I've always wondered what would happen if Peter Crouch was walking along the road, looking at his phone and was about to bash his head on some scaffolding. Someone might shout to him, "Peter, crouch". He might reply, "F*** off," and then be severely concussed a second later.
Chizz, may ask more questions than Clive Myrie on Mastermind but he has done his research and knew there are very few footballers called Pete. TBF Couchy has been called 'Pete' when I have listened to his pod cast but was definitely a Peter when playing.
Polish Pistol Piotr (Pete)Parzyszek wins the best player called Pete 😱
LOOK, at 31 now he has scored 115 goals in 345 matches in his career and after checking with the lovely Rachel Riley, that is 1 in 3. Also my Polish mate who lives in the Netherlands said he was great for De Graafschap before and after his 5 minutes spell in CAFC 1st team.
I certainly can’t come up with a footballing Pete. Being a Peter myself, I have always preferred it to Pete, but many of my friends persist with it and I have long since given up protesting. The dj Pete Murray (who is a few months short of his 100th birthday) tried, unsuccessfully, to get people to address him as Peter but he couldn’t make it stick. It looks like all the footballing Peters have all managed to fight off the truncation.
I've always wondered what would happen if Peter Crouch was walking along the road, looking at his phone and was about to bash his head on some scaffolding. Someone might shout to him, "Peter, crouch". He might reply, "F*** off," and then be severely concussed a second later.
A bit like seeing your mate Jack at the airport and calling out "Hi,...".
Edit: Not Petes!
TBF Couchy has been called 'Pete' when I have listened to his pod cast but was definitely a Peter when playing.
Polish Pistol Piotr (Pete)Parzyszek wins the best player called Pete 😱
LOOK, at 31 now he has scored 115 goals in 345 matches in his career and after checking with the lovely Rachel Riley, that is 1 in 3.
Also my Polish mate who lives in the Netherlands said he was great for De Graafschap before and after his 5 minutes spell in CAFC 1st team.
The dj Pete Murray (who is a few months short of his 100th birthday) tried, unsuccessfully, to get people to address him as Peter but he couldn’t make it stick. It looks like all the footballing Peters have all managed to fight off the truncation.
PS I am a Peter
Young Edson Arantes do Nascimento was to be known as Pete, but the illiterate handling the paperwork forgot to cross the t.
But it's a darn sight closer to counting than almost every other answer!