Yet to listen to this podcast but I just finished this one from a few months ago. He speaks with knowledge and is open to admit mistakes. I really don't understand the hate that he gets for his past. Yes we need success but success in the business of football comes on and off the pitch. We're quick to forget the crook of shit we've had previously before Methven and his crew took over just mere days before the start of last season. TS, Paul Elliot, Chris Farnell, Range Rovers & Bitches and of course Roland.
Yet to listen to this podcast but I just finished this one from a few months ago. He speaks with knowledge and is open to admit mistakes. I really don't understand the hate that he gets for his past. Yes we need success but success in the business of football comes on and off the pitch. We're quick to forget the crook of shit we've had previously before Methven and his crew took over just mere days before the start of last season. TS, Paul Elliot, Chris Farnell, Range Rovers & Bitches and of course Roland.
Yet to listen to this podcast but I just finished this one from a few months ago. He speaks with knowledge and is open to admit mistakes. I really don't understand the hate that he gets for his past.
I'm not a massive Methven basher (oo err) but – have you watched the Sunderland documentary? What do you think of the way he spoke to his staff?
I haven't watched the Sunderland documentary as it doesn't interest me. But, surely, you learn from the mistakes you've made in the past to improve your management skills. If in future employees of Charlton Athletic complain about his attitude and behaviour then he hasn't learnt anything. I'm sure if that was how he has behaved whilst at our club we would have heard about it. Until I/we hear differently I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Yet to listen to this podcast but I just finished this one from a few months ago. He speaks with knowledge and is open to admit mistakes. I really don't understand the hate that he gets for his past.
I'm not a massive Methven basher (oo err) but – have you watched the Sunderland documentary? What do you think of the way he spoke to his staff?
This is semi touched on in the podcast.
Also, would argue that the "need for an interesting narrative and decent villain" by the editing team means certain things were possibly taken out of context/played up.
That's also why we don't sell salmon chinos in the club shop; they were made out to be evil!!
Yet to listen to this podcast but I just finished this one from a few months ago. He speaks with knowledge and is open to admit mistakes. I really don't understand the hate that he gets for his past.
I'm not a massive Methven basher (oo err) but – have you watched the Sunderland documentary? What do you think of the way he spoke to his staff?
I did and it was many years ago. But people change and he also has his own views of which he talks about staff at Sunderland compared to at Charlton in the YouTube video linked. Also we can't paint the whole picture of him just through a documentary of which will be edited to paint him in a certain light. They will edit stuff for things to be discussed and talking points to get more views. So no I won't judge him purely on a documentary from way before he came involved with Charlton and will judge from what happens at our club and how our staff now will talk about him. Of which I haven't seen much if any of a backlash from staff about his behaviour yet compared to TS, Range Rovers and Bitches and Roland.
Get us promoted and I'll give him credit.
All the while we are a mid table league one side I shall judge him on that.
But, surely, you learn from the mistakes you've made in the past to improve your management skills.
If in future employees of Charlton Athletic complain about his attitude and behaviour then he hasn't learnt anything.
I'm sure if that was how he has behaved whilst at our club we would have heard about it.
Until I/we hear differently I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Also, would argue that the "need for an interesting narrative and decent villain" by the editing team means certain things were possibly taken out of context/played up.
That's also why we don't sell salmon chinos in the club shop; they were made out to be evil!!