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Road Rage

yesterday on A2 near falconwood turn offtowards london , this ahole is on hard shoulder he pulls onto the Az infront of me no signal. Brakes , anchors, hail marys(not really Curb it !) and everything i just miss tail ending him. have my old dear in car as its Mums day and all. I couldnt even sound horn as to occupied with not hiting him.

Im steaming. So i catch this twat up he is on the phone !! He then goes off at Sun in Sands Rouns about, turns full right and then first left not signaling once as he is on phone. I pull up leave mum in car telling me not to do anything silly and go over to this twat , who is stillon the phone. "fucking important mate is it" i ask as i pull the door open. He looks at me as if he aint done f all wrong. Trying not to foam at the mouth i tell him what has just happened because he has been on the blower while driving at 50 MPH on the A2 no signals etc. He then says" sorry i dont really speak English to well". After a few old English anglo saxon words i walk back to my motor and drive off. I should have just pulled the f ing phone off him and chucked it in the road.


  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]. I should have just pulled the f ing phone off him and chucked it in the road.

    Could have given it to your mum for mothers day.
  • I was in the car with the missus a few years ago and some little shyte was right up my arris, signalling and trying to get past. He finally shot past me on a roundabout, slowed down and stopped in front of me. After being told by Laura to stay in the car I got out, walked up to the car, chinned him through the open window and screamed at him "have you got a f*ckin problem mate" he looked up at me with a look of terror and said in a sheepish voice "no I've run out of petrol!"
  • Haha. That one is actually quite a good story.
  • [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]I was in the car with the missus a few years ago and some little shyte was right up my arris, signalling and trying to get past. He finally shot past me on a roundabout, slowed down and stopped in front of me. After being told by Laura to stay in the car I got out, walked up to the car, chinned him through the open window and screamed at him "have you got a f*ckin problem mate" he looked up at me with a look of terror and said in a sheepish voice "no I've run out of petrol!"

    I hope you apologised...
  • edited March 2008
    I had to apologise to my wife who was in tears when I got back in the car.

    He was still being a cnut before he ran out of petrol so he sort of deserved it!
  • [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]I was in the car with the missus a few years ago and some little shyte was right up my arris, signalling and trying to get past. He finally shot past me on a roundabout, slowed down and stopped in front of me. After being told by Laura to stay in the car I got out, walked up to the car, teabagged him through the open window and screamed at him "have you got a f*ckin problem mate" he looked up at me with a look of terror and said in a sheepish voice "no I've run out of petrol!"

  • TWICE this morning I was forced to take evasive action to avoid being hit head on by women in 4 by 4s talking on their mobile phones.

    In both cases they were completely oblivious to what was occurring in front of them.

    I'm just thankful a child didn't step in front of either of them.
  • I have to agree that talking on a mobile whilst driving is just stupid! Then again we see so many people doing stupid things on the roads these days that its just one in a long line of things.
  • woman drove past me trying to cross the south circular this morning putting on blusher and looking in the mirror. div.
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]woman drove past me trying to cross the south circular this morning putting on blusher and looking in the mirror. div.

    That's quite common. I see it all the time on my way to work. You'd think some people would either get up 15 minutes earlier or wait until they get to work.
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  • indeed, its stupid at any time, but this particular junction of the south circular -westmount road/brownhill road with burnt ash hill/baring road where there are always hazards - no pedestrian crossing, dodgy lane layout going from 3 to 2 lanes, bad turning right lane etc, i'm surprised there are not more accidents there. idiots.
  • lol at Dave Mehmet...thats a classic mate
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]TWICE this morning I was forced to take evasive action to avoid being hit head on by women in 4 by 4s talking on their mobile phones.

    In both cases they were completely oblivious to what was occurring in front of them.

    I'm just thankful a child didn't step in front of either of them.

    Didn't know you are a west londoner Len?
  • [cite]Posted By: StanmoreAddick[/cite]
    Didn't know you are a west londoner Len?

    This was chavvy Medway believe it or not!
  • They need those 4x4's though Len, how else do they get the caravan around?!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]They need those 4x4's though Len, how else do they get the caravan around?!

  • Oi !!!

    Please don't stereo type everyone who lives in Medway!!

  • Ok I'm sorry maria, it won't happen again.

    ps: what time was it you're relaying my driveway?

    There are no wheels on my house!

    Len, never underestimate the predictability of stupidity of Medway residents however. I do very little drivng around the towns and when I do I am reminded why I chose not to!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]Ok I'm sorry maria, it won't happen again.

    ps: what time was it you're relaying my driveway?

    Ohhhhhh - so brave from behind your keyboard!! ;-)
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  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]OIIIII!

    There are no wheels on my house!

    Len, never underestimate the predictability of stupidity of Medway residents however. I do very little drivng around the towns and when I do I am reminded why I chose not to!!

    I've lived in Medway a long time and some of the driving during the rush hour is appalling! The Walderslade and Bowaters (Tescos) Roundabouts to quote two examples that spring to mind!
  • Ohhhhhh - so brave from behind your keyboard!! ;-)

    Medders taught me well ;-)
  • should still have horse and carts down there be alot easier and eco friendly as well.
  • I headbutted someone at the Walderslade roundabout once (we are talking about Bridgewood?) I'm not proud of it but it was years ago. You're right, the bloody thing has lanes painted in the road. All you have to do is stay in the right one or indicate and move!

    As for Bowaters, when I took my driving test I was told that was the hardest part..... Again I found that staying in the correct lane takes all the stress out of the hardship!!

    Lets not forget the Roundabout opposite the Tiger Moth. You can see some incredibly daft manoevering there.
  • My favorute round about is the one by the train station in lewisham, nobody seems to care about lanes/signlas or anything there, I used to go over it daily and it would leave me a nervous wreck.
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]Lets not forget the Roundabout opposite the Tiger Moth. You can see some incredibly daft manoevering there.

    Mostly Doris's coming out of Toys R Us in their 4x4's
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]My favorute round about is the one by the train station in lewisham, nobody seems to care about lanes/signlas or anything there, I used to go over it daily and it would leave me a nervous wreck.

    I attempted that on a bike once. my god, i went round it screaming. so relieved to get across it alive i had to stop for a rest by the police station.

    Did the same going round trafalgar square, scary.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]My favorute round about is the one by the train station in lewisham, nobody seems to care about lanes/signlas or anything there, I used to go over it daily and it would leave me a nervous wreck.

    every morning on my way to the gym I try to turn right coming from the centre end heading towards tesco and every morning whoever is in the centre lane going straight on drifts into the right hand lane and almost into me , it's the same at the world of leather roundabout.
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    I attempted that on a bike once. my god, i went round it screaming. so relieved to get across it alive i had to stop for a rest by the police station.

    Did the same going round trafalgar square, scary.

    coming from peckham/brockley cross towards that roundabout is the absolute worst, with the damn busses (and frigging loads of them i once counted 9 busses in the approach bit to the roundabout after the bridge, 9 it was a squeeze i tell thee) coming out from the garage its an nightmare even if i am later around 7 thirty ish its still rubbish sometimes, still the best way fro me to go tho as its better still than arseole blackheath hill!!!!!! I hate driving through that, so many thick melts on the road!
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