Not for me... I work from home... another benefit to not having to leave the house for work

No my wife has been silly, she was cleaning at work last night (She's a Veterinarian Nurse). Slipped over and hurt her ankle, just got back from Urgent Care @ Gravesend to find its fractured - Means that she cant drive now for the next few weeks as a result, but is allowed to work if she wants (Its just getting there that is going to be a massive drain on finances now) - Usually any "sick" leave she takes from work in normal circumstances results in her being paid solely SSP.
What would the circumstances be in the situation... Its not sickness, its injury whilst following processes at work... If she takes any leave would SSP solely apply, or would she be entitled to claim full pay? - I dont overly trust her Employer, hence why I wanted to ask the question, and whether anyone had any knowledge of this, so if they do under-pay when they're not allowed, we can basically go back to them and... "No you cant do this because of X, Y and Z"
Naturally we'd rather not go down the "Have you been injured at work, you may be entitled to claim blah blah blah"
As whilst she's still working for them, she'd rather not upset working relationships with them.
a spillage on the floor that had just been left
a newly washed floor with no yellow warning sign?
new slippy shoes that she lost her footing in ?
By the sound of things, its someone's responsibility to mop the floor of an evening, and then shimmy back along a towel drying the floor - My wife thinks that the towel she was using got caught in a door, meaning she's then slipped on the floor, as she's moved, the towel hasnt.
So guess in answer to @MrOneLung as well, you could argue its her own fault... and would see why it could be.
Whatever, hopefully she will be on the mend very soon mate.
1. Employer's Sick Pay Policy
- Some employers offer Contractual Sick Pay, which may provide full or partial pay beyond SSP.
- Check her employment contract or staff handbook to see if there's a workplace injury policy.
- If her employer only offers SSP, then that would be the default unless additional rights apply.
2. Workplace Injury & Pay Entitlement
- If her injury happened at work, she may be entitled to Injury Pay under her employer’s policy or a relevant industry agreement.
- Even if her employer doesn’t mention it, they could be liable to cover her wages for time off due to a workplace accident.
3. Is This a Reportable Workplace Injury?
- If she slipped at work, this should be recorded in the workplace accident book.
- Depending on the severity, this might be a RIDDOR-reportable accident (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) if she is off work for more than seven consecutive days/the fracture prevents her from performing her normal duties.
- She may be able to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) if the injury has lasting effects.
- This wouldn’t affect her employment status but is an additional government support.
- (Hopefully this bit will prove to be completely irrelevant).
- As she cannot drive due to a work-related injury, she could argue that the employer should help with transport costs if they are not facilitating alternative work arrangements. (I assume, given her role, there's no option for her to work from home).
- Check her contract for any injury-related sick pay entitlements.
- Ask HR for clarity** on whether her workplace has an occupational injury pay scheme.
- Ensure the accident is properly recorded in the bump book to avoid issues later.
- If the employer refuses to pay more than SSP, and it's clear that the injury was due to work, she could speak to ACAS or a legal advisor for advice.
- If she was following work procedures and there was a hazard (e.g., wet floor, no proper footwear policy, etc.), the employer could be liable for negligence.
Final thought. Be very careful about how she refers to her fracture to her bosses. Vets sometimes take the ultimate, drastic, quick action when faced with something as simple as broken foot..!
This is a tricky scenario if Mrs Foreveraddicted likes and wants to keep her job. Discussing with her employer is the first step and see what they suggest.
You're all heart ain't you mate...😉
On a serious note, she's had a call from the Orthopaedics, they've reviewed her X-Ray from earlier, and have said its not actually broken and is just a sprain - She's hyper mobile (dislocates easily), and basically got over diagnosed.
She's spoken with work, they're happy for her to have Tomorrow and Saturday off (as it was her turn to work that shift) to recover, and she's going back into work on Monday... Seems she's going to try and drive herself there, seeing its just a sprain, rather than a break, and see how things go.
Her Manager has agreed though, that until she's fully healed, she'll remain on a shift that has her working alongside other Nurses, whereas the late shift (which she was on last night), would involve her working alone... So looks like its all had a potentially simple resolution... Provided she can cope with the drive into work!!
Thanks for all your advice so far... Its a continued credit to the Forum that we were driving home after the trip to the Hospital, wondering about sick pay etc. and my first thought to check anything was here!!
Now, about the lone working policy? What if she'd slipped and cracked her swede?
This was godsend whilst driving as it just allowed me to move it up and down but gave really good side support
Only this morning a former neighbour and his business partners who know I'm selling my house asked me for some thoughts on a business idea they've had regarding making property transactions more definite post-offer. As well as my own eminently valid opinions, I used an example or two taken from here as illustrations of what can go wrong.