Hi all,
So, if you’re at a loose end this Sunday, and you’re missing the spectacle of the lads in red ruining your afternoons, why not take a stroll into nearby Greenwich Theatre and let us ruin your evening instead. 👍🏻🙂
John Barnes, (he of The Two Per Cent) is performing songs he has written for a satirical musical, called Gulag Vakation, and he’s got himself a cracking ensemble of musicians to knock out the tunes. I banged out the original script, and I’ll be there narrating the story outline to give it all some context.
It’s planned to be a relaxed evening, where we just give the idea an airing, if you fancy it, pop along, we’d love to see you.
There are around 20-30 tickets left for the small hall.
click on the link below
Many thanks👍🏻
Let’s Make Miserigrad Great Again!
We ride again, if anyone’s interested. It’s like Northwich Victoria to music 😉