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Players Marks & Applescore: Charlton v Bolton (closes Sunday teatime)



  • Applescore: 5
    AMB: 8 great game
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 3 getting worse?
    JONES: 8
    THOMAS: 5 could do with a midfielder in front of him
    DOBSON: 6
    CAMARÁ: 5 we need him fit 
    T.CAMPBELL: 2 terrible day
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 2 simply doesn’t defend
    L.WATSON: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    Referee 7

  • Applescore 4 Let subs too late. 
    AMB 7 Did ok.
    T Watson 2 Absolutely awful looks lost. 
    HECTOR 4 Bad player
    JONES 7 our best player. 
    THOMAS 5 Not great
    DOBSON 4 His worst game was outclassed today. Won’t be here in Jan and he knows it. 
    FRASER 3 Oxygen stealer. Useless  today. Swanning around very bad. 
    CAMARA 6 DId ok
    T.CAMPBELL 3 omg hopeless absolutely useless. Needs another club. 
    MAY 5 Runs around a lot I’ll give him that. 
    CBT 2 Worst player on the Park. Not interested thinks he’s above league one,  January can’t come quick enough to let him go. 
    L WATSON. 6 ok when he came on. 
    ASIIMWE 4 looks totally different player from few weeks ago. 
    LEABURN 4 Didn’t get into game. 
     Overall a pretty dire performance, some players stealing wages from the club. Relegation looks on. 
  • Applescore 2 - why not play 2 up front when at home or at least a player over 6 ft if only one up front . Had 2 big centre forwards on the bench and even one of them did not get on ! 
    AMB - 8 MOM
    T. Watson-  2 - rarely plays the ball forward - why not play Thomas on the right - much better full back than Watson 
    Hector - 4 
    Jones - 7
    Thomas - 6
    Dobson - 6
    Fraser - 5 
    Camara - 7
    T Campbell -3 -  Absolute bottler - how many times did he pull out of tackles . Really don’t care if we win or lose 
    May - 6- always trying but he can’t be played up front on his own
    CBT - 4 - might touched the ball once in the first half 
    L Watson - 6 - should have started
    Asiimwe - 3 - no left foot and can’t defend . Great going forward  , but not what is needed
    Leaburn - 6 - made a big difference when he came on 

  • AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 3 he must possess the bare minimum amount of ability it takes to make it as a pro footballer
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 should have been hooked. Stinker
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 8 got us playing forward 
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 7
  • Applescore: 2. Not convinced, as said several times. Set up wrong. Played May on his own up front. Isolated. We know this hasnt worked. Will give him some leeway as Bolton are a very good side
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5. Generally OK, but always prone to lapses
    JONES: 6.5 best defender
    THOMAS: 4. Tries
    DOBSON: 5. Having to do TOO much. Appletons fault for playing powderpuff midfield.
    FRASER: 3.5. Poor. Not fit enough yet? Appletons fault in my opinnion. Needed a more robust midfield against a strong Bolton side
    CAMARÁ: 5. Good player. Clearly taking time to get back into it.
    T.CAMPBELL: 4. Not his greatest game
    MAY: 7. Easily best player, along with Louie Watson.
    CBT: 4. Bolton had his card marked
    L.WATSON: 7. See May. Should have started
    ASIIMWE: 6. Did ok when he came on
    LEABURN: 6. Should have started
    Referee:4. Thought he was poor. Decisions nearly always in Boltons favour. 
  • Applescore: 4

    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6 needs cover
    DOBSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 4 from hero to zero
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 4 minimal cover for Thomas
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6

