Have to give it to Orient’s Theo Archibald.
Won a free kick. Ref gets out his spray and marks out the line. When the ref turned away, Archibald scooped up the foam, walked five yards forward and wiped his hand on the grass for a new line.
If it wasn’t right infront of the Charlton fans, he’d have got away with it. Very surprised he wasn’t booked. Ten out of ten for trying it on though.
Weirdly, if he had of gotten away with it, I’m not sure it would have helped him much. From that angle, taking the free kick closer to the box probably wouldn’t be helpful.
I cracked up and he didn't give a fuck
@Braziliance did you get any footage of this ?
If so no, most of the game I was daydreaming thinking about board and quiz games night 😎