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Another brainwave from the EFL bosses.

Hot on the heels of the exciting innovation of inviting the Premier League to play their under 23 clubs in the EFL cup (I can hardly wait for tomorrow) comes news in the Sunday Telegraph of another brainwave - this time to ask the league clubs if they want to invite Celtic and Rangers to join the new planned "5th Division". (This new Division in itself yet another wonderful innovation)

Accrington Stanley against Celtic. I can't wait.

And then it struck me. Do you think Squirrel Face is advising the League? After all, it needs a special sort of mind to think of this nonsense.



  • More bollox.
  • I'd love to bring the wanky Scottish clubs into the English league system, no chance of them ever being in the champions league again and they'd struggle to ever get higher than mid championship. Stick them in the 10th tier and let them fight up towards the top though.
  • But the TV rights they're currently getting would go down significantly, they would lose the European games and players won't really want to play in the 5th division of English football will they? Bring them into the league, at the bottom where they'd belong, and they won't get anywhere near the top 6 premiership clubs for a very long time. They'd be much better off being the sharks in the murky pond that is the SPFL, than trying to enter the English system and realising they are a tinpot minnow
  • Imagine the Plymouth fans having to travel to Glasgow.
  • Ahem. When we Brexit and Scotland leaves the UK, Rangers & Celtic will have about as much right to play in the English League as Barcelona.
  • edited August 2016
    sam3110 said:

    But the TV rights they're currently getting would go down significantly, they would lose the European games and players won't really want to play in the 5th division of English football will they? Bring them into the league, at the bottom where they'd belong, and they won't get anywhere near the top 6 premiership clubs for a very long time. They'd be much better off being the sharks in the murky pond that is the SPFL, than trying to enter the English system and realising they are a tinpot minnow

    Their tv rights are pretty poor anyway (The TV rights income for the entire SPL, not just Celtic, is £15m per season!), it's only really CL money that would affect them, and they would still be chosen to be on telly every week no matter what league they are in because of the tv ratings they will attract. They will also have huge financial backing by supporters, owners and sponsors because of the potential and the media coverage.
    They don't need to bring in the best European players for the lower leagues, they just need to bring in the best players for that league as we did in League 1 last time and they could easily afford that and attract them. Vast majority of players in any league would jump at the chance to play for them over any other club.
    It would take several years, obviously depending on where they started, but easily attainable.
  • I'd be surprised if their spending power would ever be able to match the Premier League Parachute Payments so even if they could get into the Championship it would be very thought to go further.

    Based on the new money deal I find it inconceivable that the top two in the Championship will ever include a side without Parachute payments moving forward. They get £150m a season. That would be enough to buy the best player in all 24 Championship clubs.

    Rangers and Celtic would need a £50 injection or be outrageously lucky to get into the Premier League.

    Then if they did get in I can't see them ever winning it. At the moment they share the Scottish League. Their fans might lose interest after close to a decade of climbing the EFL and then struggling to finish top six in the Premier League.
  • What would be the benefit for Celtic and Rangers? Next to none. Sounds like a badly thought out load of nonsense.
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  • If e.g. Celtic or Rangers were in the EFL it would be a matter of time before they were in the Premier. Their profile would lift even higher and they would be more likely to be taken over/bankrolled by someone with squillions. Having watched some Scottish Premier football his season it's not to bad or far off the Championship level. Whether they should be invited or not is a different matter. Comments like 'wanky Scottish Clubs'........well thought out football commentary?
  • If it was squirrel face behind it Belgium clubs would be invited as well.

    Anyway this head of EFL has some history with Leeds and Bradford going into receivership whilst he was involved at both clubs.

    How do these losers get these jobs?
  • Dansk_Red said:

    Imagine the Plymouth fans having to travel to Glasgow.

    They'd have more than we do for journeys half that distance (new ground syndrome excepted)
  • edited August 2016
    They would become average premier league clubs. Not sure what the long term gain for the EFL would be! Stupid really. They are also two clubs shrouded in bigotry. Why would you want that!
  • Think the police might have a view on letting 'The Old Firm, into the league system. Do we want really want to import all of their religious bigotry and english hating nonsense into our game?
  • Nicola Sturgeon would be absolutely livid!

    Scotland are much better off on their own … different of of course if one of their many friends in Europe invite them to join in a league of mutual friendship and understanding.
  • The old firm plating in England, what an original idea.

    It will never happen for various reasons, one being the baggage both clubs bring an other the effect it will have on the Scottish league.
  • The only way either club could be successful would be by ditching the sectarian rubbish.

    They would also lose a lot of support in England and Ireland if they become regular opposition to people's first teams.
  • Can't see it happening simply because the English clubs won't vote to let them in. Their inclusion is of absolutely no benefit to English football.
  • Swansea seem to be doing OK in "English" football.
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  • edited August 2016
    Why would the Glasgow clubs choose to drop four levels with no guarantee that they will climb through the English system?

    You would expect them to, of course. But how long will it take? Five years? Ten? Fifteen? How much Champions League cash would they miss out on per season?

    Then tell me it makes sense for them to join the English league system.
  • Well it won't bother Rangers who've gone years without champions league cash anyway. Plus Scotland only gets one place currently.

    However, i'm pretty sure that if the 2 sides were given the opportunity, then both would jump at the chance to join English football. Celtic would almost certainly forego a few years with no CL money, considering they'd get 100-150m for reaching the premier league 4-5 years down the line.
  • Swansea seem to be doing OK in "English" football.

    Swansea's time spent as an 'also-ran' at the top table in the English league in comparison to its total time spent in the 4 divisions isn't exactly going to inspire the old firm teams to emulate them from a new 5th division
  • Swansea's time spent as an 'also-ran' at the top table in the English league in comparison to its total time spent in the 4 divisions isn't exactly going to inspire the old firm teams to emulate them from a new 5th division
    Swansea don't have a global fanbase and get 50-60k home crowds though.
  • Can't see it happening simply because the English clubs won't vote to let them in. Their inclusion is of absolutely no benefit to English football.

    Both clubs could average circa 70k in the premiership and away support that will lead to ooharh's death.

    There is a big benefit to having them here especially the lower league that they would start in. Will never happen of course, celtic v Chelsea anyone?
  • edited August 2016

    They'd have more than we do for journeys half that distance (new ground syndrome excepted)
    They had 362 at Carlisle on 13th August, Glasgow is approx 80miles further, the train journey takes about 8hours, I think the overall cost would be prohibited for some. Although match day tickets at Celtic are reasonable at £26, would also be interesting whether what they would be allowed to use the rail seating in the standing configuration they reach the Championship.
  • Dansk_Red said:

    Imagine the Plymouth fans having to travel to Glasgow.

    Not much different than travelling to Carlisle.

  • Both clubs could average circa 70k in the premiership and away support that will lead to ooharh's death.

    There is a big benefit to having them here especially the lower league that they would start in. Will never happen of course, celtic v Chelsea anyone?
    What's the benefit then?

    Each lower league club would get 2 big home crowds for 1 season. Great.
  • What would be the benefit for Celtic and Rangers? Next to none. Sounds like a badly thought out load of nonsense.

    There would be enormous long term benefit for both. Sure they might have a few years working their way up the leagues but once the Glasgow Giants had access to Premier League money and as a result some serious sponsorship along with their worldwide fan base and impressive home gates I can't see any reason why they couldn't compete at the top end of the table. Would also make both clubs very attractive to overseas investors.

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