    Referee 7 come back on the field rules are shite
  • Applescore: 2 - set up with May upfront against a 6 foot plus back line, tactically inept, almost scared of them b fire we kicked a ball
    AMB: 6.5 MOM again because he had to be.
    T.WATSON: 3 we signed him and let Clare go!!
    HECTOR: 3 a total liability
    JONES: 5 best of a crap back 4
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 4.5 what’s gone wrong with him!!
    FRASER: 4 does he know how to tackle let alone pass.
    CAMARÁ: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 2 how was he allowed to stay on the pitch for 90 mins, clueless and a bottler 
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 4 brain dead and clueless 
    L.WATSON: 5 why he he not starting 
    ASIIMWE: 4
    LEABURN: 4
    Referee 4 let them get away with everything - blocked Fraser off for the 2nd…..but again standard for this league.
  • Applescore: 6, Tried a formation to stop the playing through midfield, it didn't work first half
    AMB: 10, Outstanding, kept the scoreline respectable
    T.WATSON: 4, Really poor player, summed up by his attempt at a cross second half
    HECTOR: 5, Wasn't commanding but wasn't helped by poor midfield cover
    JONES: 5, As above
    THOMAS: 5, Marginally better than Watson 
    DOBSON: 7, The only midfielder who got to grips with the game
    FRASER: 4, The game passed him by
    CAMARÁ: 5, Better than Fraser but not by much, should have scored but never will 
    T.CAMPBELL: 5, Saw more of the ball second half but this week has been tough on him
    MAY: 8, Probably should have had a goal, he deserved it
    CBT: 4, Never in the game
    L.WATSON: 6, We looked better with him on and Fraser off 
    ASIIMWE: 7, Did well filling in in at left back
    LEABURN: 6, Put himself about. 
    Referee, 6 Did ok
  • AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 6
    CAMARÁ: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 5.5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 6
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee 7

  • Applescore:    5
    AMB:               7.5
    T.WATSON:     5.5
    HECTOR:         5
    JONES:            6
    THOMAS:         5
    DOBSON:         6.5
    FRASER:          5
    CAMARÁ:          5.5
    T.CAMPBELL:   5.5 bullied, better 2nd half
    MAY:                  6
    CBT:                   5.5
    L.WATSON:        6
    ASIIMWE:           5.5
    LEABURN:          5.5
    Referee.              5

  • Sponsored links:

  • Applescore: 
    AMB:                8  Why cant he take a goal kick, one attempt short passing 
                                 across the back line put us under pressure for 3 or 4 mins.
    T.WATSON:      2  I think he's bloody useless.
    HECTOR:         5  Thinks hes Beckenbaur with his passing, he's not!
    JONES:            6
    THOMAS:        5
    DOBSON:        7 Cant be everywhere unfortunately.
    FRASER:         6
    CAMARÁ:        6 hope when he's fully fit can be more influentual.
    T.CAMPBELL: 4 spent a lot if the time ball watching in the wrong position
    MAY:                6
    CBT:                5 we cant rely on him to be our only attacking threat every game
    L.WATSON:     5
    ASIIMWE:        5
    LEABURN:      5
    Referee            0 what a total incompetant bias bastard.

  • At the game 

    AWB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6
  • Applescore: 
    AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    FRASER: 6
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6
  • Same as last game really...

    Applescore: 4 play two up front.
    AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6 only defender worth his spot at the mo.
    THOMAS: 3
    DOBSON: 4 not good enough lately.
    FRASER: 3 drop him
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 6 work rate alone is keeping his mark up but can't do it all by himself.
    CBT: 4 isolated lately 
    L.WATSON: 6 better than Fraser
    ASIIMWE: 6 better than Watson
    LEABURN: 6 better in a 2.
    Referee 4 not that bad. 
  • Applescore:  5 
    AMB:  6 
    T.WATSON:  5 
    HECTOR:  5 
    JONES:  5.5 
    THOMAS:  4.5 
    DOBSON:  5.5 
    FRASER:  4.5 
    CAMARÁ:  5 
    T.CAMPBELL:  4.5 
    MAY:  6 
    CBT:  5 
    L.WATSON:  5 
    ASIIMWE:  5 
    LEABURN:  6.5 
    Referee  5 
  • Applescore: 5

    AWB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 5
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6

