As a club we are at a pretty low point
For many on this site we have been there and seen it all before
Owners have come and gone and we are all cynical about the next regime
Gavin is not only a Charlton fan through and through but has also put his own money where his mouth is and frequently comes over from his home in Canada
He is now on the board as Chairman -a position that gives him a unique opportunity to report to the powers that be.
There have been too many mistakes to mention and I fear yet another season is to be written off
But we have to move on
Gavin is a genuine guy and having met him a few times I hope he can be a bridge from the fans to the money men and hopefully finally move the club forward⚽️
You've met him a few times & assure us that he is a genuine guy ? He may well be, but some people met southall a few times & thought the same thing. Some hung on every word from the Belgian "solicitor". Actions speak louder than words, I'll wait & see thanks.
Gavin is a fan backed with his own money
Never met the guy but is he someone to put his head above the parapet & tell it like it is or is he a Yes man ?
That aside, I think we'll see things change now.
Just curious to know how someone who the club puts out as 'lifelong supporter' and yet I have not come across anyone who remembers seeing or going to games with him from years gone by.
Varney, Simmons, Bobe and White were very known/seen as supporters before they officially got involved with the club.
Good old Gavin, lets wait & see what he brings to the party now that he is "chairman" (All the way from Canada
As per Bromley Addicks he knew one of our Billionaire owning families and that is how he came to be involved; Methven didn't find him. In which case he is far more likely to be firmly wedded to our owners, not our SMT.
As far as I am aware he has no football background so I have no idea whether he will be a capable appointment as Chairman. I also question his judgement given how much he stood up for the Sandgaard family when it was clear that had run it's course.
Overall I am as certain as I can be that he has the club's best interests at heart, but ultimately that doesn't mean a lot given he is a small investor.
He was always very entrepreneurial and die hard Charlton. A cracking example of this is the infamous Oceans 4 episode in ;97 when me, mad dog, James Corden's missus and Dave Berry performed an early hours heist of the News Shopper print rooms with the view that we could spread the word of the "Kids for a quid" promotion beyond the Shopper's traditional SE London/ NW Kent remit. It was masterminded by Gary Bushell and funded by Karl Howman and the bloke from Squeeze who also knocked about with our little mob on occasion. I think enough time has passed that I can talk about it under the statue of limitations.
We managed to haul 2k newly printed papers with the promotion and drove them round the country delivering them to homes as far flung as Cumbria, Northumbria and Corby. Whether this managed to entice any new fans from beyond our usual locale I'll never know for sure but me n' mad dog Carter oft wax lyrical that maybe there is a family from Barrow that makes the weekly trip to the Valley of dreams due to our exploits that night and if we managed to grow the supporter base by just one in that respect then that's good enough for us.
I remember we tattooed big CAFC4EVA across our chests in a moment of teenage folly after getting hammered on Hooch in the west stand car park having been refused entry to Bartram's for being too young. Gav's famed boyish good looks have served him well over the years and even now when wooing CEOs in important business meetings but they counted against him that night as he'd left his fake ID so getting sloshed in the car park under the lights of the Valley it had to be.
I got my tatt removed by laser but mad dog still keeps his with pride and gets it re inked once a year I believe. This is why you will never see him shirtless in interviews.
Don't see him as much now as he emigrated to Canada and made his fortune whilst I opted to spend my days writing lies on internet forums but we often reminisce over those glory days where we ran that little mob all in the name of the good ship CAFC and he's still very much as committed an Addick as he was when we were going toe to toe with Palace at Cubs' table tennis tournaments back in the 90s.
Just basing my thoughts on small observations
I expect he was more likely a West Stand home fan, that rarely went away (pure speculation based on the fact not one person have said they recognize him).
If you go to lots of away games you’ll be known and if you sit in The Covered End every game as well.
If you rarely go away and sit in the wastelands of The West, you could quite easily not be recognised.