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Bradford Fire Disaster - Bradford chairman linked to at least eight fires before Valley Parade

Pretty shocking revelation which opens up a whole host of questions



  • that is shocking ...truly shocking
  • It is utterly shocking.
  • Nothing would surprise me with people now.
  • Nothing would surprise me with people now.

  • Nothing would surprise me with people now.

    'Now'? This was thirty years ago.
  • The Hillsborough disaster was always worthy of further investigation and has resulted in justice beginning to be done, but I have always thought that not enough regard has been paid to the Bradford disaster, it feels ignored and patronised and I hope that this book encourages a campaign to have the whole thing to be investigated properly and the facts investigated. it won't bring back the dead and it probably won't give peace of mind to the living, but it may bring some true justice.

    One of my best terrace experiences was as a result of the Bradford fire, as Bradford went on to play their games at the rugby league ground and I stood next to two old stereotypical Yorkshire men supporting Bradford and telling me annectdotes of the rugby league ground. this was the promotion to tier 1 , we won 2-1 with Flash Flannagan scoring.
  • Shocking, seen the fire brigade film never want to see anything like it ever again.
  • Another case of a potentially culpable Yorkshireman being investigated at depth after his death. There are far too many incidents happening in that county that either escape proper police investigation or are not investigated at all. Are the West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire constabularies 'fit for purpose', run by morons, don't rock the boaters or are they/have they been just plain corrupt ?
  • edited April 2015

    Another case of a potentially culpable Yorkshireman being investigated at depth after his death. There are far too many incidents happening in that county that either escape proper police investigation or are not investigated at all. Are the West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire constabularies 'fit for purpose', run by morons, don't rock the boaters or are they/have they been just plain corrupt ?

    The likely answer is just incompetent.

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  • This is truly worrying ...just incredible
  • Nothing would surprise me with people now.

    'Now'? This was thirty years ago.
    Without wanting to put words in ISPP's mouth, I think when he said 'now' he may have been referring to how one hears of so many horror stories over the years, that one becomes more cynical and revelations like this no longer surprise him.

    Regardless, as many have agreed, this is terribly depressing if true.
  • I wonder if this will be another case of local bigwig, celebrity, MP etc having enough friends in high places who can pull rank and stop any victim to go away and stop making trouble for themself.

    Whatever, still a truly awful story.

    btw did Lennie once manage Bradford?
  • Bloody hell - that is ...I'm lost for words.... the investigation ? jeez
  • That's unbelievable
  • I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.
    Back in the late sixties and seventies fire safety in factories were not as good as the could have been. Could be a bit circumstantial and were all the fire total losses or suspicious? Also I cant really see a chairman of a football club clambering around under a stand (in the middle of a match) lighting rubbish.
    As I have said, I would like to think its a bit of a conspiracy theory because if it isn't and proven to be true, there will be people other than the chairman that need to be held accountable and there will be loads of them.

  • Unreal, if this was in a film script I would find it hard to believe.
  • Don't think its any coincidence this has been released on the anniversary of Hillsborough.

  • I believe Lennie went to Bradford just after he managed Borough.
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  • I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.
    Back in the late sixties and seventies fire safety in factories were not as good as the could have been. Could be a bit circumstantial and were all the fire total losses or suspicious? Also I cant really see a chairman of a football club clambering around under a stand (in the middle of a match) lighting rubbish.
    As I have said, I would like to think its a bit of a conspiracy theory because if it isn't and proven to be true, there will be people other than the chairman that need to be held accountable and there will be loads of them.

    It's the sheer number that make it seem so improbable. With the lower standards, maybe one or two other fires could be seen as just bad luck. But this many? No, they can't all be coincidental. And I don't think the theory is that anyone deliberately set the fire that day, simply that he knew full well it was a fire hazard but left it as it was, gambling with fans' lives that the fire would happen when no-one was around and could be written off under insurance.

    It's a grim old world we live in, that's for damn sure.
  • I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.

    I hope not ...his brother, dad, uncle and grandfather died in the fire.
  • Wow, that is truly shocking. RIP the 56.
  • stonemuse said:

    I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.

    I hope not ...his brother, dad, uncle and grandfather died in the fire.
    In that case, maybe he wants there to be more to this disaster and someone to blame, which I would think would be a natural feeling.
    thenewbie said:

    I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.
    Back in the late sixties and seventies fire safety in factories were not as good as the could have been. Could be a bit circumstantial and were all the fire total losses or suspicious? Also I cant really see a chairman of a football club clambering around under a stand (in the middle of a match) lighting rubbish.
    As I have said, I would like to think its a bit of a conspiracy theory because if it isn't and proven to be true, there will be people other than the chairman that need to be held accountable and there will be loads of them.

    It's the sheer number that make it seem so improbable. With the lower standards, maybe one or two other fires could be seen as just bad luck. But this many? No, they can't all be coincidental. And I don't think the theory is that anyone deliberately set the fire that day, simply that he knew full well it was a fire hazard but left it as it was, gambling with fans' lives that the fire would happen when no-one was around and could be written off under insurance.

    It's a grim old world we live in, that's for damn sure.
    Are there any others making these claims or have there been in the past?
    Just seems a bit strange to me that this has come out now and the fact that you cant libel a dead man.
    If this story is true, its beyond comprehension.
  • stonemuse said:

    I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.

    I hope not ...his brother, dad, uncle and grandfather died in the fire.
    In that case, maybe he wants there to be more to this disaster and someone to blame, which I would think would be a natural feeling.
    thenewbie said:

    I would like to think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory by someone who happens to have a book to sell.
    Back in the late sixties and seventies fire safety in factories were not as good as the could have been. Could be a bit circumstantial and were all the fire total losses or suspicious? Also I cant really see a chairman of a football club clambering around under a stand (in the middle of a match) lighting rubbish.
    As I have said, I would like to think its a bit of a conspiracy theory because if it isn't and proven to be true, there will be people other than the chairman that need to be held accountable and there will be loads of them.

    It's the sheer number that make it seem so improbable. With the lower standards, maybe one or two other fires could be seen as just bad luck. But this many? No, they can't all be coincidental. And I don't think the theory is that anyone deliberately set the fire that day, simply that he knew full well it was a fire hazard but left it as it was, gambling with fans' lives that the fire would happen when no-one was around and could be written off under insurance.

    It's a grim old world we live in, that's for damn sure.
    Are there any others making these claims or have there been in the past?
    Just seems a bit strange to me that this has come out now and the fact that you cant libel a dead man.
    If this story is true, its beyond comprehension.
    Which many said about Hillsborough!
  • I think that if the guy is factually correct which I don't doubt there is a lot of bad luck for it not to be on purpose
  • Eight separate fires over a 20 year period with the owner / MD being the same person. The allegation is either factually correct or it isn't.
    If it is correct then the only conspiracy is one to defraud the insurance companies involved in order to rescue failing businesses.
    With a resultant loss of life.

    Shooting the messenger is no solution.
  • What makes little to no sense is that has ever said this before, yet this bloke found it out easily

    I am all understanding of conspiracy when the ob and government are concerned but this geezer was a no one really
  • What makes little to no sense is that has ever said this before, yet this bloke found it out easily

    I am all understanding of conspiracy when the ob and government are concerned but this geezer was a no one really

    Not exactly easily, it's (apparently) taken him years to get all the evidence together, if it was that easy he'd have revealed it before now surely. Assuming everything he says is in fact on the level of course.
  • When I say easy I don't mean in a few mins but for a random guy to find out and no one else even think about doing it seems strange
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