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UEFA are crapping themselves... the prospect of Chelsea and Man U fans in Russian. I read it with a William Gaillard voice that was almost about to break into tears. (from the BBC)

Uefa has issued a warning to Manchester United and Chelsea fans without a ticket for the Champions League final on 21 May - do not travel to Moscow. European football's governing body has struck a deal with Russia where visa requirements for the 42,000-plus fans with tickets are waived for 72 hours. But Uefa spokesman William Gaillard has told BBC Sport that its advice for fans without tickets is: "Don't go there. Spare yourself the aggravation of being rejected at the stadium.I would tell the fans 'be reasonable, stay put" it's going to be expensive"

That move means that the situation for fans with tickets - which have already been issued by the clubs - becomes crystal clear. But it also further complicates matters for Chelsea and United fans pondering whether to travel to the Russian capital. Uefa, however, insists that conditions would not be favourable for ticketless supporters.

Gaillard added: "I would tell the fans 'be reasonable, stay put' because otherwise you are going to have to pay for a full visa, it will be complicated to get it in most cases as you will have no proof of hotel reservations - and, of course, no ticket. It's going to be expensive. The Russian authorities are going to be very strict about people trying to get into the stadium with counterfeit tickets or tickets that don't really belong to them. People who are not sober will also find it difficult around the stadium because the Russian law on alcohol consumption is very tough."

Gaillard said that although there will be a designated 'Fans' Park' in Moscow in which to watch the game, he questioned the wisdom of travelling across Europe just for that experience. "Is it worth spending all that money just to go to a Fans' Park when I'm sure there will be plenty of public places in the UK showing the game," he said.


  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]The Russian authorities are going to be very strict about people trying to get into the stadium with counterfeit tickets or tickets that don't really belong to them

    until you slip them a few rubles of course.
  • "the russian law on alcohol is very high " lol u sure
  • Uefa should just be happy it wasn't a Liverpool/Utd final
  • That's the least of their worries - giving Rangers 13k for their final is the biggest problem. WTF is that all about this. City's stadium hold over 40k.

    They should open OT and put a large screen in there Rangers fans will fill that up as well.
  • On the radio other day it said as many as 100,000 could be in Manchester for the game.

    The Neddle Man has a ticket.
  • The visas are a nightmare to get at the best of times.

    Went out there a couple of years ago and it took me ages. In the end I got the travel office at my work to organise it but it took them 3 goes before it was granted.
  • This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"
  • Maybe EUFA thought that would deter those travelling without a ticket ...... ?
  • [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"

    spot on, what i was gonna say. uefa = muppetts!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]

    Gaillard said that although there will be a designated 'Fans' Park' in Moscow in which to watch the game, he questioned the wisdom of travelling across Europe just for that experience. "Is it worth spending all that money just to go to a Fans' Park when I'm sure there will be plenty of public places in the UK showing the game," he said.
    I question the purpose of the Fans' Park.
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  • Why choose Moscow ? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz its the magic kerching kerching kerching its what EUFA are all about and always have been Money money money.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"[/quote]

    Exactly, surely all this should have been thought about when they pitched for the final?
  • [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"

  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"

    It was worse when they had the final in Turkey in 2005, a few years after two Leeds fans were stabbed to death.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Why choose Moscow ? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz its the magic kerching kerching kerching its what EUFA are all about and always have been Money money money.

    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]This all begs the question "Why choose Moscow as the host in the first place if it's such an inhospitable environment/difficult to get into?"

    Exactly, surely all this should have been thought about when they pitched for the final?

    Eufa are the 2nd most inefficient organisation in the world after FIFA. This should have been included in the bid, nota couple of weeks before the match. Wonderful stadiums, well prepared ... oh the fans won't be able to get there .. sorry Bognor has won it.
  • plus moscow only has 35000 hotel rooms great for a game that would attract 10 times that
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