    Referee: 6
  • Applescore: 6
    AWB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 4.5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 6
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee: 7
  • Applescore: 6
    AMB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 5.5
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 4
    FRASER: 5.5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 4
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 5
    AMB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 4.5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 3
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 4
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee 7
  • Sponsored links:

  • Applescore: 4 poor selection and didn’t know how to change it
    AMB: 8 bit like Tuesday. Kept the score down
    T.WATSON: 4 poor
    HECTOR: 4 wonder if he can go a game without making a terrible mistake?
    JONES: 5 best defender
    THOMAS: 3.5 was exploited
    DOBSON: 5 arguably worst game of the season, but still gave 100% effort
    FRASER: 3 looks unfit. If it’s not that, then it’s laziness. Get Watson back in 
    CAMARÁ: 6.5 put in a shift, albeit rusty 
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 one of those games where nothing went right for him
    MAY: 6 was never going to win long balls against Santos. Had a few half chances and done well with them. No service 
    CBT: 4 one or two decent runs. If we are not playing well, he’s not bothered 
    L.WATSON: 6 start him ahead of Fraser
    ASIIMWE: 5.5 better option than Thomas
    LEABURN: 6 done okay
    Referee 6 done okay 
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 6
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 4.5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 4.5
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 4.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 4.5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 4.5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 5.5
    Referee 6
  • AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore 5 
    AWB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 5.5
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 6
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 7
  • Applescore: 
    AMB:    7.5
    T.WATSON:   6
    HECTOR:   6
    JONES:   7.5
    THOMAS:  6.5
    DOBSON:   7
    FRASER:   6
    CAMARÁ:   7.5
    T.CAMPBELL:  7
    MAY:   7.5
    CBT: 6.5
    L.WATSON:  7
    ASIIMWE:  7
    LEABURN: 7

  • Applescore: 6
    T.WATSON: 6.5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    CBT: 5.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6
    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 5

    AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6
    FRASER: 5
    CAMARÁ: 7
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 7
    ASIIMWE: 6
    LEABURN: 6

    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 1 - Got initial team and set up wrong, although he did eventually put it right
    AMB: 7.5 - Some good saves kept us in the game
    T.WATSON: 5.5 - Better than recent but still very negative
    HECTOR: 6 - Did OK
    JONES: 6 - Did OK
    THOMAS: 5.5 - Off pitch for second goal but didn't have a good game
    DOBSON: 6 - Ran around a lot
    FRASER: 5.5 - No time but tried hard
    CAMARÁ: 7 - Lots of effort and one of few to not have a poor game
    T.CAMPBELL: 5.5 - Awful first half but he didn't hide and kept trying
    MAY: 6.5 - On another day could have scored a couple
    CBT: 4 - Nothing much on display
    L.WATSON: 5.5 - Didn't really improve on Fraser's effort
    ASIIMWE: 6 - Gave some impetus down the left 
    LEABURN: 6 - Got stuck in
    Referee: 7 - I thought he did OK, and liked it when not booking Dobson when he slipped (although he should have)
  • Applescore: 4 Loses a mark for picking Fraser
    AMB: 8 MOTM
    T.WATSON: 6 Okay
    HECTOR: 3 I Can't believe people were worried about losing him to a championship team in the summer
    JONES: 6 Needs a reliable partner
    THOMAS: 6 Does his best in an unnatural postition
    DOBSON: 5 Seems disinterested lately
    FRASER: 2 Crap player. Does 1 thing well, followed by either nothing or mistakes
    CAMARÁ: 5 Looked lively, but no end product
    T.CAMPBELL: 5 Tried, but not his day
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 3 Non existent
    L.WATSON: 7 Such an upgrade on Fraser
    ASIIMWE: 5 Not a LB
    LEABURN: 6 Game was a dead rubber by the time he was introduced.
  • Applescore: 5
    AWB: 7.5
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4.5
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 3
    DOBSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    CAMARÁ: 6
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 5
    L.WATSON: 6
    ASIIMWE: 5
    LEABURN: 6.5
    Referee 5
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