quite positive. I didn't want Cowley and I believe many of the other names were unrealistic in terms of our targets. 

    An interesting aspect to this might be McGrandles. He was a key player for Lincoln under Appleton. Could our new boss get the best out of him?.Also it is interesting how he has got the Youth loans listed above. Maybe a shame that he never came earlier when the window was still open.

    Let's get behind him and see where the journey takes us.
    League 2 I expect.
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