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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



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    In accordance with prophecy. 
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    The ad that popped up in this thread. Don't know why, but it made me laugh. Probably hysteria. 
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    SporadicAddick said: It 
    I'm not telling him to his face that he's shit

    That’s what @LouisMend gets paid the big bucks for! 😉😂

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    Gribbo said:
    Might aswell have stayed with Holden, rather than all this fuckin about imo

    Still 100% support though

    I don’t get this view. If you look at experience and success, he is miles in front of Holden. 
    Using that logic, we should move on to the next more experienced and successful manager as soon as one becomes available. 

    But it ain't a criticism of Appleton and like I said 100% support

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    Got to be honest here, there should be absolutely nothing wrong with bringing in someone with experience in developing young players. 

    We are a young team so if someone comes in to make them better, i'm okay with that.

    What he should be doing first, is sorting the defence out as we have young defenders, boosting there confidence.   
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    Posted the following when Holden was sacked. I apologise for the error - it was page three of the shortlist. Unimaginative. Uninspired. Underwhelming.

    But I'll get behind him and the lads. Genuinely hope he proves me/us wrong .

    Davo55 said:
    What a bloody circus we’ve become. I wonder how many good managers will take one look and then give us a swerve. We’ll be on to the second page of the shortlist before that particular poor bastard is unlucky enough to land the job. 
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    Underwhelmed but as always will give him a chance. I'm just struggling to see his USP? My guess is working with younger players to form a team which shows you what direction we are heading. 

    Personally if I was the owner I'd of been straight on the phone to Bowyer to try and get him in even if it was initially until the end of the season. That would 1) Get the fans back on side 2) Have someone who gained promotion not too long ago.

    We all know if results don't pick up in the next month or so the fans will turn again and it will be another season of dreary home games and mediocre performances. 

    Anyway best of luck MA. You will most definitely need it...
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    LoOkOuT said:
    Andy Scott has a punchable face. And it keeps getting more punchable by the minute.
    Just about to say this, starting to dislike this bloke for some reason 🤷🏼‍♂️
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    who will he bring in as his number two I wonder? Who does he normally work with?

    edit - David Kerslake and Richard O’Donnell were his assistants at both Lincoln and Blackpool.
    John Sitton interested I hear 😉 Turned down for a job here before though which might count against him.
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    Even the Cowleys would have been better. Has Appleton ever got a side promoted? Genuine question 
    I’m not sure they would. They play unattractive workmanlike football and from what I’ve seen and read, not particularly focused on bringing in and developing young players, what is what our owners want, 
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    edited September 2023
    who will he bring in as his number two I wonder? Who does he normally work with?
    David Kerslake and Richard O'Donnell.

    Certainly one for the "I forgot he played for Charlton" thread.  At least he knows the club 😉
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    edited September 2023
    Previously a figure of fun and not the choice of many but needs to be given a chance.
    After the series of memes over the years it seems quite amusing that he has ended up here. 
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    edited September 2023
    Not a surprise given a couple of people have been telling us all week its him, came round to the idea and accepted the appointment already. Seems to be able to work with youth which is a plus, football wise dont remember his sides much, all hes known for these days is the meme and that, like week or whatever it was where he went from job to job moving into a better club each time. On paper a more capable manger than Holden who really was a "eh who?? when he was appointed  as long as he can fix the defence, get us solid and start looking up the table to top 10 then, fine. He'll get time and support from me as would anyone, certain sections will be on his back from the first minute however and tbh, dont expect him to be in charge this time next year. 

    Hopefully a wake up call to the final few romantics who still think of us a powerhouse. We're sh!t, we've been sh!t for years, the well respected itk's are always telling us how much damage has been done to the club in and out of the boardroom and how long that'll need to be rectified (when they arent changing their minds about that ofc) I'll take this as the first step to establishing ourselves as championship hopefuls, playoff contenders, Pompey and Peterborough types.  JOY of JOYS I know but, sadly, reality. 

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    Good luck Michael. Prove you’ve got what it takes.
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    League 2 here we come. 
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    who will he bring in as his number two I wonder? Who does he normally work with?
    David Kerslake and Richard O'Donnell.

    Certainly one for the "I forgot he played for Charlton" thread.  At least he knows the club 😉
    O'Donnell is still registered as a player and is back @ Blackpool after re-joining them in the Summer, so wouldnt expect him here.
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    That is the model since Roland and it continues development of young players and to sell them. Don’t give a fuck about the team the fans the club 
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    Adkins, Garner, Holden and now Appleton. all strange appointments. None of which I would of given the job to.

    Another manager who will get a pay off on whats left of his 2 year!! contract. 
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    who will he bring in as his number two I wonder? Who does he normally work with?
    David Kerslake and Richard O'Donnell.

    Certainly one for the "I forgot he played for Charlton" thread.  At least he knows the club 😉
    O'Donnell is still registered as a player and is back @ Blackpool after re-joining them in the Summer, so wouldnt expect him here.
    Confusingly it's not the same person.  Unless he was a coach at Lincoln whilst playing for Bradford.
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