Each half will last 15 minutes. Each team will have a squad of 12 players. Players to earn a fee of £400 per game. Games will be played in a six-a-side format on a smaller indoor pitch. Rule twists will be introduced during the final three minutes of each half, including three v three, long-range goals counting as double and goalkeepers not allowed to use their hands. MLS-style one v one penalties.
What's not to like?
Starts 3 March 2025...
Used to enjoy our participation in the Evening Standard 5-a-sides back in the day
Something about 11 a side games, with the ball trajectories, the grass, the mixture of fast and slow phases, sprints, long passes, etc.
Different sport, I guess. I'll give it a chance, but the novelty will probably wear off quite quickly for me.
Former Charlton youth player is in the mix as well.
Means a lot to part time players who are the majority of players who were picked for this circus.
SDS vs 26ers
Yanited vs N5 FC
FC Rules the World vs MVPs United
Deportrio Vs VZN FC- Sordell played a blinder
m7 fc vs wembley rangers
trebol vs santan fc