Would anyone like this? About 34 x 25CM including the frame.
Came across it in a box when clearing the garage in readiness for building work. Think I bought it when a number were produced in aid of either the museum or the Upbeats several years ago. Am happy to pay the postage (UK only

). If you are minded to, please pay a donation to the museum or the Upbeats.
Nice photo
Paypal to account linked to cafchistorian@gmail.com or we can whatsapp bank details.
Inbox me and I’ll get it sent to you.
Two club legends.
Two generous supporters.
One beautiful picture.
One great museum.
Love it.
Sorry about the Upbeats link, that was what came up on google
Try this, left hand side of page towards the bottom, Donate Now, might work.
and maybe some language lessons , it came out this week that at Barnsley my mrs whilst trying to buy a matchday programme got a prize draw ticket as well cos she didn't understand a word he said .... they were fine last night and could speak fluent Burtonese with the locals